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    Use "precipitancy" em uma frase

    precipitancy frases de exemplo


    1. An act of so much precipitancy and presumption would seal the downfall of precocious intellect forever

    2. Despite Angel Clare's plausible representation to himself and to Tess of the practical need for their immediate marriage, there was in truth an element of precipitancy in the step, as became apparent at a later date

    3. His brothers had not replied at all, seeming to be indignant with him; while his father and mother had written a rather sad letter, deploring his precipitancy in rushing into marriage, but making the best of the matter by saying that, though a dairywoman was the last daughter-in-law they could have expected, their son had arrived at an age which he might be supposed to be the best judge

    4. She would have known as much without previous information if she had waited a moment, for one of the brothers proceeded to say: "Ah! poor Angel, poor Angel! I never see that nice girl without more and more regretting his precipitancy in throwing himself away upon a dairymaid, or whatever she may be

    5. For in his Natural History, the Baron himself affirms that at sight of the Sperm Whale, all fish (sharks included) are "struck with the most lively terrors," and "often in the precipitancy of their flight dash themselves against the rocks with such violence as to cause instantaneous death

    6. Before Miriam could reply, a young man who had discovered her from afar advanced with what was evidently an unusual degree of precipitancy

    7. He asked, why rush with this precipitancy into the war? Are you provided with means to annoy the enemy, or to defend yourselves? Have you an army or navy which can make any impression? Are your exposed towns fortified and garrisoned? Was any nation ever less prepared for war? It would require the whole military force that you now possess to constitute an adequate defence for New Orleans, New York, and Newport

    8. Troup said that on occasions of this kind great care should be taken lest the House be hurried by a momentary excitement into an act of precipitancy

    9. Nelson said it appeared to him that according to the importance of subjects, so is our precipitancy

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    Sinônimos para "precipitancy"

    abruptness precipitance precipitancy precipitateness precipitousness suddenness