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    Use "prepare for" em uma frase

    prepare for frases de exemplo

    prepare for

    1. to please encourage our young men (even teens) to begin early to prepare for their role in the leadership of the church

    2. Nathan's part in this ordeal was something I did not anticipate, let alone prepare for

    3. A thorough knowledge of the qualification and duties of elders will help a congregation to properly prepare for the selection of elders

    4. Forest: If the trees are high and nice, you will inherit a fortune; if you are alone and gloomy in a forest, it indicates that you can't distinguish who your true friends are; if the forest is on fire, prepare for disaster

    5. If the water is dirty, prepare for failure

    6. Then all at once, Alexis stood up, saluted again and said, 'Please excuse me, sir, now I have to prepare for the funeral services

    7. There was nothing left to do, but prepare for the battle the next day

    8. He told him what they were planning on doing, and suggested that he warn Jake to prepare for a major attack

    9. She is dropping a year now to prepare for the medical

    10. I would have to prepare for the school meeting by myself

    11. “Leave that to me, and trust me once more, or prepare for a redress you won’t forget,” I said

    12. The nurses attending Bex prepare for her to be moved for her scan and then on to the intensive care unit, where she will be managed until her protective reflexes begin to recover

    13. One of his chores as soon as he could walk was to help prepare for, and clean up after, the family meals

    14. Now that he had his people out on their shifts’s assignments, he was left with this summons and figuring out what this meeting with the committee was about and how he should prepare for it

    15. Allcock, stayed at home to continue there new acquaintance, and prepare for the weeks ahead

    16. After New Year's day they began to prepare for returning to their places in the world at large--- Harry to Malvern and the Lent term, the ladies to their vocations in Stratford

    17. 10His sons will prepare for war and 137

    18. Kit had left for Salt Lake that morning, to prepare for his graduation

    19. 9Proclaim this among the nations: Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors!

    20. More than the time he took me fishing to prepare for

    21. prepare for a wedding by celebrating death and wearing my

    22. enemies, and the people will prepare for the Desire of Nations to

    23. We will prepare for the coming of the King

    24. that will prepare for the second

    25. that was to come, we could help prepare for it or avert it, but it

    26. coming so they could prepare for it

    27. wisdom to us so we can prepare for what He is doing

    28. Now he had to prepare for the withdrawal and evacuation of close on one and a half million beings

    29. I waited in the hallway, while everyone left the house to prepare for the ceremony

    30. To see a vanity in your dream suggests that there is something that you need to prepare for

    31. admirers to prepare for the Crystal City

    32. The midwife visited and gave lessons in how to prepare for the birth of our babies

    33. Once the suit was again focused on the spaceman, it said, ‘Please relax your muscles and prepare for immobilisation

    34. ‘Prepare for eight gees acceleration in ten seconds

    35. The group dispersed back to their seats to prepare for landing

    36. better approach next time, or that humanity could at least prepare for its arrival

    37. You will prepare for us a meal with the

    38. There, the Milo would prepare for the next summer on the Bering Sea and look for another

    39. However, this period gave the Shenandoah plenty of time to prepare for the action expected in the North

    40. The sun was now beginning to set and the ferocious heat of the day was dying down and I knew that I must now prepare for when darkness fell I had believed at times that today would go on forever a living nightmare but I now knew it was coming to a close

    41. “Well we must prepare for the Courts Martial and put some kind of defence together but what that is going to be I don’t know yet the thing is at the moment your looking at the death penalty make no mistake about that

    42. “With greatest respect uncle, I need to prepare for my lessons tomorrow

    43. You need to prepare for that ahead of time

    44. Basically, when your muscle is in the stretched position of an explosive move such as a vertical jump, the muscles and tendons store energy to prepare for the next contraction or explosive move

    45. San Francisco had two weeks to prepare for the game and rather than a letdown, came in to it with all cylinders firing

    46. Finally, Jhordel rose and said, “Prepare for the jump

    47. Now get a move on, everyone! Time to wake up and prepare for another stroll through the woods!”

    48. Slowly, the quartet wended its way back towards the top deck, hiding behind crates, ducking into small rooms, and moving quickly into the shadows and letting crew members dart by in their haste to prepare for the storm

    49. shutters and prepare for a great thunderstorm

    50. How many times did you sit in the consulting room and it is rather obvious that the lawyer did not prepare for your case and sit there reading your file in front of you? That is the ultimate disrespect but is happens all the time

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