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privates frases de exemplo
1. The soldiers in the trenches escaped into the town, however, and only eight privates and a corporal were captured
2. Wounded officers lay at the front, refusing to be moved until privates had received attention
3. On July 6th the truce was extended for the exchange of Lieutenant Arias and fourteen privates for Lieutenant Hobson and the crew of the “Merrimac
4. The effervescible Latins were roused again, though several officers and privates deserted in the night and entered the Cuban lines
5. Inez, killing three privates, and wounding Colonel Pascual, Lieutenant Diaz, and fifteen men
6. Their Hontoria planted three shells at the foot of our outworks, and one, tearing its way through the military crest of the ridge, burst under a bomb proof, killing Captain Rowell and Nelson, and wounding Lieutenant Lutz and several privates
7. The next man was one of the replacement privates who had serious blisters on his feet from poorly fitting shoes
8. They were privates in fatigues who were obviously on some sort of work detail, and were uncertain what to do about this sergeant who was sitting with his head on the steering wheel of an ambulance parked in the kaserne quadrangle
9. The faces of the privates remained hidden behind the
10. “Reno, you want him taken out?” said one of the privates
11. Below, the privates and Reno charged
12. Apparently, shaving one’s privates was a disgusting and
13. She washed him lovingly holding his privates and lathering them delicately with soap
14. ’ The girl breaks into tears and the audience is even more shocked at his callous insensitivity than they were at the girl showing them her privates
15. “These two privates were captured too
16. They had stripped down to nothing but pieces of tree bark and leaves hiding their tender privates from the elements, and even painted their weapons in camouflage colors
17. “Activate your shields! Privates Tonen and Votek, lead the way out through the hallway towards the destroyed North Wing
18. privates in the process, thereby exposing myself to every femme
19. She also found out that most of them had been paid ridiculously low salaries for the work they did, to the point that their army salary as simple privates was at least as much as they had done in their previous workplaces
20. A keep was a protective fence patrolled by himself and two other privates armed with the Rhodesian arsenal’s most ancient Lee Enfield
21. He fiddled his privates and
22. member rubbed the top of her privates
23. was laughing and said to the woman, ’Since you like the privates,
24. The best regiment in an army is that in which officers and privates take an equal interest in the efficiency of the whole corps
25. It is the ferment in which the officers trust the privates and the privates trust the officers, as they did when they fought through that eventful night at Rorke's Drift in the Zulu war
26. The God above must have felt enraged at the conduct of the crowd, and felt the need for the Privates of His Own amongst them
27. privates dangling, or covered with grass:
28. privates with the robe and tightening the belt to keep it in place
29. started a close up lap dance grinding his privates into Gary’s face and
30. Twenty five dollars was a lot to have a girl straddle his face with her privates
31. privates; and I don't know any great colt breakers who haven't been
32. privates even when they least expect it
33. more than assigned privates, but the mountain manag-
34. Tell the believing men to restrain their looks, and to guard their privates
35. 'Faith, her privates we
36. CISSY CAFFREY: (To The Crowd) No, I was with the privates
37. Two NCOs and three privates and no Volkheimer
38. The corporal propped his gloved hands on his hips and looked back and forth between the two privates
39. The privates looked at each other again, then drew deep breaths, almost in unison
40. A preschooler comes home from school with a weird bruise or an odd comment about her privates: her teachers are Satan worshipers
41. I headed into the room and saw Jason Blayney raise his hands, dropping the stained sheet he’d been holding in front of his privates
42. The limited partnerships referred to here are privates exempt from SEC registration under Regulation D because each has fewer than 35 investors
43. From privates to general they were not expecting a battle and were engaged in peaceful occupations, the cavalry feeding the horses and the infantry collecting wood
44. Ahead of them strolled the Japanese sergeant; behind came the three privates
45. They found that two of the privates had been taken away, and one remained to guard them, with the sergeant
46. At present there are no privates in a bomber crew
47. A common and natural result of an undue respect for law is, that you may see a file of soldiers, colonel, captain, corporal, privates, powder-monkeys, and all, marching in admirable order over hill and dale to the wars, against their wills, ay, against their common sense and consciences, which makes it very steep marching indeed, and produces a palpitation of the heart
48. ’ It was just the same with every one, from generals to privates
49. All these Cossacks were privates, and although the cornet assumed the airs of a commanding officer, they only obeyed Lukashka
50. On the return journey, as the party was crossing a road which cut through one of the communicating trenches, a shell struck the road, killing two privates and fatally wounding Corporal W——