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promissory note
1. When the people of any particular country have such confidence in the fortune, probity and prudence of a particular banker, as to believe that he is always ready to pay upon demand such of his promissory notes as are likely to be at any time presented to him, those notes come to have the same currency as gold and silver money, from the confidence that such money can at any time be had for them
2. The same exchanges may be made, the same quantity of consumable goods may be circulated and distributed to their proper consumers, by means of his promissory notes, to the value of a hundred thousand pounds, as by an equal value of gold and silver money
3. Let us suppose, for example, that the whole circulating money of some particular country amounted, at a particular time, to one million sterling, that sum being then sufficient for circulating the whole annual produce of their land and labour; let us suppose, too, that some time thereafter, different banks and bankers issued promissory notes payable to the bearer, to the extent of one million, reserving in their different coffers two hundred thousand pounds for answering occasional demands ; there would remain, therefore, in circulation, eight hundred thousand pounds in gold and silver, and a million of bank notes, or eighteen hundred thousand pounds of paper and money together
4. It is chiefly by discounting bills of exchange, that is, by advancing money upon them before they are due, that the greater part of banks and bankers issue their promissory notes
5. The banker, who advances to the merchant whose bill he discounts, not gold and silver, but his own promissory notes, has the advantage of being able to discount to a greater amount by the whole value of his promissory notes, which he finds, by experience, are commonly in circulation
6. They invented, therefore, another method of issuing their promissory notes; by granting what they call cash accounts, that is, by giving credit, to the extent of a certain sum (two or three thousand pounds for example), to any individual who could procure two persons of undoubted credit and good landed estate to become surety for him, that whatever money should be advanced to him, within the sum for which the credit had been given, should be repaid upon demand, together with the legal interest
7. The banks, when their customers apply to them for money, generally advance it to them in their own promissory notes
8. To restrain private people, it may be said, from receiving in payment the promissory notes of a banker for any sum, whether great or small, when they themselves are willing to receive them; or, to restrain a banker from issuing such notes, when all his neighbours are willing to accept of them, is a manifest violation of that natural liberty, which it is the proper business of law not to infringe, but to support
9. It would be otherwise, indeed, with a paper money, consisting in promissory notes, of which the immediate payment depended, in any respect, either upon the good will of those who issued them, or upon a condition which the holder of the notes might not always have it in his power to fulfil, or of which the payment was not exigible till after a certain number of years, and which, in the mean time, bore no interest
10. The promissory notes of those banking companies constituted, at that time, the far greater part of the currency of Scotland, which this uncertainty of payment necessarily degraded below value of gold and silver money
11. An act of parliament, accordingly, declared all such clauses unlawful, and suppressed, in the same manner as in Scotland, all promissory notes, payable to the bearer, under 20s
12. Proof that I was not “terminated for cause” came from the failure of management to mention my having to pay back my relocation costs for which I had executed a promissory note
13. ‘twould seem a promissory note which, of itself, has little worth
14. Promissory Note that creates the loan obligation
15. The Promissory Note lays out the terms and
16. The Promissory Note is where you want to control the private lending process in your favor and
17. We recommend the following two clauses in any Promissory Note with a private lender
18. "The Borrower reserves the right to prepay this Promissory Note (in
19. For example, let’s say you have a five year Promissory Note secured by a piece of real
20. penalty of several percentage points to allow you out of the Promissory Note
21. Promissory Note off early with no prepayment or interest penalty
22. paying off the private lender Promissory Note by substituting the collateral with a
23. Collection of cheques, dividends, bills or promissory notes on his behalf, and
24. Section 4 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 defines a promissory note as ‘an
25. In course of transfer of a promissory note by payee and others, the
26. a sum of rupees Five Thousand only’ it is a promissory note
27. Some times it can also be in the form of a promissory note
28. or a promissory note is not complete till it is delivered to its payee
29. Stamping of Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes is mandatory
30. Distinction between a Promissory Note and a Bill of Exchange
31. and promissory note obtain their main features and further phases of its
32. A promissory note is an unconditional promise in writing made by one
33. Certificate of deposit : It is an usance promissory note issued by bank enabling the
34. bills of exchange, and promissory notes
35. Then he recalled the scandal with a sharper, to whom he had lost money, and given a promissory note, and against whom he had himself lodged a complaint, asserting that he had cheated him
36. , a trust company holding its promissory notes) or else has been controlled by the same interests
37. that she had a promissory note from Anna Mikhaylovna for two thousand rubles, and asked
38. As always happens in such cases rivalry sprang up as to which should get paid first, and those who like Mitenka held promissory notes given them as presents now became the most exacting of the creditors
39. It owned $38 million in a promissory note of the parent acquired in 1986 and $2 million in demand notes of Integrated Life
40. But once the countess called her son and informed him that she had a promissory note from Anna Mikháylovna for two thousand rubles, and asked him what he thought of doing with it
41. As always happens in such cases rivalry sprang up as to which should get paid first, and those who like Mítenka held promissory notes given them as presents now became the most exacting of the creditors
42. Giles) says that the construction which I have given to that part of the constitution which prohibits the States from emitting bills of credit, would apply equally to promissory notes given by one individual to another under the laws of a State, as to a bank bill
43. Permit me to inquire of that gentleman whether he ever saw a law authorizing one man to give another his promissory note? He may search the pandects of Justinian; he may turn over the leaves of the musty volumes written upon the common law, from the days of Bracton and Fleta down to the present day, and his search will be in vain
44. For the right to make contracts, the right to give promissory notes, is antecedent to, and independent of all municipal law
45. The gentleman will find laws and decisions in abundance, regulating the effect of endorsements and other collateral circumstances, and prescribing the manner of enforcing the payment of promissory notes, but he will never find a law giving the right to execute the promissory note
46. Here is a positive, unconditional, indispensable prerequisite, to be complied with before the President was authorized to exercise the power given to him; a specific fact was to exist, and he was empowered simply to make its existence known to the nation; no discretion was allowed; nothing left to doubtful construction—no conditional promissory note of a perfidious agent, of a more perfidious master, was contemplated by the law