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proposer frases de exemplo
1. In the centre of the scene stood the candidate, between his Proposer and
2. And the Proposer said: “I will
3. ‘Very well, do we have a proposer for the motion for the said recommendations to be submitted by this assembly as an advisory document in the process of compiling a directive of the Emergency Action Department of the United Nations, which, if you can believe it, abbreviates as DEADUN
4. Getting the structure of your proposals right is one of the most effective lessons you can learn, and gives the proposer both power and control
5. I think I also got a marriage proposal, but the proposer was so drunk I couldn’t understand a word of it
6. But let me conjure you, by the rights of our fellowship, by the consonancy of our youth, by the obligation of our ever-preserved love, and by what more dear a better proposer could charge you withal, be even and direct with me, whether you were sent for, or no?
7. The difficulty which the children encounter in answering a question of that character is due to the same cause which makes it impossible for the average boy to answer the question: Three sons were to Noah, [1] —Shem, Ham, and Japheth,—who was their father? The difficulty is not mathematical, but syntactical, which is due to the fact that in the statement of the problem and in the question there is not one and the same subject; but when to the syntactical difficulty there is added the awkwardness of the proposer of the problems in expressing himself in Russian, the matter becomes of greater difficulty still to the pupil; but the trouble is no longer mathematical
8. He meant to make no reflection against the proposer of the gunboat system, but he did against those who had only given one-half of the system, and omitted the other—the marine militia
9. Leib presented the memorial of Oliver Evans, stating that the memorialist verily believes himself to be the original proposer of steam-boats and steam-wagons in the United States, (Doctor Franklin only excepted;) and that he conceives his patent, dated February 14, 1804, secured to him the right to use his engine for boats, mills, and land carriages, and praying to be left in full possession of those rights, for reasons stated at large in the memorial; which was read, and ordered to lie on the table