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    1. The gentleman would take away from the Territorial Governors the power to prorogue and dissolve the Assemblies

    2. Retain the qualified veto, and take away the power to prorogue and dissolve, and what will be the consequence? The moment a misunderstanding takes place between the Legislature and Executive, legislation is at an end; and where legislation ends, revolution begins, and there is an end of government

    3. In the ordinance for the government of the Northwestern Territory will be found this article: "The Governor shall have power to prorogue and dissolve the General Assembly, when, in his opinion, it shall be expedient

    4. Let it be recollected, that the power to prorogue and dissolve is one of the highest prerogatives of the King of England: that it crept into the governments of his colonies, and thence into this ordinance, previous to the adoption of the constitution

    5. Take away from the Governor his power to prorogue and dissolve, leave him the veto, and there will soon be collision

    6. The Chief Executive Magistrate is charged with the execution of the laws; is commander-in-chief of the militia; has the sole power of appointment to offices, civil and military, within the Territory, and the removal of these officers at pleasure; is vested with an unqualified veto on all bills passed by the other co-ordinate branches of the Legislature; and is, moreover, clothed with the odious and arbitrary authority to prorogue and dissolve the General Assembly whenever, in his opinion, it shall be expedient

    7. taking away the power to prorogue would not deprive the governors of their veto on laws, 40;

    1. the North of Ireland would be prorogued by the British

    1. —In the House, bill reported to take away from Governors of Territories the power of proroguing or dissolving their legislature, 39;

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    prorogue defer hold over postpone put off put over remit set back shelve table