Use "prospective" em uma frase
prospective frases de exemplo
1. ’ I said, as they take up another story about a prospective wind farm in the Bishop’s Lydiard area
2. Try to look at this endeavor not as a prospective husband/wife hunt but as an effort to
3. He ran the whole thing from Taunton – prospective travellers would be instructed to appear in the office there and speak to Chitter who would relieve them of the travel fee and bank it in an account held in Stowman’s name – Milli was very helpful, she’d kept records of all the visitors – stonecrack! Chitter nearly pissed himself when he found that out
4. Do they have sitting tenants in Greece? How could we insist a prospective buyer must let him stay? There was much to find out
5. The tycoon was only too happy to entertain such well known newly weds and he invited them to a party with all of his friends, acquaintances and prospective business colleagues
6. She suggested he be short and concise, and give her a gift, something useful from her prospective
7. What Are Good Keywords? "Good keywords" are the words that your prospective customer associates with your product or service
8. unimpressed with their prospective abode, but knew they
9. judge it through its historical prospective, like human
10. A resume (AmE) or CV (BrE) is usually requested by a prospective employer as a record of your qualifications and professional experience
11. As they enter the dining room, it is, to the students eating there, a fairly familiar sight: A prospective student and her parents being treated to lunch
12. Gloria listed the property because it was so inviting, but resolved to level with prospective buyers about the termites
13. * We see it in their resumes, where they very much exaggerate what Special Forces was and tries to apply the same with normal infantry battalions hoping the prospective employers would be too stupid to know the difference
14. He has been charged with going to war to become Governor of New York but one of his men, replying to this, said, “If the Colonel was looking out for a prospective governorship, it must have been in Hades, for no one courted death more
15. Taxpayers should not be blind-sided after the fact; that is to say, forced to pay taxes on what basically amounts to paying taxes on taxed income that has already been spent or planned on being spent, perhaps, but provided ample opportunity to properly assess (beforehand) the impact prospective tax increases, or tax reductions, for that matter, will have on their household budgets
16. The next step(s) will be to properly educate and train this prospective workforce in jobs that will hopefully offer every able-bodied individual an opportunity to earn a decent living
17. grievances, coupled with its lackadaisical application of the law(s), are not lost on attorneys eager to exploit such grievances by recruiting and manipulating prospective jurists from the ―community‖ who might prove (potentially) sympathetic to their argument(s)
18. There were also photos of him with very influential and famous people, obviously meant to impress prospective clients
19. Such principles, as they relate to Equal (Civil) Rights, for example, are recognized by social and political conventions allowing every individual, who is legally registered, for example, the right to vote or a licensed driver the right to own or operate an automobile or a prospective home buyer, with sufficient capital or credit, the right to purchase a house or a condo or whatever falls within his or her means
20. • What to look for when you interview prospective animal communicators
21. Prospective clients had to undergo a stringent background check before they were considered, and if they didn’t have an influential supporter like Mason had, then the process could take years
22. Of course all these prospective dates are at the least speculative, all that we can be relatively assured of by the many accounts, two of which I have used here, is that a flood of monumental proportions occurred somewhere north of the Mesopotamian landscape and probably sometime within the early organization of the farming communities that eventually were to attain the complexity of small city-states
23. ‘So, what?’ the prospective customer may say
24. The Alternative Close gives the prospective customer a choice of how to purchase the product
25. For example, ‘Would you like to buy the product in green or blue?’ After asking this question, shut up until after the prospective buyer replies
26. - Mimic the prospective buyer in every way
27. - Always double-check that your prospective buyer has the authority to make the purchase
28. As each prospective buyer ventured out under the soft light of the forest canopy, I found myself pointing out the individual trees as though they were people, telling something of each one's particular history
29. Nigel asked me to do background investigations on prospective candidates once they start the search process
30. But my attention would be on prospective band members and management personnel, and not on the murder investigation
31. We want profiles on the prospective band member, promoter, manager, and record companies
32. As reported in The American Enterprise, the Chronicle of Higher Education finds that prospective teacher applicants to colleges of education are asked key questions
33. A leading index to the real Barack Hussein Obama could be found in pre-election words spoken about the prospective appointment of Justices to the Supreme Court
34. Promoting your newsletter, finding prospective buyers and converting these
35. The Nationwide Tea Party Coalition hosts leadership conferences to identify and train prospective future leaders in the movement
36. applicants where he has actually had the prospective employee get angry with him regarding the manner in which he asked questions
37. knowing something about what we discussed in the interview, and, let me tell you, a lot of prospective employees don"t get by the
38. "Did you tell the prospective roommate that I live in a wheelchair?"
39. Prospective Study in the Netherlands, The Lancet, 358
40. Think of it this way, he is a bundle of our prospective money
41. NedTagger one of the most powerful Twitter apps that you can use to find customers and prospective customers on Twitter
42. Prospective customers will appreciate your openness and friendliness
43. On Twitter, when your followers or prospective customers interact with you in some way, it's like receiving a vote of confidence for your brand; and that positive interaction can spread to their network of friends and followers
44. Like a fool, I believed him, and paid a huge price both in terms of nearly being disbarred and becoming a pariah in whose face all prospective employers’ doors were slammed
45. The interviews with him and my prospective colleagues went very well
46. on the radar for the prospective job
47. Denver was and is one of the chapters with huge employment sites with job listings and it allows job seekers to post their resumes for prospective employers to examine
48. Hence, my prospective personal injury lawsuit for thousands of dollars using Laurie Jay’s law firm was pissed down the drain by my own insurer
49. other space enhancements while I wait for a prospective member to show up for their tour
50. His name, Jabez, means ‘he will cause pain’, which in itself is enough to drive any prospective clients away