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    Use "public servant" em uma frase

    public servant frases de exemplo

    public servant

    1. she thought of all and any public servants

    2. Wonderful public servant

    3. I would be more than remiss if I did not state, at this juncture, that Ted Kennedy was the furthest thing from a public servant

    4. ―To what extent does the public servant suppress the vocations of conscience in deference to the demands of the constituent or the nation security‖ (Profiles in Courage)

    5. Question: Should public servants be permitted to own stock in companies that routinely seek political favors within their immediate sphere of influence?

    6. "Really Inspector," she said, the scorn dripping from her voice, "I expected better than this from a public servant

    7. Any number of examples may be cited such as a public servant who compromises core principle values (or motivating factors), that would normally prompt that individual to act or behave differently, for (political) expediency or an individual, feeble in mind or body, who involuntarily acts contrary to how that individual might otherwise behave if he or she were not under emotional or physical duress or a

    8. It is true that there have always existed (the) opportunist‘s among us; so-called public servants who routinely violated their sacred oath by placing self-interest above the interests of the people; who viewed their respective offices as so many conduits for attaining power and prestige

    9. However, even with the help of an ex-public servant and now-lobbyist who knew how to approach government departments, he still would not succeed

    10. He understood he had been too blunt, but while trying to think what to say next and especially how to apologise, the public servant leaned closer to Ethan before continuing:

    11. “At the end of the day, we’re still public servants,” replied Andy with a feeling of justified indignation

    12. in the states where the public servants can be more closely watched

    13. Public servants at such a distance, & from under the eye of their constituents, must, from

    14. practices by which the public servants have been able to cover their conduct, or, where that could not be

    15. “Female police officers are incredible public servants and the general public is only

    16. He grabbed his bag paid me and I turned to leave only to be confronted by what I thought was a public servant

    17. such public servant or in the custody of a public servant

    18. Every senator, every congressional representative, and public servant in Washington had not said a word

    19. He had learnt nothing from his meeting at the Foreign Office, except that the Permanent Secretary was a very clever and astute public servant, who had got the better of him throughout

    20. But, don’t let vote-hungry public servants from the president on down get away with diminishing the greatness of what those real heroes did, by watering down the word so it’s lost its meaning

    21. One faithful evening, as we gathered in our village country home during a Christmas celebration, I asked our Dad his reasons for not contesting election into any deserving elective position as that would enable him to serve his country at the capacity of a public servant

    22. The sheriff being a devoted public servant showed no evidence of the fact that he was somewhat distressed that his Sunday meal was becoming ever colder with each passing moment

    23. Unless you were a Public Servant with zero responsibility and four or five spare hours of work-time a day, there was far too much information to absorb

    24. Although the president approves and gets credit for these treaties, legions of hardworking public servants laboring under the direction of the secretary of state actually hammer out the agreements

    25. At first, all public servants will continue to be paid in metal money, but those who desire it will be paid all or part of their wages in paper money of the same nominal value, which will be accepted in payment for their purchases at the National Stores and at the National Hotels, Restaurants and other places which will be established for the convenience of those in the State service

    26. `As the National Service Stores will sell practically everything that could be obtained elsewhere, and as twenty shillings in paper money will be able to purchase much more at the stores than twenty shillings of metal money would purchase anywhere else, it will not be long before nearly all public servants will prefer to be paid in paper money

    27. We would insist that all public servants—including police officers and schoolteachers—be trained in “mental health first aid

    28. Cameras rolled as Parisi told the press whatever politically correct blah-di-blah a public servant with a coronary in his history and probably another one in his future would say

    29. “Pity is misplaced in a public servant or a robber

    30. If this gentleman cannot boast of the military laurels which have adorned the brows of the patriots I have mentioned; as a statesman and faithful public servant, he stands inferior to none

    31. Before they discard a public servant, they will view him both on a political theatre, and in the walks of private life

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