Use "pusillanimous" em uma frase
pusillanimous frases de exemplo
1. Did I not see the truth of my brother’s condition? Was I so pusillanimous that I would not confront? Was I so spineless that I cherished their feelings over their eternal condition?
2. The radicals look on them as pusillanimous allies, more often as diversionists and renegades
3. Not to be outdone, Macedonian television is now awash with a lengthy ad depicting the precocious leader berating his pusillanimous and craven commanders ahead of a crucial battle
4. Pore girl, she’d better be dead than married to that pusillanimous Yankee Hilton
5. That pusillanimous fellow, Hilton, had some give them some of the money—I don’t know how much—if they’d kind of wink their eye about Mr
6. All he wanted was to lie down and close his eyes, but something in him felt that if he did, he wouldn’t open them again, and something else, something pusillanimous and unpunk, could not even now consent to that