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    Use "quite a lot of" em uma frase

    quite a lot of frases de exemplo

    quite a lot of

    1. “You like science fiction?” He nodded yes and she smiled at him, “Well now, the video store had quite a lot of them

    2. They had both been military fighters, and they brought quite a lot of weapons with them

    3. Breaking and entering was not something that Archibald had studied with his tutors, and so it was with some difficulty and quite a lot of noise that he eventually managed to force a window at the back of the ramshackle and degenerate building

    4. The kids asked quite a lot of questions but Gary didn’t mind – in fact he gave the general impression that he was enjoying himself

    5. She was glad that early in her afterlife she had given herself horses and learned to ride, she would have been in quite a lot of pain otherwise

    6. She found it took quite a lot of effort and concentration to move her arm toward the latch that let her out of here

    7. ‘Yes, there was quite a lot of opposition to the conversion

    8. accumulated quite a lot of it by now) to the park across

    9. indeed open – although there was still quite a lot of snow

    10. After that there was quite a lot of crackling followed by several voices replying “Roger”

    11. He had a feeling, with this one, there would be quite a lot of ice to break

    12. Sudan’s government is not on good terms with the US anyway, and it would take quite a lot of bombing to pressure them

    13. The stone was cast, quite a lot of the children were left looking

    14. She could see quite a lot of cars shooting past in the

    15. He has a favourite armchair and you will see quite a lot of references to chairs within the book, padded high backed ones are the best, coupled with a glass of port and a good leather bound book in front of the roaring fire

    16. During the whole tour, guide Ricardo showed quite a lot of humor

    17. "Apparently the old wreck has caused quite a lot of excitement, and there are men from a London paper who want to ask you questions about it

    18. Natalie checked the channels and found that there were quite a lot of satellite channels that she had not seen before

    19. This dual screen gaming handheld has opened up quite a lot of doors in terms of game development and its vast array of titles features some of the most innovative uses of the touch screen user input

    20. You may end up with quite a lot of links, but they will be very low quality, probably invisible to search engines, and in fact are a

    21. She appears tense quite a lot of the time

    22. Bill and me got through quite a lot of Sunny’s homebrew

    23. quite a lot of them

    24. There’s quite a lot of technical and financial information that needs analysis

    25. Then, suddenly, generally at the end of oneś career, at the time of retirement, we discover that there is quite a lot of time left

    26. Choral drilling can be quite a lot of fun, and it can make some bits of language more memorable

    27. Quite a lot of activity for a harmless medication

    28. One alleged new patient asking the right questions was able to tap into quite a lot of apparently meaningless information

    29. It takes me quite a lot of effort to turn the belt around my thighbone in such a way it isn’t visible through the thin fabric of the dress, but I manage

    30. She thought that it must have been worth quite a lot of money, what with its size, central location and being in immaculate condition

    31. ’’ Said Nancy while shaking his hand firmly, intentionally putting quite a lot of strength in her grip and surprising the executive

    32. happened to have spent quite a lot of time with Nancy if his sources in the Army were correct

    33. can put quite a lot of effort into courting each client with the personal touch

    34. � With the supplies we are getting from the United States, we have quite a lot of American equipment on base

    35. We saw and heard quite a lot of traffic on the roads as we neared the city, so we decided to persuade some of the travellers to speak to us

    36. There was quite a lot of dead branches and palm fronds lying around that I could use to cover the entrance, I dug the hole high enough to allow me to kneel in and long enough to stretch my legs when I lay down

    37. � If not, there would be quite a lot of blame coming his way from the High Council, the governing group of global administrators of which he was the chairman

    38. You will of course be acting as well as my special advisor, something that should give you quite a lot of clout

    39. While these teams would prove to be very inconspicuous indeed, they would end up wreaking quite a lot of havoc, thanks to their long range radios

    40. 'There seems to be quite a lot of biological activity on the other side of the door,' the UPS said, 'I have just made a scan, and my guess is that there are some 100 individuals in the room

    41. I might add, I made quite a lot of money off my speculations; especially when you came in third at the Galactic Games," he suddenly paused, and then said, "but that's of the least importance,” as if he realized he shouldn’t be wasting Ben’s time with such trivia, and then he said, “What you're going to find in the Outer City is that the Tarmorians give Grand Master's preferential treatment

    42. has been dragged al over the world by the POS, there’s quite a lot of holes in it’s

    43. Mister Corbin has managed the activation of this tower and of its facilities in a masterful way, while Doctor Vyyn Drelan has had quite a lot of success in her world quest for foodstuff

    44. However, Marshall himself had in the last few years been guilty of promoting many officers he judged to be specially meritorious or full of promises, ignoring the seniority list in the process and creating at the same time quite a lot of grumbling from old officers who were being jumped over for promotion

    45. Contrary to most people, she knew quite a lot of details about the Taliban and their organization in that region, and for good reasons: they had put a death fatwa, or religious edict, on her head while she was still an officer in the Canadian Military Intelligence

    46. ‘’There is quite a lot of stars in this room, Sir Arthur

    47. While the atmosphere was thicker and heavier than that of Earth, it also had a higher oxygen content, on top of containing quite a lot of helium, radon and other rare gases

    48. There was quite a lot of traffic along the street they were in, both pedestrian and vehicular, and the area seemed to be a middle income neighborhood

    49. “But he does spend quite a lot of time on the holodeck, doesn’t he? More than the

    50. “What is this place” James couldn’t help asking the gate- keeper, who James found out, had quite a lot of jobs in the city of rain

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