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rapacious frases de exemplo
1. Somewhat dissolute, rapacious, murderous, and vindictive, who saw himself as a talented performer
2. The rapacious politicians and bureaucrats who would opt for this course would do well to heed the following words of Adam Smith
3. through the rapacious winds, one by one everyone moved their
4. He ranted about the evils of the Jews, claiming they were lustful, rapacious murderers who killed their children and offered them to the devil
5. The word “in flocks” indicates the weakness, because only the weak birds are those which fly together, whereas the predatory and rapacious birds do not fly together
6. The word “in flocks” indicates weakness, because it is only the weak birds which fly in flocks together, whereas the predatory and rapacious birds do not fly together in this way
7. suffering hunger or a rapacious consumption, what does love evolve into? Love feeds, it doesn't hunger
8. Then, his eyes glowed as keenly and directly as the dark eyes of a rapacious falcon as he stared straight into the eyes of Aslan as he continued to deliver his speech steadily and firmly
9. “Every visit to SO's Skeletown costs a penny to tour 'Save Me', a GameWorld that pad grabs your TNA and creates a simulation of a child born to you by the somalian of your design, and then you have to fight mercenary pirates, rapacious warlords and food-4-sex international aid workers to save your child from bullying, sex slaving, and starvation
10. Now nearly all the collective eagerly awaited the sounding of the Great Horn---lusting for the call to rapacious, carnal, savagery
11. It had begun as the most rapacious indulgence, with no thought or care taken and guided only by a gorging, insatiable lust for new and different desires and hatreds; joys, sorrows and pain
12. A hand is exposed to their nicks, the rapacious nips
13. An even more rapacious killer Monarch-dictator emerged
14. The greediest, most possessive, most envious, most penurious Jews, the most selfish, most rapacious, most cheating, most avaricious of them; cover themselves in layers of public religiosity and sanctity
15. variety of circumstances,] that he was merely influenced by the most rapacious
16. Fortunately for those who pay their court through such foibles, a fond mother, though, in pursuit of praise for her children, the most rapacious of human beings, is likewise the most credulous; her demands are exorbitant; but she will swallow any thing; and the excessive affection and endurance of the Miss Steeles towards her offspring were viewed therefore by Lady Middleton without the smallest surprise or distrust
17. industry and good offices, and had nothing of their greedy rapacious
18. And, as it happened, I could not have put myself into worse, or into better hands in all London: into worse, because keeping a house of conveniency, there were no lengths in lewdness she would not advise me to go, in compliance with her customers; no schemes, or pleasure, or even unbounded debauchery, she did not take even a delight in promoting: into a better, because nobody having had more experience of the wicked part of the town than she had, was fitter to advise and guard one against the worst dangers of our profession; and what was rare to be met with in those of her's, she contented herself with a moderate living profit upon her industry and good offices, and had nothing of their greedy rapacious turn
19. Slowly it floats more and more away, the water round it torn and splashed by the insatiate sharks, and the air above vexed with rapacious flights of screaming fowls, whose beaks are like so many insulting poniards in the whale
20. What are the sinews and souls of Russian serfs and Republican slaves but Fast-Fish, whereof possession is the whole of the law? What to the rapacious landlord is the widow's last mite but a Fast-Fish? What is yonder undetected villain's marble mansion with a door-plate for a waif; what is that but a Fast-Fish? What is the ruinous discount which Mordecai, the broker, gets from poor Woebegone, the bankrupt, on a loan to keep Woebegone's family from starvation; what is that ruinous discount but a Fast-Fish? What is the Archbishop of Savesoul's income of L100,000 seized from the scant bread and cheese of hundreds of thousands of broken-backed laborers (all sure of heaven without any of Savesoul's help) what is that globular L100,000 but a Fast-Fish? What are the Duke of Dunder's hereditary towns and hamlets but Fast-Fish? What to that redoubted harpooneer, John Bull, is poor Ireland, but a Fast-Fish? What to that apostolic lancer, Brother Jonathan, is Texas but a Fast-Fish? And concerning all these, is not Possession the whole of the law?
21. But all this paled beside the answer of the rapacious German
22. "Who? What Katiche?" There was a rapacious quiver in the old man's voice
23. And observe, cruel people, the violent, the rapacious, the Karamazovs are sometimes very fond of children
24. “It is as clear as possible, and most comprehensible, that you, in your enthusiasm, should plunge headlong into the first chance that came of publicly airing your great idea that you, a prince, and a pure-living man, did not consider a woman disgraced if the sin were not her own, but that of a disgusting social libertine! Oh, heavens! it’s comprehensible enough, my dear prince, but that is not the question, unfortunately! The question is, was there any reality and truth in your feelings? Was it nature, or nothing but intellectual enthusiasm? What do you think yourself? We are told, of course, that a far worse woman was forgiven, but we don’t find that she was told that she had done well, or that she was worthy of honour and respect! Did not your common-sense show you what was the real state of the case, a few months later? The question is now, not whether she is an innocent woman (I do not insist one way or the other—I do not wish to); but can her whole career justify such intolerable pride, such insolent, rapacious egotism as she has shown? Forgive me, I am too violent, perhaps, but—”
25. But if, by the people, from whose attack the state saves us, we are to understand those men who commit crimes, we know that they are not some especial beings, like rapacious animals among the sheep, but just such people as we are, who are just as disinclined to commit crimes as those against whom they commit them
26. And so the power of state must not be abolished until all the bad, rapacious men in the world are destroyed
27. The most violent and rapacious band of robbers is less to be feared than such an organization
28. And therefore the authority of government must not be suppressed till all the wicked and rapacious people in the world are extinct