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    ravages frases de exemplo


    1. That way Atmos gains the strength to protect us from the worst ravages of the desert

    2. Yes, the garden was well tended, but the roses were suffering from the ravages of wind and rain, and the late October east wind with its biting cold was having its toll

    3. Her hair was patchy; he couldn't remember how long they had been exposed before stasis arrested the ravages of radiation

    4. How could I have been so blind and not seen what was there all the time? Acquaintances and close friends were being diagnosed, and it suddenly became all too clear that I was just one of many who suffered from the ravages of cancer

    5. Just how could this happen to a body in perfect condition? From ―feeling great‖, she quickly moved to despair with the ravages of chemotherapy and radiation

    6. the ravages of malaria, yellow fever and dysentery in Cuba among American forces, was suppressed

    7. He also mentioned that their subsequent isolation had protected them from the ravages of the plague, but had almost been their undoing since they at first resisted the Khanate

    8. To withstand the ravages of time-

    9. Some didn’t wake up at all, but that was no more than normal for the time of the year and considering the ravages of the weather over the previous weeks

    10. away after the ravages of winter, clearing the ground ready for the spring sowing, as he cleared and organised his mind for his real work

    11. He set a new tone as well as policy: the new Reich should appear not only as tax collector, oppressor of Socialists, or rival old dynasties, but as a beneficent agent, as protector of the nation in the social realm-hence shield the workers from the ravages of occupational accidents, sickness, and old age

    12. A narrow band of greenery flanked both sides with an occasional gaunt palm trunk spotted here and there, still showing the ravages of the locust ordeal, only now were they revealing some small sign of a return to the living world

    13. As the snow-raven floated above the field, Simon glanced down and saw the ravages beneath

    14. there, still showing the ravages of the locust ordeal, only now were they revealing some small

    15. Trying to re-establish the pre-war passenger traffic across the Atlantic, some of the older ships which had not succumbed to the ravages of war were bought back from the new owners, then refurbished

    16. -Let's go out of here! - Beatrice said in the end throwing a look to all the ravages

    17. The forty-eight states suffer the ravages of war only when the federal government's sovereignty is in some way jeopardized

    18. She glanced at the beautiful and artistically designed diamond necklace and the matching earrings in the mirror – yes they did indeed help to divert the eyes away from the ravages of Time

    19. If the form had ever been clothed, the ravages of time had long ago reduced the garments to dust

    20. The chambers and halls he traversed were crumbling into ruin, but as he advanced the ravages of decay became less apparent

    21. Urantia has passed through the ravages of great and destructive wars in its history

    22. This room was spared the ravages of the thunderstorm

    23. You are here now to meet others of our quest, so that you may take with you the memory that you are not alone, and that seeds of your knowledge will blossom into understanding; your lessons in power have overwhelmed you, and you need to know there is more in the universe than the ravages of man’s imagination

    24. From an army of close to ten thousand warriors, we have only two thousand able bodied Toltecs remaining and these two thousand include the women and children, are led by young and inexperienced officers, who have been fortunate, so far, to have escaped the ravages of the plague that has devastated the very fabric that made the Tolteca people what they were

    25. “This is what war brings,” Knowlan whispered to Mahood, realizing only then that his words were nothing atop Mahood’s understanding of the ravages of battle

    26. Groups of people with nothing but the clothes on their back appeared, their clothes torn and dirty from the ravages of the war

    27. The ravages of time

    28. ravages of the war on South Africa's borders

    29. the mainland, are also prone to the ravages of greed and evil

    30. kill this sinful desire which ravages both knowledge of the unmanifest

    31. ” her voice ached with the ravages of life

    32. It was there he saw the ravages of Aiden's

    33. Similarly, the US dreams of superheroes to conquer their supervillain unconscious that ravages home and abroad

    34. Losing that much weight ravages the body

    35. It appeared to be untouched from the ravages of the outbreak

    36. And yet it hurt knowing his love for me wasn't strong enough to survive the ravages of time

    37. While several trees had been knocked down, the ravages

    38. Brian was taking a well-earned rest and was calmly sipping a piping hot brew from Gilbert's personal mug, which had somehow escaped the ravages suffered by the rest of the equipment

    39. And not have the peace, and rest that night gives us; so our minds and bodies and hearts can heal from the ravages our daytime acts have committed upon ourselves

    40. forests are being cut into at a break-neck speed to feed the western businesses addiction to paper… that almost every natural forest has suffered worse ravages instead of less from the shift from paper documentation… to paper documentation, and computer documentation, and personal printer documentation

    41. The ravages of

    42. And then, in whatever state she was in at that point, she somehow shielded us from the ravages of the spaces Between while that construct died,” he paused, “And then, brought us here – I can only assume through whatever aperture Bathory tore open for her own escape

    43. pivotal knowledge (wisdom) that lasts the tests and ravages of time, hence enduring and immutable

    44. was a feather boa, but it seemed an inadequate defence against the ravages of a Scottish winter

    45. It appeared to be a rather quaint little town that had gone unscathed by the ravages affecting the larger society

    46. We made our way past abandoned rooms and halls that the absence of care and the ravages of time were evident everywhere one looked

    47. Eventually, through the ravages of time, most of the ancient kingdoms of Africa fell to European imperialism or internal strife of their own making

    48. The problem of preventing atherosclerosis and its human ravages is the search for ways of

    49. protection against the ravages of atherosclerosis

    50. While this may seem to indicate that we are doomed to fall prey to the ravages of apophenia, “It ain't necessarily so”

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