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    re-establish frases de exemplo


    1. Contact was re-established with Thunder Mountain, and it was Lester Wilde, himself, who answered Daniel’s questions

    2. and you will be helping to re-establish the free flow

    3. The bare patch of earth where Sam is buried is showing a fuzz of green as the grass re-establishes itself and I stand there for several moments remembering the times she used to come and lie under the tree while I worked in the garden; I miss her still and the tears start pricking in my eyes again

    4. With the re-establishment of Israel as a nation, and

    5. Should this currency, therefore, be at any time worn, clipt, or otherwise degraded below its standard value, the state, by a reformation of its coin, can effectually re-establish its currency

    6. The greater part of the citizens, or those who governed the greater part of them, fought in defence of their own importance, which, they foresaw, was to be at an end whenever the ancient government should be re-established

    7. By the time comms are re-established, we will be in total control of this station and everything will appear to be normal again

    8. We can then step in and re-establish control

    9. The re-establishing this ancient order was the object of several statutes enacted in England during the course of the fourteenth century, particularly of what is called the statute of provisors ; and of the pragmatic sanction, established in France in the fifteenth century

    10. God’s only requirement of us is to accept his gift to us and to re-establish the intimate relationship that was lost, when Adam sinned

    11. He pulled his shoes on quickly and looked at her with a smile, friendly and approachable, trying to re-establish that connection

    12. Because we have centuries of Christian tradition – much of it honourable and valuable – behind us, we can be fooled into thinking that all we need to do is to re-establish what we used to have

    13. The training is straightforward, since I created this methodology as a pre-established program that always uses the same tools in the same order

    14. Soon I was able to re-establish communication with the Black Adders, but Kellyn was not there

    15. effort to re-establish herself in the reality of the circumstances,

    16. This is done through re-establishing of a

    17. One strategy to repair a damaged spinal cord involves stimulation of axon re growth in order to re-establish the broken connection

    18. And I saw in those days how long cords were given to those angels, and they took to themselves wings and flew, and they went towards the north; And I asked the angel, saying to him: 'Why have those angels taken these cords and gone off?' And he said to me: 'They have gone to measure'; And the angel who went with me said to me: 'These shall bring the measures of the righteous; And the robes of the righteous to the righteous, so that they may re-establish themselves in the name of the Lord of Spirits forever and ever; The elect shall begin to dwell with the elect; And those are the measures which shall be given to faith; And which shall strengthen righteousness; And these measures shall reveal all the secrets of the depths of the Earth; And those who have been destroyed by the desert; And those who have been devoured by the beasts; And those who have been devoured by the fish of the sea, so that they may return and establish themselves on the day of the Elect One; For none shall be destroyed before the Lord of Spirits; And none can be destroyed; And all who dwell above in Heaven received a command and power and one voice and one light likened to fire; And that One with their first words they blessed; And extolled and lauded with wisdom; And they were wise in utterance and in the spirit of life; And the Lord of Spirits placed the Elect One on the throne of glory; And He shall judge all the works of the holy ones above in the heavens; And in balances shall their deed be weighed; And when he shall lift up his countenance; To judge their secret ways according to the word of the name of the Lord of Spirits; And their path according to the way of the righteous judgement of the Lord of Spirits; Then shall they all with one voice speak and bless; And glorify and extol and sanctify the name of the Lord of Spirits; And He will summon all the host of the heavens, and all the holy ones above, and the host of God, the Cherubic, Seraphin and Ophannin, and all the angels of power, and all the angels of principalities, and of the Elect One, and the other powers on the Earth and above the water

    19. homes and re-establish their livelihoods without living in constant fear," then

    20. And I saw in those days how long cords were given to those angels and they took to themselves wings and flew and they went towards the north; And I asked the angel saying to him: 'Why have those angels taken these cords and gone off?' And he said to me: 'They have gone to measure'; And the angel who went with me said to me: 'These shall bring the measures of the righteous; And the robes of the righteous to the righteous so that they may re-establish themselves in the name of the Lord of Spirits forever and ever; The elect shall begin to dwell with the elect; And those are the measures which shall be given to faith; And which shall strengthen righteousness; And these measures shall reveal all the secrets of the depths of the Earth; And those who have been destroyed by the desert; And those who have been devoured by the beasts; And those who have been devoured by the fish of the sea so that they may return and establish themselves on the day of the Elect One; For none shall be destroyed before the Lord of Spirits; And none can be destroyed; And all who dwell above in Heaven received a command and power and one voice and one light likened to fire; And that One with their first words they blessed; And extolled and lauded with wisdom; And they were wise in utterance and in the spirit of life; And the Lord of Spirits placed the Elect One on the throne of glory; And He shall judge all the works of the holy ones above in the heavens; And in balances shall their deed be weighed; And when he shall lift up his countenance; To judge their secret ways according to the word of the name of the Lord of Spirits; And their path according to the way of the righteous judgement of the Lord of Spirits; Then shall they all with one voice speak and bless; And glorify and extol and sanctify the name of the Lord of Spirits; And He will summon all the host of the heavens and all the holy ones above and the host of God the Cherubic Seraphin and Ophannin and all the angels of power and all the angels of principalities and of the Elect One and the other powers on the Earth and above the water

    21. Then, perhaps five weeks ago, a village in eastern Finitra called Whiskers Delta and the lands surrounding it were slowly destroyed by flood, their land silted with sand, and the king felt he needed to re-establish Finitrans in Shinosa or risk losing sovereignty of the Whilo Peaks range to the Kingdom of Membitra, your neighbor to the west

    22. They were under orders to tour the battle sites (there were three penetration sites), clean up any pockets of resistance (there were none), and re-establish the integrity of the inner perimeter defense (it was never lost)

    23. " "I will be with you" he said "and I will ask the angel of punishment to afflict you more lightly; nevertheless you will be afflicted for a little time and again you will be re-established in your house

    24. re-established, could only be, at best, fairly questionable

    25. Trying to re-establish the pre-war passenger traffic across the Atlantic, some of the older ships which had not succumbed to the ravages of war were bought back from the new owners, then refurbished

    26. The women of God will feel safe, secure, loved like they have never before either, because God's order is re-established and the Jezebel culture is dissolved in the Body of Christ

    27. The legitimacy of the Raj was never re-established for the majority of Indians and an ever increasing number of British subjects

    28. decided to end their seclusion and re-establish contact with the rest of the complex

    29. In the West it obtained for more than a thousand years right on down to the end of the World War, when an unfortunate retrograde movement temporarily reversed this normal trend by re-establishing the submerged political sovereignty of numerous small groups in Europe

    30. Gabriel now re-established personal communication with the Creator Son of the universe; they met directly for the first time since Michael took leave of his associates on Salvington when he went to Edentia preparatory to entering upon the Urantia bestowal

    31. But he would subsequently disappoint them since he had not come to re-establish David's throne

    32. However, it’s best to drink it before meals to help re-establish

    33. He saw that, while some features of the idea of a spiritual kingdom were being grasped by the twelve, they steadfastly persisted in attaching these new spiritual teachings directly onto their old and entrenched literal concepts of the kingdom of heaven as a restoration of David's throne and the re-establishment of Israel as a temporal power on earth

    34. It was difficult to slow the rush of thoughts at times as memories are re-awakened and connections to the prosthetic nervous system re-established

    35. In that instance it becomes a matter of restoring love; you have seen family's that seem to be scattered yet when such a perceived tragedy occurs they come together again; re-establishing their love and commitment for each other

    36. Pigeon, later called Project Orcon was re-established in 1948 it

    37. He quickly re-established his band

    38. Owen climbed into his LIMO and re-established the com

    39. bending from the waist, stop, re-establish the length from the pubis to the navel,

    40. This would enable continuous running of a vacuum deposition system for solar cells, where depressurization and cleaning of the central chamber would not occur after 2 hours of use, but could go on for days pumping out solar cells as fast as the central chamber could re-establish vacuum when opened to small adjacent chambers alternately at its input and output, and while silicon could be evaporated for deposition

    41. When Soviet forces re-established control of Baku in 1920, they chose its opera house as the site for a gathering of Asian revolutionaries to promote revolution throughout the Islamic, and colonial worlds; trying to harness Islamic radicalism, the Bolshevik leader Zinoviev called for jihad against British colonialism

    42. destined to win, but following through on a pre-established

    43. Hence, Churchill’s announcement to Stalin that German hegemony in Europe was as dangerous to the Soviet Union as it was to Great Britain and urged that both countries should agree on the re-establishment of the European balance of power

    44. “Aye, Captain,” Garcia said, and went about his businesses of re-establishing a connection to the

    45. “Re-establishing the Neutral Zone”

    46. Acetylcysteine can be used to elevate or re-establish more optimal levels of liver and blood glutathione

    47. God called them harlots and adulterers, pronounced judgment on them, and tells them that they will be dispersed to the four corners of the globe until the end of time where He would then bring them back to Israel and re-establish them as a nation

    48. Re-establish Your Personal Relationship With the Lord and Start Growing in Him

    49. After you have made a full and complete surrender of your entire life over to the Lord and have fully confessed out all of your known sins to Him, then let it go, take your life one day at a time, and start to re-establish your personal relationship with the Lord and start growing back in Him

    50. need for food, He was also re-establishing His Sabbath

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