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    Use "reach for" em uma frase

    reach for frases de exemplo

    reach for

    1. On your way to the store, you witness an accident, reach for your phone to call 911 but it’s not TOM ANDERSON

    2. Ah, that’s where I put the other bottle … I reach for the full wine bottle I have just spotted

    3. Half my mind concentrating on the job in hand, I reach for the phone and pick it up

    4. Half hoping it will be Stephen and half dreading that it might just be, I reach for the phone

    5. Gary moved back to preach for his home congregation in Henderson, Ky

    6. reach for the control pad

    7. whenever you are tempted to reach for that chocolate box go to

    8. Thom had access to magic, and could dial his strength to a setting called 'Hercules' while Alan had neglected to up his magic level while he was in Ava's lab and didn't even have a med panel to reach for that setting

    9. It was the work of a few minutes to put his boots on, perching on the edge of a chair in a pool of moonlight coming through the glazed section of the main door and yet a further minute to reach for the catch on the door

    10. from the depths of the ocean, was on dry land and beginning to reach for the

    11. He’s had lunch with her a couple of times (cue another outbreak of sobbing from Terry, I reach for another handful of tissues),

    12. wheel and his lungs pulled hard for oxygen as he struggled to reach for a

    13. " He continued stepping out from behind the frightening shadow of a man, to reach for her hand, and glide her out of the man’s grasp, and into his familiar warmth

    14. " she wasn't going to hear of it, although she did reach for his hand to finish drawing herself to a standing position

    15. Reach for the highest possibilities with vision to see what you want ,deserve what you see believe in your vision and all is possible

    16. We thirst for and seek out sense pleasures, in the mistaken belief that they will give us happiness, or as a substitute for the happiness that is out of reach for us

    17. guard started to reach for his AK47

    18. Then she turned back to the table and began to reach for the dishes

    19. Chris was just about to reach for the manual opening wheel when there was a sudden humming sound

    20. Before I could reach for the coverlet, Deborah pulled it under my chin

    21. And even though he knew this train could not assure his survival, it seemed his best chance to reach for those answers

    22. And talking about her own floundered relationship with Frank had helped her to reach for the empathy she felt she needed

    23. What if the cat knocked them down after I’d gone? I left the walker within easy reach for his trips to the bathroom

    24. Thanks, Mony Mony, for inspiring us to reach for our dreams

    25. Finally, Adem asked, “What would you have me do, give up holding the Power? Even you can’t resist the temptation to reach for teron at least once a day

    26. superbly suited to him, and put him in the picture of the tropical paradise having everything within reach for a lot less money than he’d pay in the U

    27. It is one of the most highly researched herbs and probably the first herb to reach for in the case of mild stomach upsets caused by nervousness or hyperactivity

    28. Stan had the strength to try, but Mark…Mark slowly began to reach for a branch close to their little safety nest

    29. Times when she, with youthful lustiness, had hoped secretly that he would reach for her, just once, just touch her, in that special way

    30. Resting once more, till a dear, familiar hand would one day reach for it and pull it from the darkened depths, wondering at its elegant perfection and beauty

    31. Reach for the handle

    32. It could have been a story, like the one that Jesus told about the Prodigal Son (The Lost Son) in which the listener was supposed to reach for the larger meaning

    33. He followed closely and had the almost overwhelming urge to reach for her again, but something stopped him

    34. He was about to reach for his ankle knife when Nicole burst into laughter and said in-between:

    35. The move alarmed Ethan and made him reach for the knife around his ankle

    36. was not bad for Khevasiah, but she did not even reach for her purse; her

    37. Is the larger meaning that we are meant to reach for also the one which religion has forever strained at directing us toward, the heaven that is its ultimate goal? Can we trust our mind alone to help us go where no one has ever gone before, and tell of it?

    38. Tori moans, and I slip between two Dauntless to reach for her

    39. Today, we have 3 choices, live Life as only a passing dream, to be forgotten, live Life as something to be built, and used by future generations, or live Life in this age, and reach for biological immortality

    40. We both reach for our weapons

    41. He tries to reach for me, and I push his hand away

    42. Xeila turned with Jeremiah toward the door, but stopped to reach for Sven

    43. Her fingers strained against imaginary bonds as she willed herself to move, to reach for the scroll before it was too late

    44. The Supreme is the easiest to reach for it is your very

    45. Monica had to learn all over again, how to dress herself, to do seated pushups to prevent bedsores, how to get on and off the toilet to empty her bowels, how to reach for things without stumbling from the wheelchair

    46. He seemed to want to reach for my hand on the table, but he hesitated at the last minute

    47. “He paused only to re-adjust his cameras, or to reach for the device during the

    48. I attempt to reach for my phone, but the pain is unbearable

    49. They both reach for my hands

    50. Without warning, I reach for Sean’s face and kiss him on the lips

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