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    Use "recognizable" em uma frase

    recognizable frases de exemplo


    1. The easily recognizable talent of singing is of no use if you don’t learn your lyrics and then learn the skills necessary to turn this into a strength

    2. these matches, such as Milk and Chocolate for example, have been recognizable since our

    3. She was barely recognizable as human

    4. The body was buried under another one, but the boy's face was still intact and recognizable

    5. Clean, sparkling, digital sound, good volume, voices clearly distinct and recognizable

    6. The detailed intricacies of their whereabouts, their actual location, the climate and topography of the region were merely academic issues if they could not provide them with a small shred of actual information that would lead them to somehow going back to Pyr, or any other recognizable place for that matter

    7. The cover was burnt but recognizable

    8. He'd lost an ear making him instantly recognizable, but he was mean

    9. It was just a smooth clearing in the jungle, albeit one with a recognizable concrete patchwork visible through hedges of tall weeds and with buildings in use still along the southern perimeter line

    10. The room was otherwise uninteresting; it sported a single door barely recognizable by its very thin frame, probably made of the same material as the walls

    11. Should that give us hope that the first garden might someday reemerge in some recognizable form?

    12. As far back as the dimmest of species’ memory can carry us, it has been a recognizable entity; a kind of thinking machine that has made us somehow different than any other kind of life-form

    13. Modifications have been made to incorporate new discoveries, which cause a change in form, but the basic structure remains recognizable

    14. The factions are gone, but this part of the city has more Dauntless than any other, recognizable still by their pierced faces and tattooed skin, though no longer by the colors they wear, which are sometimes garish

    15. One man, who stood head and shoulders above the others, was recognizable as the hooded man

    16. Even for one as new to the Eastern Lands as she, the castle and the streets at the head of the plateau were clearly recognizable

    17. I looked further and saw a recognizable figure on the dark spot next to the Bar in the back

    18. In 1990, they rented a private boat and toured the fascinating islands of Murano, renowned for its glass-blowing factories; Burano, well known for its lace-factories and loved by painters for the colors of its houses, and Torcello, the idyllic island whose past is recognizable in the Cathedral and its mosaics, and in the XIIth century church of Santa Fosca

    19. “Yazadril? Is that you?!!” Mark asked in amazement, for the ancient elf was barely recognizable

    20. A few were quite recognizable, like roast beef in a honey-ginger glaze that was called Cyoolian Shining Cattle, and in most cases he could identify the meat, vegetables, or fruits that were the main ingredients, but in some cases he had no idea what he was eating, and enjoyed it anyway

    21. around on the ground in no logical or recognizable pattern

    22. She proudly showed them the three tiny symbols on the back of her left hand; the round white and blue that was the marker of the oath, a recognizable pictogram of Yazadril’s sword, and the sword-star of Hilia

    23. “If it gets a nick,” the next in line offered, “we'll get a stick! If it shows a crack, they will break your back!” The barely recognizable statement was quickly picked up and repeated in another

    24. But there was nothing but Harald's faint, recognizable snore

    25. Behind me, barely recognizable, face covered with blood and dust, stood T

    26. something recognizable in the pile of rotting limbs

    27. They both chuckled at his botched, but recognizable

    28. He was barely recognizable

    29. There is nothing in the physical world or universe surrounding you that is recognizable

    30. Now he was barely recognizable, and they still weren‘t sure if his condition could

    31. By then, however, he realized that to be published, one needed either a reference or a recognizable name

    32. Though it is not always recognizable, desire and love motivate individuals every day

    33. In the distance, just this side of the river, other dark masses were moving, barely recognizable as men on horses

    34. Beyond, further up the valley at various levels were other buildings, easily recognizable as a school, an army drill hall and barracks, and a row of shops

    35. Now it was less recognizable as a hand

    36. The man was hardly recognizable with all the flour stuck to his face, but he seemed to recognize me

    37. recognizable after 1975, along with some others who

    38. It was eerily recognizable

    39. The previous night Lezura had opted to scout out the location of the community as a little faery with tinkling wings fluttering over the city, hardly recognizable unless you were hunting large insects or birds

    40. Without this recognizable pattern of thought apparent randomness would result

    41. The woman’s voice, touched with rage, sounded oddly familiar, but the man’s voice, quivering with futile defenses, was low but recognizable as that of Terence Underwood

    42. the actual food in them is barely recognizable

    43. Harold stopped and turned at the sound of his name being called by Feltus’s distinct and easily recognizable voice

    44. recognizable, contained some explanation to this gift, and though his immediate impression was that the Ashburns had left these here for some supercilious reason, he dismissed the idea upon seeing Judge Burns’s signature seal on the back flap of the envelope and hurriedly removed the neatly folded, crisp sheet of lightly scented, thick paper on which the note was written in the same shaky, familiar fashion

    45. Coatl then told them of the network of friends that we were assembling so that if they were ever threatened by or ever received any information regarding Teotihuacan they were to send a messenger to a certain mountain ash that grew in the foothills west of Teotihuacan, the ash had been hit by lightning and was readily recognizable

    46. A woman’s voice that was immediately recognizable as Shannon’s

    47. “Alex,” the voice said again in that recognizable distinct Chinese

    48. the attack had no recognizable centre of main effort

    49. The ground air controller then came back on the radio after fifteen seconds, giving her the coordinates of a small bridge across a stream as an easily recognizable point from which to turn on their final attack heading

    50. recognizable as Andy and Pete, met Stokes and Houston halfway to the

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    Sinônimos para "recognizable"

    placeable recognisable recognizable distinguishable perceptible visible ascertainable apparent appreciable tangible