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    Use "reformatory" em uma frase

    reformatory frases de exemplo


    1. Against the notion that it is inconceivable that God should punish for any other than benevolent and reformatory ends, it must be maintained that the radical idea of punishment for sin committed is in the Divine Government, as in all unperverted human governments, a retribution for the wrong done

    2. The benefit of the creation also is consulted in the example so given, 'that others also may fear;’ but since the fountain of retribution is the righteous vengeance of God, the persistent rebel can build no hope on any reformatory process,—for God will destroy him, 'both body and soul in hell

    3. He was, I understand, at one time a firstclass misdemeanant in Glencree reformatory

    4. The reader is perhaps surprised that I have not named shoe-making as one of the practicable branches, since it has so often been incorporated into the industrial organization of various reformatory institutions; but it no longer seems a feasible undertaking for an industrial school of the modern type

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    reform school reformatory training school reformative