She wondered how many tries it was going to take before she learned her lesson regarding testosterone guys
She stands in her loose silk robe, hand on hip, coolly regarding him
Those two factions had gotten into some intrigue regarding their shuttlecraft with the result that it was rendered inoperable
Glenelle was on the beach with a book when Ava pinged her regarding that failure
In general, they were satisfied with us, but they made some remarks regarding the atmosphere of frivolity in the class and the teacher was obliged to reprimand certain persons
Ahmed kept him busy the next few days supporting many other meetings as different groups of important souls from the expedition argued this way and that regarding the world of Satan
in harmony, each regarding the needs of his fellow Christians more important than himself
Soon he went on with an meticulous interrogation regarding my previous love life, while I was feeling as if I were being interviewed by a potential employer
Women cannot do this without violating the restrictions God has placed upon them regarding public teaching to
This afternoon I tried to begin a conversation regarding the necessity of human communication, but she interrupted me abruptly:
It is crucial, therefore to be equally mindful regarding what you
some of the documents in the files regarding a dragon that was
regarding free-radicals, there is enough evidence to suggest that
Remember the basic principle regarding the relief of aching legs and feet
Many biblical passages regarding sexual immorality ran thru his mind as he watched this woman
He left out her actions, her physique, her attire and her accusations regarding Ava, but replayed the remainder as well as his memory allowed
‘Yes, I think you’re right,’ she said when I had finished expounding my views on the subject, ‘Unfortunately, far too many parents opt out, saying that their children can make a decision regarding religious belief for themselves, but the problem as I see it is that, in order to make a decision, you need to know something about what you are deciding
You can also journal to process fear regarding upcoming events or experiences
Alexei relayed his feelings regarding the female; she was very frightened of him at first, but he had allayed her fears
note to her regarding Alexei
moment he cleared something regarding my lack
body questions regarding emotions that had become
regarding the emotion, you can use the process of
He called the Queen’s Hold and informed the technician there of the news and his course of action regarding the earth ship
‘Oh, Dave, I’ve heard from the Secretary to the Danvers Foundation regarding that first draft
Jock has no doubt the old comic overheard some of the conversation with Shaun and he also has no doubt that the bugger will try to use the information, although he has no immediate fears regarding sirens and tyres crunching on gravel
And those remaining, very few, who through bigotry or sheer ignorance had despised the little family's presence in the village, now had to be very cautious indeed to at least never publicly hint at any lingering misgivings regarding the Livingsons they might still privately harbor
If the Kassikan was involved in something sinister regarding Tdeshi’s fate and Kulai knew about it, didn’t this man understand he would certainly lie? What sense did this questioning make? “In the last century?” Kulai asked while he strove to understand the real meaning of this question
He whispered conspiratorially but was obviously eager to spill all regarding Enjteen’s transgressions
For his part too, Samuel applauded Harry for the respect echoed, even up to his offices, regarding his keen eye and sense of quality craftsmanship
Harry, hadn't said two words regarding the invitation, nor of his benefactor's having volunteered him; he simply smiled and asked, “When shall I be ready to join you?”
All other matters regarding Malvern life would be attended to by correspondence or direct instruction upon arrival for the Autumn term on the third of September
As he sat there regarding the two men, Henri Dubois was
Harry simply smiled noncommittally and enjoyed listening to Kaitlyn regale her father with her insights and thoughts regarding peoples and places, their histories and significance, which had so impressed her into a re-examination of her own perspectives on the world in which she was beginning to find herself
Allcock related the latest words of praise to which she had been privy, regarding the most excellent accomplishments wrought by the 'Sisters of Mercy' upon the White's home out at the bend in the river
Spelman regarding the previous evening's encounter
remained silent, regarding the two Knights carefully
regarding their 'great treasure', and has been the subject of
I have had Kaitlyn contact Harry regarding the building plans
Harry explained, again, but with more brevity his own private endeavors and aspirations regarding his employment at the firm
Livingson, I am certain I have never encountered a man who was so willing to offer such honest and candid uncertainty regarding the disposition of his position and prominence
This was a good thing as they had complained a number of times regarding the noise from the bedroom
I have an engineering question und I am a little out of date regarding the latest equipment for a project I have been asked to manage
We know the means and the opportunity, or at least we have some information as to their part, but what about the motive if it were not an accident? I sat looking at all the data regarding the incident and looked for a motive for stealing MH370
gave us a warning regarding our calling: “Many are called, but
Pity, he thought, regarding the girl's remains without compassion
Without regarding the danger, however,
gifted regarding communication and, at the same time,
regarding Christianity was that they did not keep
It is curious that while there are people who succeed in gathering a lot of useful information regarding many aspects of life, their fellow men remain seemingly blind, even to the existence of those additional layers of knowledge
As regarding the
Policy pages are those that give additional information regarding the conditions
will connect to and any information regarding the template design for
They probably were using material possessions as a psychological pacifier of sorts to help distract them from the unpleasant reality that they had created for themselves, as well as to aid them in repressing their somber feelings regarding their otherwise bleak emotional and spiritual existence
They had complied to a tee with societal norms regarding growing up, getting hitched, securing the blood line, having respectable employment, living in the right neighborhood with the big house and yard, having the latest in autos and technological devices, wearing the right clothing and associating with the proper friends, taking their vacations to the proper places, and…you know how it goes, right?
If something larger was at work regarding her father’s fate, he could very likely shine some light on it
I thought I’d relate it to you at this moment since in a roundabout way it could serve as encouragement for all of us to answer “Yes!” to an age-old question regarding the possibility of our being able to gain our freedom from this competitive and aggressive anguish that we frequently suffer from
And for a strange tidbit of information regarding our friend and his fellow owls, their two ears are asymmetrical, meaning that one will be higher or lower and farther forward or farther back than the one on the other side of their heads
” (I’m not making this up regarding his being condemned as described, even though it does read like science fiction, I must admit
If he was lucky, some regulars would be about and inclined to offer information regarding a stranger whom they had noticed pass among them but some days earlier
"Regarding attacking that convenience store, I guess you're right
He provided hardly any details of course, but rather round-about questions about rumors and any particularly intriguing gossip regarding the man named Roscius
To dream that you are underwater suggests that you are being overcome with emotions and are in over your head regarding some situation
Ravena's voice was barely a whisper now, “Elenir's niece was crewing that ship, the Wayfarer, as that First Mate, and on that run she was essentially taking orders from the Commandant only regarding the cadets
He felt it was his duty to have an audience with Helez’s family regarding this delicate matter
“Of course, I do understand your concern regarding the difference in cultures and the reservations you might have with this
It was his contribution towards her education regarding the male anatomy
Therefore do your best to remain faithful to the charge of service they have laid on you regarding this contract
Every half an hour they would broadcast status to the other two ships---Constant communication regarding their incommunicado sisters
“I'm thinking the Captain of this ship,” Reia postulated, “if it is in fact the same goof who tried to keep the Boss from her freedom, he may have an ulterior agenda regarding his little fleet's ultimate objectives
Please contact Lucy outside of business hours regarding this matter
The message of change is very consistent with the predictions of the Mayans and the revelations by psychics/mediums regarding 2012
This was linked to the highest government security organization, it was their job to know of every security matter – and indeed he had been briefed by their representative before embarking on the project, there were considerable issues regarding espionage
‘I have ensured he will not be passing on any information regarding our esteemed physicist friend
Nor would I have the approval of the council: The Temporal Directive is highly restrictive regarding the development and use of wormhole technology
We have business to attend to in the morning regarding another matter
He is sure, though, you have some information regarding our enemy’s technology
Another illusion, of course, fed into him by the wealth of telemetry regarding its state, reporting any abrasion to the primary plating
Theistic evolution supporters can be seen as one of the groups who reject the conflict thesis, regarding the relationship between religion and science - that is, they hold that religious teachings about creation and scientific theories of evolution need not contradict
B: -- That prophecies, or predictions, which are made in the Bible regarding events that have already occurred in history - but after the Bible was written - can be verified as 100% accurate and truthful from historic records?
The New Testament, especially the Gospels, focuses on the life of a Man and provides information in the other Epistles regarding God’s church and the principles for living under his grace that he provided free for those who would recognise him and accept his gift
There are in fact 365 prophecies in the surface text of the Old Testament alone regarding the Messiah, which have already been fulfilled by the Lord Jesus Christ
Another example from the Old Testament is the prophecy regarding Cyrus and his conquering of Babylon, which was made 150 years before the event
People prefer to form their own views, interpretations and truths regarding the evidence in front of them, relating to who we are and where we came from
Given the fact that the Bible can be scientifically proven to be 100% accurate and truthful, we can also accept the information regarding the time before the Flood as being 100% accurate
And as a doctor he was aware of the statistics regarding suicide attempts, and was a member of the National Lobby, which was preparing a deputation to the High Court to have suicide decriminalized
Regarding me critically with narrowed eyes
An armed guard stood at the gate, immediately regarding
passengers regarding the Sea King, as sufficient time had elapsed by the third day to allow her to arrive
Jean did not want to know too much about her future, especially if it was tales of woe regarding Adem
Regarding the continuing debt limit negotiations between Republicans and Democrats, „Obama, who once infamously said that he"d meet with murderous tyrants such as Castro, Chavez, and Ahmadinejad “without preconditions” apparently won"t sully the office by meeting for lunch with the Republican Senate Minority Leader
have a clue regarding protecting America"s borders, especially those with Mexico which, of course, are the most important in regard to illegal aliens
Now here"s a point to ponder, regarding the Nation"s most humble man
And that is to say nothing regarding Atta"s flying lessons earlier, in which he practiced takeoffs and in-flight procedures, but not how to land an airplane
He then explained the issue of the infected men and women, stating that Carl Wilder was ordering changes be made to custom and law regarding victims of vampires
Instead, it seemed they were collectively regarding the other side – the Russian leader in particular – as an enemy who understood the logic of war
regarding the Shenandoah, but both were negative
When he had taken a number of decent strides away from the pair, he looked back over his shoulder to see their moonlit faces regarding him still
regarding restrictions placed on United States national vessels by Her Majesty’s government in British ports and waters
Try it on, versus courageous, and see where the chips fall regarding the current administration