Use "related" em uma frase
related frases de exemplo
1. when you work hard!” When she has completed something related to
2. Suffering is related to the reaction to events
3. Dietary and health related tips for Stress control
4. Another name of God that is related to this is Sovereign
5. She sent a few business related messages while trying to think of what to tell Kulai
6. For those who are still interested in trading of shares, it is necessary to understand certain fundamental terms related to companies whose shares are available for buying or selling
7. It is no surprise that most of the health related problems of women have been given names that start with MAN
8. Our actions are not directly related towards spiritual growth although we may feel so
9. This is good for very bad fungus related diseases
10. There are useful tips on matters related to health
11. Apart from Yoga teaching the site also contains articles on topics related to meditation and spirituality
12. This site provides information about all the recent government announcements and important judgements related to direct and indirect taxes and related laws
13. Health related issues for over the age of 50, scientific discoveries, satellite and telescope pictures of recent discoveries are some of its highlights
14. It's more love related than thievery related
15. Although his first impulse was to go to Darklow and shake the small town criminal community into information about a beautiful 19 year old girl with a foreign accent who had been forced into the local sex trade, Melinda's information somehow made him believe that he should stay on course, that all these things were related
16. I pondered how it related to me
17. This castle was a clan home no doubt, everyone related by blood and enterprise, many of these clans had patriarchs older than Christ who still sat at the heads of tables in their great and echoing crystal halls
18. "She's related to you
19. Directly related to the concept of a ruler is that of an overseer
20. The good sister who related this to me said: "You know how we
21. ‘No, she’s from Cornwall, though she’s remotely related to Fred
22. "I'm sorry if I forgot to tell you, but is it possible you forgot? It isn't a threat, it is related to the ghost in Narrulla's Tear
23. ‘So you’re related to James
24. Wisdom and the Spirit are related in a way that we cannot separate the two of them
25. She saw there was a different session ID, actually a group of related session ID's and lots of numbers in the address modifier most of the time, but very few attention codes
26. There were a few clumps of larger archwood trees in the distance, probably related to the species that people grew houses from
27. ‘As I said, Mama is distantly related to your family
28. It was roughly kedoid in shape but obviously not closely related because it's mouth opened sideways like an Earth bug's
29. "Related to a theirops I bet
30. Jerry took her in his arms and held her as she related the joyous news of her dragon to the others
31. She related the good news to everyone; and received congratulations from all
32. pointing to the fact that wrinkles and other age related skin factors are
33. directly related to free-radical damage that is not countered by
34. Vague remembrances of dinosaur films I have seen spring to mind … birds are closely related to dinosaurs, I read somewhere
35. Unlike the almost universal acceptance of Miss Jones in the media, however, some of the reporting that related to the young man tended towards the dark side
36. dating and finding they have to face up to so many related issues they could never have had to
37. Daniel related the story James had told him
38. I think the only reason you said these signals might be related to the war effort is because I called them frivolous if they weren't
39. And normally they let it out to something related to temple activities,'
40. As I shut the door, I ponder what she said – sort of related
41. The house was stripped of the appropriate electronic devices and following a brief forensic examination of hard drives, flash disks and sundry other items of magnetic storage, the Detective Superintendent in command of the vice squad charged the young man with a number of crimes related to the storage and distribution of banned materials
42. ’ Jane said, she looks almost wistful and I suddenly remember that she has no children and this is likely to be the only nearly related wedding she’ll get
43. Rather than assuming it is related to you and leaping to negative conclusions about your promotion, you could say to yourself, “He"s probably just stressed about a deadline or other problem
44. related to Mrs Ganguly
45. For example, when you are feeling stressed or frightened your brain is in the beta state which is related to waking consciousness
46. He related some stories about when Simon was a boy
47. or imbalanced in some way, the emotions related to
48. ‘Excuse me,’ he said tentatively in a lilting Welsh accent, ‘but are you related to David Grant?’
49. emotions that related to these traumatic events
50. These were not what his breakfasts used to be, these were special invitation-only and they were not supposed to be related to duty
51. we found one after another related to her son and his
52. How healthy you are is directly related to how balanced
53. There was raucous laughter when Tevid related tales about his and Tarak’s youthful days
54. media, however, some of the reporting that related to the young
55. They sat and Naria related the events of the past week and how Alexei came to be in the Hold
56. For an hour and a half Alexei related the events as they happened from the time he left the Phoenix to the present
57. Obviously frightened, Danil related the story thru trembling lips
58. Yellelle related the particulars of their escape from ancient Knossos while they waited
59. a list of related terms and indicates search volume based on a five-point
60. man with a number of crimes related to the storage and distribution
61. about the story Alistair had just related
62. Sheila’s a distant cousin of Aunt Clarissa’s, hardly related at all, but she had a mother who was perpetually ill, so she spent a fair bit of time staying with the Danvers over the years
63. In drugs related cases, where depression of the central nervous system is caused by external factors, there will be a battery of tests to complete before she can be classified
64. “That could be also,” she said, “but I really don’t think it’s related
65. “Well here's what you don't know then!” And Harry related all of the overheard conversations, word for word as he'd heard them
66. Ozzie had listened sympathetically as she had related all this to him and, while she consoled herself with the food he’d ordered for her, suggested that perhaps she would consider marrying him and leaving all that behind
67. “But let me ask you something about a different subject related to the university
68. “There is a whole Study at the Kassikan related to nothing but the mathematical analysis of lies
69. Tom rapidly related Ged’s account of following the mysterious
70. When the mortuary technician found him on his knees in the mortuary’s ante-room, he tried to help, making a sustained but weary effort to persuade Billy to sit down and have a cup of tea, assuming that he was related to the girl on the trolley, but there were no handles by which he could get a hold of the flaking singer
71. On a related topic, your mother had no idea how successful Mr
72. heard them related second- or even third-hand
73. My bet is he's related, father or brother possibly
74. In this endeavor she was assisted by the girls' Aunts and, truth be told, primarily by her Great-grandmama who had related a story to her that impelled her to have everything ready for her daughters' transformation
75. Kev related the events starkly, without any embroidery
76. Each guest related their adventures of the day and Mr
77. “So we’re related too?”
78. Harry related clearly his perceptions, and observations of both the establishment itself and its management, with the additional promotion that its location in the hamlet was also advantageous, central and accessible, well lit outside and secure
79. Allcock related the latest words of praise to which she had been privy, regarding the most excellent accomplishments wrought by the 'Sisters of Mercy' upon the White's home out at the bend in the river
80. The rocks were sometimes covered with small plants, their texture told him they were related to the little soft-bodied ones from the desert
81. It was easy to see from the outer surface and the color and texture and veining pattern on the leaves that these weren’t at all related to the tall ones
82. As closely related as a pine and a weeping willow
83. 'I'm not sure that it isn’t related in some way
84. She told him about the phyla the life was in, how they were related, how they evolved, how they ecologically interacted and the biomechanisms of their chemistry
85. Anything he tried to ask even indirectly related to laws and the political system was totally misunderstood
86. Then she told her an anecdote George had related to her long ago: “In ancient times there once was a lover of dragons
87. He related to her, and she passed along to my sister and me, a rare tale of a most curiously adapted regimen for the pursuit of what she referred to as 'enlightenment
88. I have to admit, that once Mike came out swinging they fought back, but what else could be expected from someone related to you
89. “How is that related?”
90. She worked on projects which appeared to be related to the probe, but 'accidently' left a few key diagnostics behind that she never wrote down the significance of
91. which related somehow to poultry
92. I have one very sad event to report that is related to law school
93. ’ There are reasons for that; Jung used his cousin, Helene Preiswerk, as his ‘research subject’ when he was doing his Phd thesis and didn’t tell anyone they were related
94. “Well, if you’re so sure, then take a look,” Dobber replied, disinterested with Pete’s fears and anything else that remotely related to his assignment
95. It wasn't clear to her how some hall they'd never even been in was related to that concert in the plaza, but they were warmly received
96. related the events that had led him to set out on a
97. I don't care to find out if we're related by being bit
98. The Bailli smiled as the three strangers later related
99. I don't doubt you Klowa, don't doubt that you saw and heard what you've related, it's just that the interpretation is so far-fetched
100. related incidents dropped significantly