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religious doctrine frases de exemplo
religious doctrine
1. In fact, the main condition of any religious doctrine is to
2. And last, Pelagianism: “A religious doctrine taught by Pelagius, a British monk of the late 4th and early 5th centuries [late AD 300 to early 400]…[he] was a contemporary of St
3. Too many are carrying the heavy yokes of false religious doctrines, instead of walking in the easy and light yoke of His love!
4. Ganid employed more than threescore learned translators in the making of this abstract of the religious doctrines of the world concerning the Deities
5. Furthermore, Christian missionaries have injected new religious doctrines further wearing down cultural beliefs and taboos
6. This woman (out of man or religious doctrine) in Revelations is
7. credibility to the belief that the whole Jewish religious doctrine
8. nation have begun promoting Islam, teaching even the religious doctrines
9. They boarded the specific train and sat in the last carriage in order to have some privacy and to be away from other passengers and their noise, and they started to discuss various matters relating to religious doctrine
10. mirrors” religious doctrine of Christianity
11. Sometimes in the new community they keep to basic religious doctrine
12. Gradual modifi cation of religious doctrine within the scope of
13. religious doctrine to me, if he carries some good notions along with it?
14. The doctrine of Jesus, like all religious doctrines, is regarded in two ways,—first, as a moral and ethical system which teaches men how they should live as individuals, and in relation to each other; second, as a metaphysical theory which explains why men should live in a given manner and not otherwise
15. Hypocrisy, formerly growing only out of such religious doctrines as that of original sin, redemption, the Church, has in these latter days, by means of the new theory, gained for itself a scientific basis, and those whose intellectual habit of mind renders the hypocrisy of the Church unendurable, are yet deceived by this new hypocrisy with the cachet of science
16. So that a time came when Church Christianity ceased to be the general religious doctrine of all Christian people; some—the masses—continued blindly to believe in it, but the upper classes—those in whose hands lay the power and wealth, and therefore the leisure to produce art and the means to stimulate it—ceased to believe in that teaching
17. The cause of the lie into which the art of our society has fallen was that people of the upper classes, having ceased to believe in the Church teaching (called Christian), did not resolve to accept true Christian teaching in its real and fundamental principles of sonship to God and brotherhood to man, but continued to live on without any belief, endeavoring to make up for the absence of belief—some by hypocrisy, pretending still to believe in the nonsense of the Church creeds; others by boldly asserting their disbelief; others by refined agnosticism; and others, again, by returning to the Greek worship of beauty, proclaiming egotism to be right, and elevating it to the rank of a religious doctrine