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    Use "respectability" em uma frase

    respectability frases de exemplo


    1. It alone is enough to show the world what weak and small men the nationalists were behind the bravado of respectability they craved

    2. Sophisticated Americans, or those who fancy themselves as such, may oftentimes try to imitate or adopt European manners without quite succeeding in pulling it off; much in the manner of a saloon girl vested in all the gaudy trimmings feigning respectability at the opera house!

    3. His respectability, his impartiality was all he had as a defense

    4. It was divided into flats, in an affluent, stable neighbourhood of genteel respectability

    5. kept on the surface for the sake of respectability

    6. respectability who clearly considered that her home environment gave a certain

    7. restore respectability to the outdoor division

    8. Despite this display of prosperous respectability, Nem couldn’t help but notice that nearly all the shops protected their windows with elaborate metal bars

    9. I lacked queer credibility by dreaming of a life of respectability and independence with a permanent lover

    10. Stephen stood between his protégés, placed paternal hands on their shoulders and in a voice redolent of sincerity, respectability, sense, determination and authority, addressed the speechless students

    11. It was all very well for a student to think of playing cops and robbers, but a teacher had to maintain at least a facade of respectability

    12. improving your industry respectability and predictably increasing the number of

    13. Do professed Christians fear the exposure of a self-sufficient and unconsecrated fellowship of social respectability and selfish economic maladjustment? Does institutional Christianity fear the possible jeopardy, or even the overthrow, of traditional ecclesiastical authority if the Jesus of Galilee is reinstated in the minds and souls of mortal men as the ideal of personal religious living? Indeed, the social readjustments, the economic transformations, the moral rejuvenations, and the religious revisions of Christian civilization would be drastic and revolutionary if the living religion of Jesus should suddenly supplant the theologic religion about Jesus

    14. The years spent in Ithaca rounded off his education and his respectability

    15. The promise that good citizenship earned blacks respectability and civil rights lost credibility when race-baiting candidates for governor incited a mob to riot by publishing rape allegations against black men

    16. Extend mercy without using the poor to gain money, impress influential people, or earn respectability

    17. It was admirable how this man still attempted to maintain some air of respectability and to prevent any disturbances to the club members

    18. Two prints of well-known paintings by Monet in dark wood frames added respectability and class to the room

    19. I lost my father and my mother lost her husband, all in the name of pride and respectability

    20. They were led at that time by the avuncular Joe Gormley – later to gain respectability in the ermine of the House of Lords

    21. cial respectability of all of them is open to question

    22. In contrast, Sebastian was portrayed as a bastion of Cheshire respectability

    23. Her move into airhostess respectability had been quickly followed by a change to darker, and she fancied more demure, honey tones that hung around her face like an unlikely halo

    24. And the respectable, afraid for their respectability, turn their backs in horror and go and read without blinking ugly things written by other respectable

    25. Her respectability has been, I gather from things she has said, her one great treasure

    26. That obvious pattern of respectability, Baroness Glambeck, talked of births with a detail and interest only second to that with which she talked of deaths

    27. There is an air of respectability that comes along with being a Para

    28. and not even a language of respectability for others? Why is it that love and compassion in mind

    29. Then the new numbers: the growth in the market for old school Chinese art was a given, that’s where the money is, and the moneyed communists buying international respectability through the purchase of western classics, that’s what’s driving the global art market

    30. Erickson says, she entered a “shadow-world at the margin of respectability

    31. There was a slow but continuous turnover of our models, some leaving for more respectable careers, others to get married but there was also a constant influx of new faces drawn by the glamor of the business and creeping respectability of the profession

    32. In short: every authority figure, every evil elite class that oppresses the masses, and stands as an icon of unquestioned respectability

    33. Gangs of revenge-bent murderers and plotters, making their desperate bids for power, respectability and wealth

    34. All that determined respectability is unnatural

    35. According to Tina, the absent Streatham flatmate, Sidney Wilks wasn't the solid citizen his privet hedge proclaimed, but had used his respectability as a shield for something far from seemly

    36. Let me quote you an author, he says: “Most significant movements start by being a little wide, settle down to respectable middle age—and then, rejoicing in their respectability, relax into a creeping death

    37. Some glory in their supposed election to salvation—some in their church orthodoxy or high respectability of ritual—some even in their broad philosophical views—so much more spiritual than those of the weaker brethren who are in bondage to New Testament literalism—some even in their simple style of writing; as contrasted with the magniloquence of inferior authors

    38. Materialism is a creed, which comprises many different ranks of capacity and respectability

    39. That gave her respectability and credibility to solicit/get solicited by oth-

    40. respectability have said to orange-trees in boxes in a Bank courtyard, and even to a Cupid over the counter? Yet such things were

    41. Pyotr Petrovitch met her "politely and affably," but with a certain shade of bantering familiarity which in his opinion was suitable for a man of his respectability and weight in dealing with a creature so young and so _interesting_ as she

    42. That respectability and evening parties where one has to dress, and wretched slums at the back of Gray's Inn--something solid, immovable, and grotesque--is at the back of it, Jacob thought probable

    43. "Colonel Brandon seems a man of great worth and respectability

    44. "Aren't I a great hand at restoring you to respectability? Stand up! There, you look as irreproachable as Britannia herself!"

    45. Mr Sweater waxed rich and increased in goods and respectability

    46. As he stood there in the forefront of this company, there was nothing in his refined and comely exterior to indicate that his real function was to pander to and flatter them; to invest with an air of respectability and rectitude the abominably selfish lives of the gang of swindlers, slave-drivers and petty tyrants who formed the majority of the congregation of the Shining Light Chapel

    47. In that old day, the English settler on these rude shores—having left king, nobles, and all degrees of awful rank behind, while still the faculty and necessity of reverence were strong in him—bestowed it on the white hair and venerable brow of age; on long-tried integrity; on solid wisdom and sad-colored experience; on endowments of that grave and weighty order which gives the idea of permanence, and comes under the general definition of respectability

    48. I was the first that could plod in the public eye with a load of genial respectability, and in a moment, like a schoolboy, strip off these lendings and spring headlong into the sea of liberty

    49. Scarlett knew the town gossiped about Rhett’s calls, and about her too; but she defended Rhett his calls were still tinged with respectability

    50. “So the river-boat gambler and the speculator is going to be respectable! Well, your first move toward respectability had better be the sale of Belle Watling’s house

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