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    Use "responsibly" em uma frase

    responsibly frases de exemplo


    1. Over the years our politicians have ignored this and refused to act responsibly to fix it

    2. 6 million training Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job

    3. and evaluate how you can responsibly integrate them into your life

    4. clean bill of health from a psychiatrist in order to responsibly and

    5. The son strives for the freedom to act responsibly on his own

    6. It’s not so much that I’m afraid of all the responsibly I’ve suddenly found myself with, as much as I’m terrified I’m going to fumble it all horribly, and let everyone down, and cause a bunch of people to get hurt

    7. Not something she ever did usually, but perhaps now she was a step-mother, of sorts, she should try to act more responsibly

    8. responsibly and dialectically assume it;

    9. The way to holiness is traveled by those who struggle strenuously and responsibly against demonic

    10. Would you expect any less of him? He is handling this responsibly

    11. Instead, learn how to manage your checking account responsibly, and use it to your advantage in credit situations

    12. Even we – the media – will be forced into acting more responsibly because

    13. we need not act responsibly toward the eco systems of

    14. The people of Earth will have to wake up to reality, deal responsibly with the multiples problems of the planet and, especially, to stop following blindly politicians serving it empty promises and unrealistic dreams

    15. global warming before we start acting more responsibly, and more

    16. responsibly start a dedicated program of cardiovascular health, but they don’t go any

    17. he realised that the longer he acted responsibly, the less likely it was going

    18. A big responsibly, whereas Hunting Sticks was usually

    19. will realise their moral obligation and use strikes responsibly

    20. enjoy going to and am paid a salary that is more than sufficient to responsibly take care

    21. But you can learn to live responsibly

    22. the speech he gave her, telling her to always drive responsibly

    23. “Compelled by responsibly self-interested over-consumption, we turned the Open Table into an open casket – this is 646

    24. senator’s re-election campaigns would be Scott’s responsibly

    25. continue incurring debt and paying it off responsibly

    26. When each one responsibly closes the transaction honestly and sincerely, the karma is good and healthy

    27. is if you have credit that you handle responsibly

    28. show, not always responsibly

    29. “Everything is so easy for you isn’t it? You have no responsibly here so all your stupid ideas sound sane to you

    30. It’s almost best that I only learned about it now, when I’m more mature and better able to use this power responsibly

    31. Now what was I saying about being mature enough to handle this responsibly?

    32. one's transgressions responsibly is the wisest approach to the conundrum

    33. [40]� To act lovingly and responsibly toward a child in our care, we must use punishment as our tool

    34. � We also find ourselves closer to our becoming self, the part of us that perceives the world clearly and freely and responsibly responds in accordance with the real needs of the situation

    35. They will try to get you to make an exception in their case promising to use the Power responsibly and

    36. how to operate with free will responsibly; for we know what happens to

    37. Drinking responsibly and everything

    38. The goal here is for the students to know how to use the plastics responsibly, and they should know that whatever they do, it’s under their responsibility

    39. Many well-researched studies (recent and old) suggest that single parent homes "develop better relationship between the custodial parent and the children," "develop parent's independence and ability to handle different situations responsibly," and "provide venue for the family to live harmoniously

    40. I’m not suggested that the obese be required to carry extra baggage with their names and reputations, but they must start eating responsibly or face consequences, and losing their ability to drive is the best way I could think of

    41. From what you have told me, he isn’t a man who behaved responsibly

    42. I impress upon my traders to pay closest attention to whether they could have been bigger responsibly in a trade, specifically where and why

    43. • Where could the trader have been bigger responsibly?

    44. Sheelah Kolhatkar in an article for NY Magazine, “What If Women Ran Wall Street?” postulated that our banking crisis might not have happened if there were more female traders because they handle risk more responsibly

    45. And if the defendant had behaved responsibly, if she’d acted humanely, Michael might be here with us today

    46. When activists show up, management for the most part behaves responsibly and respectfully

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