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    Use "retarded" em uma frase

    retarded frases de exemplo


    1. Technology has advanced our communication and retarded normal conversations

    2. I already feel exasperated, as I am also in bad company: Helen Tandoulou and her retarded brother

    3. Their progress down the road to town was naturally retarded considerably for the length of the fencing

    4. the wealth and revenue of the country have been continually advancing, and in the course of their progress, their pace seems rather to have been gradually accelerated than retarded

    5. It would not only have reduced the actual value of the greater part of the lands in the kingdom, but by reducing the price of the most important species of small cattle, it would have retarded very much its subsequent improvement

    6. But though the profusion of government must undoubtedly have retarded the natural progress of England towards wealth and improvement, it has not been able to stop it

    7. The crusades, too, though, by the great waste of stock and destruction of inhabitants which they occasioned, they must necessarily have retarded the progress of the greater part of Europe, were extremely favourable to that of some Italian cities

    8. They loaded the public revenue with a very considerable expense: they imposed a very heavy tax upon the whole body of the people ; but they did not, in any sensible degree, increase the real value of their own commodity; and by lowering somewhat the real value of silver, they discouraged, in some degree, the general industry of the country, and, instead of advancing, retarded more or less the improvement of their own lands, which necessarily depend upon the general industry of the country

    9. Even the oppression of the exclusive company, to which it was for some time subjected with all the other colonies of France, though it no doubt retarded, had not been able to stop its progress altogether

    10. The progress of the linen manufacture of Great Britain, it is commonly said, has been a good deal retarded by the drawbacks upon the re-exportation of German linen to the American colonies

    11. The sudden movement of the army corps into the narrow trail retarded Lawton for several hours

    12. At least the barbaric Germans, who declared war against the entire world, against all of humanity, not only murdered Jews, but also murdered Poles, priests, gypsies, the mentally retarded and homosexuals

    13. When another customer came in the door, and said, ‘Hi, Davy,’ to the retarded man at the head of the line, it was really a kind of déjà vu

    14. The Supreme Court, by a six to three margin, recently ruled that the mentally retarded could not be subject to the Death Penalty on the basis of ―evolving standards of decency‖, whatever that means

    15. US control of these nations also retarded local democracy and self sufficient economies

    16. I’ve often wondered if she was slightly retarded or had a learning disability or something

    17. But no guy in this school wants to date a girl he thinks is retarded

    18. Virginia, a case involving the death penalty for the mentally retarded, Justice John Paul Stevens wrote for the Court

    19. He observes in a footnote that “within the world community, the imposition of the death penalty for crimes committed by mentally retarded offenders is overwhelmingly disapproved

    20. tally retarded, but merely withdrawn, irresponsive

    21. He also noted a decision of Oliver Wendel Holmes that allowed the sterilization of a retarded women

    22. completely upset my thought processes and thereby retarded any

    23. In hindsight one can note that mail subsidies actually retarded progress and innovation

    24. To understand how mentally retarded savants can do such complex calculations subconsciously, Darold Treffert says, we need to examine one of the oldest, least-evolved regions of the brain: the primitive storehouse of memory

    25. What? Are you retarded?

    26. For instance, I was presented with a hypothetical case of a teenage, mentally retarded, and sexually active women brought in by her mother requesting a permanent sterilization for her daughter

    27. Small amounts of mercury are okay though, because that means a person can have some really cool looking mutant retarded kids to sell to a sideshow or, if the person doesn’t need the money, he or she can just lock the kids in the cellar and bring them out at parties

    28. She has sense enough not to buy any of those cute paper cutout ghosts with smiley-faces or jack-o-lanterns with toothless, retarded grins

    29. Said Jesus: "My friend, arise! Stand up like a man! You may be surrounded with small enemies and be retarded by many obstacles, but the big things and the real things of this world and the universe are on your side

    30. enter, constructive thinking is retarded

    31. The second case involves a 15 year-old retarded girl living

    32. I have been called every name in the book, stupid, retarded,

    33. Remedios the Beauty, who seemed indifferent to everything and who was thought to be mentally retarded, was not insensitive to so much devo-tion and she intervened in Colonel Gerineldo Már-quez’s favor

    34. That at least was the point of view of Colonel Aureliano Buendía, for whom Remedios the Beauty was in no way mentally retarded, as was generally believed, but quite the opposite

    35. are severely and profoundly retarded

    36. Roughly 85 percent of the mentally retarded population is

    37. 1 to 2 percent of the retarded population is profoundly

    38. Furthermore, he was slightly retarded and suffered from a

    39. The part-telepathics were the problem as they were considered retarded in the telepathic community and schizophrenic in the non-telepathic community

    40. She couldn’t even imagine herself existing with retarded telepathic ability

    41. � Eighty 500-pound retarded bombs landed in the midst of tightly packed submarine hulls in various stages of construction and exploded

    42. “David Walsh is about as qualified to run the agency as a retarded ape – but, he is an

    43. Medicaid pays for medically necessary nursing home care for patients in skilled or intermediate care nursing homes or in intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded

    44. Julia was flipping on the arming switches of her 32 500-pound retarded bombs and selecting fast ripple release mode when the FIRE CAN signal, which had lost them for a moment, caught back with them: one Soviet radar technician out there was definitely on the ball this early morning

    45. Once their wing pylons were emptied of napalm canisters, the fourteen A-3Ns also made wide turns around the camp areas, giving space for the heavy hitters of the strike force: two Northrop YB-50 CONDOR heavy bombers, each loaded with 256 500-pound retarded general purpose bombs

    46. An interesting dilemma is walking by a retarded man fishing in a pond that you know unequivocally has no fish

    47. The phone lay in his hand, its shrill tone mesmerising his tired brain as the hardware vibrated against his palm, his reflexes too retarded to instantly react to its call

    48. "Are you retarded? Why did you call the cops? In a business like this, we don't want them sniffing around

    49. Molly looked like the biggest, most retarded Red Sox fan in the world

    50. Qs, and our lack of knowledge, we are like retarded children

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    Sinônimos para "retarded"

    developmentally challenged mentally retarded retarded delayed impeded detained overdue