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    revert to

    1. faltered revert to something more optimal

    2. She knew that sensation was caused by the small fraction of the sensors that were still destructive and let the measured quantum state revert to unknown

    3. problem, one should rather revert to relatives, friends and other help that our modern society provides

    4. Now that we know a bit more about ourselves, let's revert to our current concrete reality and see how we can use the opportunities placed at our disposal

    5. When facing a problem of this kind, I revert to my own judgment and conscience

    6. To keep the bloodstone from touching him, he had to revert to an insubstantial form

    7. 3 For objects further than 100 light years apart, this method becomes obsolete and cosmologists then revert to measuring the properties of light emitted by stars and galaxies to determine the distances to these objects

    8. And now we have a United States president demanding that Israel revert to the limits of its territory prior to the 1967 war, when Israel was only nine miles wide

    9. He would revert to the silent Spencer once he had been back at work the following day

    10. It is not unknown for a professional woman to revert to tribal customs when with her grandparents

    11. Now that immediate danger was past, Raul’s objective, whatever that might be, would revert to its original design

    12. revert to their comfort zones of preparing long-winded project plans or

    13. Once this obsession with the body goes, you will revert to

    14. For without us, your existence would become short, nasty, and brutish—and you would revert to life as it would have been had you been living isolated in nature

    15. The Economy will not revert to the mid-2000s

    16. I’ve lost patients who could not be saved, but to lose someone so young and strong to a simple heart cramp that any third year Healer should have been able to cure, to have to helplessly revert to the most primitive techniques, only to see them fail…”

    17. “I will revert to my previous physical state, but first I need to release the energy that created my armor into your body

    18. We revert to behaving like animals when we drink and inevitably a fight broke out, daggers were drawn and blood was spilled

    19. Could the people revert to pagan worship in such a short period

    20. After analysing all the relevant data, Tony predicted that if we ever had a king tide accompanied by unusually high rainfall in the coastal ranges, coinciding with cyclonic winds from the sea, or something like that, then the canals would burst and join the river systems, drained land would revert to swamp, and silt would create a sandbar parallel to the coast, causing the river to sweep south and scour out the beach in front of us here

    21. Include facts that stay in the memory of your audience long after the speech ended, this will make them think about you and revert to you

    22. The children greeted their grandparents with joy and Joe as always, seemed to revert to childhood himself in their presence

    23. Trained budgies can quickly lose their training if placed into a large cage with several untrained budgies, as they revert to bonding with other budgies

    24. Due to the fact that we are not on leave from Eretz and rather are on temporary duty assignment, we automatically revert to Eretz status unless we request leave from both services simultaneously, and only then to we revert to being temporary civilians

    25. This then means that people would have to revert to the old way of getting things done

    26. In fact, she seemed to have expunged from her mind all memory of Duffy and, although she did not revert to muteness, she spoke even more seldom than before and I would often find her, standing silent and still, with a look of pre-occupation on her face, as if trying to recall something she had forgotten

    27. She has always been excessively shy and in any company, is liable to revert to the protection of silence, but it seems a great sadness to me that she was never able to fulfil the natural destiny of woman

    28. If you revert to an electric lawnmower you solve the latter problem but you still utilize electricity

    29. If Sparky were to depart a little early, there’d be room for another wealthy resident and Sparky’s assets would revert to the care facility

    30. would revert to a government entity and sales reps would be competing for contracts that

    31. constraint, would most likely revert to the mean- but even more importantly, it suggests an

    32. revert to its mean simply because it is indicative of the type of cost structure inherent in the industry

    33. It goes nowhere and will revert to the main string relatively quickly

    34. tendency to revert to its original state, like a rubber band

    35. energy, and because it naturally wanted to revert to its original form, the amount of

    36. We know we are out-manned, and out-gunned, so we have to revert to the same asymmetrical tactics that were used so effectively by the Viet Cong and the Iranian Jihadist who infiltrated the US before the Iran War

    37. over time ‐ begin to revert to its original programming

    38. )", "they don't really know what they are doing", "following a rude awakening, they will revert to form", etc

    39. acquired emotions, so, in times of stress, we revert to cold logic

    40. never did mention that after the game I would once more revert to a shuffling

    41. viduals will revert to the unemployed sector, albeit with slightly enhanced

    42. revert to the practice of meditation, to retained stationary thoughts or to the Name or the Form of

    43. effective than B12 shots, the appropriate treatment would be to revert to injectable B12

    44. After finishing their terms and being released from jail these men would soon revert to their criminal ways and their evil deeds

    45. So, when his commander told him what he wanted, Officer Sheikho, through his agile mind and clarity of thought, soon realised that the district would quickly revert to its former situation if the commander were to live there

    46. Therefore, the Almighty has informed us, on the tongue of His messenger, of the indications or the signs that precede this Hour so that we may correct our conduct and return to the path of goodness, then we revert to our religion and believe in Al'lah and His messenger, thereupon, He will bestow on us His mighty help and change our fears to safety, our hardship to ease, and our weakness to might, and by then, we can help our brothers of mankind to follow the straight path so as to enjoy the life of ease, happiness, cordiality and peace under the wing of the merciful messenger, and we shall all live in and enjoy a real paradise in this life as brothers, sons of our father Adam and our mother Hawwa' (peace is through them), then Al'lah will give us victory over the unbelievers not for robbing their wealth or humbling them unjustly, as some states do nowadays, but to liberate them from the shackles of material and desires, or more comprehensively, to report to them the divine message so as to enjoy the taste of freedom, justice, and happiness, and by that, we get our recompense from God, the Almighty

    47. During prenatal life, we all have to revert to massive defense mechanisms such as repression and splitting, to avoid being overwhelmed by pain or rage or the homicidal or suicidal drives that would have caused a spontaneous abortion

    48. When you are just learning these techniques, it is too easy to revert to victim stance, and to begin amplifying how terrible the situation is

    49. The four companions were travelling light because they would soon need to revert to their feet

    50. A Black Hole so powerful that it will draw in all of Infinite Energy, Infinite Space and Infinite Time back into a condition of 2 dimensions, then back into a Condition of Infinite Everythingness: where it will finally merge with Infinite Nothingness… and revert to a condition of Actual Infinity that is unsplit; or an unsplit Totality of Actual Infinity

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