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    Use "rigged" em uma frase

    rigged frases de exemplo


    1. I've rigged cradles on ships and truss work to get it there

    2. John and Dave are asleep under the sail, which they have rigged up as a shade

    3. The Chief said, "Meester, you know there’s a real chance that even if you rigged all this up right and it works, we could still die

    4. Daniel had rigged a sort of cast on her wing hoping that the bones would knit

    5. “You think she rigged the bike?”

    6. When near the end of that summer it was varnished and rigged, the little family launched it for its maiden voyage

    7. Grimes, “don’t see much of it here, still Fizzicist did need a new gate, that one hinge affair he had rigged up was not a good idea

    8. “Wouldn’t whoever built it have rigged it to explode if it’s moved?” asked Susan

    9. “No, if they were careful they could have rigged this and closed the live door behind themselves

    10. ” explained Mark, lovingly patting the electronic device he had rigged up from spare parts

    11. We will then wait for the water to be loaded onto the mules and escort them back to our lines the engineers have rigged some hooks which will allow the water cans to be filled quicker

    12. There was no change in either of them and I rigged uniform shelters to protect them from the sun

    13. Pinochet allowed a heavily rigged election in 1988

    14. His phone calls could have been rigged in such a way as to allow him to be in Washington at the time of the murder

    15. of the fish had been rigged

    16. Vrikop was quite a picture himself, having evolved on a planet where the atmosphere had a jelly-like consistency, which was why they always had the little bottle and nasal harness rigged on their faces

    17. He decided after cleaning to leave the tub rigged for a while

    18. The Major had had the square in front of the train station rigged with loudspeakers, to provide marching music

    19. rigged his past, and took the job with the Phoenix Armored Car

    20. light came from a few monitors that were rigged up to car batteries

    21. He must have rigged a bomb to destroy the evidence and not bothered to tell Pine

    22. The next morning, Silpitocle went ahead since we would be crossing one of the trade trails, and I made sure the men were rigged for silent marching

    23. the larger discarded food tins and rope he’d rigged it so that water

    24. and rigged it up in the barn

    25. For example, House Members have rigged the budget process

    26. Doc and Father Boward had rigged up a steam tent over the

    27. Father Boward rigged her up a cot of sorts next to Paul’s bed

    28. You the guys that put those rigged mortar rounds in the VC supply system? Don't you do assassination and counter-terror?"

    29. The F-4 was rigged that way

    30. Swann and Sheila rigged a couple of stretchers from hauberks and abandoned spears, and by means of gesture and example chivvied the carters into helping as bearers

    31. In fact, however, Jacob had rigged the switches to detonate hidden explosives which would completely destroy the facility and all those in it

    32. The floor of the corridor was glass as well and looking down Michael could see hundreds of containers in rows rigged to stainless steel pipes which seemed to run in all directions

    33. Of course, the democratic elections were rigged,

    34. It was rigged so it had three walls and a roof to protect us from the rain

    35. course, the democratic elections were rigged, for it

    36. at the casino was rigged and generally

    37. There was no power to it so I had rigged a

    38. rigged it with a PVC pipe running out overhead

    39. It was better than winning all of those rigged carnival games

    40. The raggedy carnival had been their home, Jexter their leader, but now it felt as if they’d fallen for one of the rigged five-cent games

    41. The voting system there was rigged to ensure that Unionist Protestants would always get the majority vote to anchor them to union with Britain

    42. On March 18, 1970, while he was travelling out of the country, Lon Nol was elected as the first president of the Khmer Republic in a blatantly rigged election

    43. which was obviously rigged to be remotely detonated!

    44. “They’d think you rigged it, Raines

    45. Next, I rigged a harness, put crampons on my boots and took up the line

    46. It is a rigged market

    47. Harold rigged up a canopy over her car seat to protect her from the

    48. The control suites had been rigged with explosives which the retreating operator would detonate as they left sealing off the route they had just used to escape

    49. He had rigged the sloop for

    50. process, except to say that the output system is rigged to fire the waste in a

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    Sinônimos para "rigged"

    rigged fraudulent corrupt