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    Use "ring finger" em uma frase

    ring finger frases de exemplo

    ring finger

    1. I gave her the enamelled ring with the emerald in it that I had got in Egypt I slipped it onto her ring finger and it fitted a treat I was glad to see

    2. There was also a small box and when I opened it I found a plain gold wedding band inside I read the letter that had accompanied it and this told me that I should put it on my wedding ring finger because Helen was wearing the twin on hers

    3. “Not just a story,” Adem said waving a lecturing finger at the man, “a true account of a genuine sign from God

    4. Jack calmly pulled on Molly’s ring finger, giving it an extra twist as he recited, “This little piggy had none …”

    5. As he dove for cover behind a rock at the side of the road, the next round clipped off the tip of his ring finger and bored through his intestines

    6. But there was no white band on his ring finger, either, indicating he never did wear a ring there

    7. She got married even though her life had snatched her ring finger from her long ago, unlike me who was spending a lonely life away from the luxuries which were mine

    8. “Yes” I whispered trying to breathe, he smiled and took out the ring; sliding it onto my ring finger

    9. Then there was a picture of me outside the Berkshire Hathaway building and they zoomed in on my ring finger

    10. Shaftner pointed a wavering finger at Ken, “I think that’s him, but with all those bandages, it’s difficult to say

    11. It was a clear, fire-brilliant diamond as big as the tip of her ring finger

    12. It fitted perfectly on the ring finger

    13. pointed a wavering finger in the direction of George Potter

    14. stink!” He would say with his ring finger tucked in

    15. "I promise to love you for the rest of my life," she said as she settled the ring on Zoe’s ring finger

    16. They seemed as though they were once beautiful hands with long, tapering fingers, but rheumatism had knotted the joints and warped the fingers

    17. She looked down to notice that he had a gold band on his left ring finger

    18. “What’s that?" she asked, pointing to his ring finger

    19. Then carefully he placed it back in the panhandle of the ashtray, delicately flicking off the long ash with the tip of his ring finger

    20. A diamond ring was on the ring finger

    21. Ailia saw that he wore a gold serpent wedding band on his ring finger

    22. “Well what do you know?” She said holding her ring fingered hand toward him, her face was lit with playful sincerity

    23. " He twirls it around his ring finger and blinks at a faster rate

    24. The flesh of his fingertips was gone, rendering fingerprinting useless

    25. His exploring fingertips caressed my exposed back from my shoulders down to my waist, then he slipped the silk material the rest of the way off my body; it fell in a soft whisper to the floor, landing at my feet

    26. Ritter dipped his quivering finger in the clear fluid and watched it turn a brilliant red

    27. It was a ring that he always kept on his left ring finger

    28. The nerve is directly connected to the little finger and half the ring finger so when the ulnar nerve is struck the two fingers tingle and for a moment or two seem to have minds of their own

    29. After a moment, his hand did stop throbbing, but it still hurt to move his pinky and ring finger

    30. It was then that Mac noticed that the ring finger on Ricky’s left hand was missing the first two joints

    31. Mac saw that the man was missing two joints on his ring finger of his left hand

    32. She opened it and slid the ring on to her ring finger

    33. ” Manon started protesting but a caring finger to his

    34. She felt at her ring finger and the purity ring that sat there snugly

    35. Shirt collars were smeared with lipstick, hair was ruffled by wandering fingers, and the occasional dislodged stiletto lay forgotten in the aisle

    36. He hadn’t seen it before, but his wandering fingers found the little piece of rolled up paper tied to the cross guard of the sword

    37. She pushed back from me and her eyes were pleading as she asked, “When are you going to make an honest woman out of me Tyre? This is torture!” She said as she held her ring finger up in the air beseechingly

    38. He took my left hand and touched a finger to my ring finger, his expression thoughtful

    39. Tommit slipped it on my ring finger

    40. Wedding rings: According to the Greeks and later the Romans it was believed that the third finger or ring finger on the left hand had a vein leading directly to the heart

    41. Her hands were of finely veined alabaster with tapering fingers and as white as lemonjuice and queen of ointments could make them though it was not true that she used to wear kid gloves in bed or take a milk footbath either

    42. wavering finger to the cottage by the stream

    43. recovers itself so as to re-tighten that strict compression of its mantlings and folds, which form the sides of the passage, wherewith it so tenderly embraces and closely clips any foreign body introduced into it, such as my exploring finger then was

    44. Now Kaillyt raised a right hand which had lost its thumb and two fingers to frostbite over the winter and pointed at his bishop with his ring finger, in the gesture he’d acquired since his mutilation

    45. Sword was the first ship in the four-ship column in the “ring finger” position, and as the formation settled down, Mahgyrs started the entire squadron moving forward once again, quite a bit more sedately than Lance but still faster than any pure sailing ship could have managed

    46. Then she laughed, stuck out her ring finger, which was shaking so hard that, with his hand shaking, too, it was truly a triumph that Rich got the ring in place

    47. I noticed that the pinkie and ring finger of his left hand were shorter than normal

    48. As before, the short, wiry man with the coarse red hair made a steeple with his hands, highlighting for me and everyone close enough to see him that the pinkie and ring finger of his left hand were shorter than the others

    49. Then his right arm, all ready to discharge the signal shot, dropped slowly, and at the moment when Jondrette repeated, "Thenardier, do you understand?" Marius's faltering fingers had come near letting the pistol fall

    50. "It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation," quoted the visitor, who now moved to place a book under each of the dying man's hands where his tremoring fingers could scratch, pull away, then touch, Braille-like, again

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