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    Use "rock bottom" em uma frase

    rock bottom frases de exemplo

    rock bottom

    1. He really hit rock bottom when the invitations to play in charity golf tournaments stopped arriving on his doormat because the organisers were worried about Terry’s drink problems

    2. rock bottom when the invitations to play in charity golf

    3. In this manner, an occasional (market) quirk or (uncertain) political event would seem to ―justify‖ bailing out; in turn spooking unsophisticated investors into selling off their own shares in order to cut their losses before their portfolios hit rock bottom thereby setting the table for savvier investors to acquire them on the cheap

    4. If my day could have gotten any worse it would have suddenly hit rock bottom, but his words gave me a renewed sense of hope

    5. from the heights and hit rock bottom hard

    6. The son had to hit rock bottom before

    7. things that will eventually bring you to rock bottom

    8. Once on top of the world, this fallen star seems to be hitting rock bottom these days

    9. Your plans are not working out and you have reached rock bottom

    10. Eventually, all addicts reach a point in their lives where they hit rock bottom

    11. One Shoe had not reached the end of his rope, that final fall to rock bottom, yet

    12. The thing about hitting rock bottom is that you have only the top to

    13. o We replaced it with an even better video, about a "rock bottom blueprint" that is

    14. bought the shares at rock bottom prices and sold at highly inflated values,

    15. If people want to fall on their faces, they can pick themselves up, or stay at rock bottom; that’s not society’s responsibility

    16. Now bereft of any sensible ideas, we hit rock bottom and dragged ourselves kicking and scratching over to the English Consulate

    17. But worse than my self-doubt is the stalemate I’m facing: the negotiations have reached rock bottom and walking away is impossible

    18. He has a helluva lot more social capital to burn than I do and no compunction about using it to knock me to rock bottom as payback for all the existing clients they lost when he fired me and the new ones who won’t go near the firm since I left

    19. That was the rock bottom foundation on which I was able to construct some hope

    20. that is the rock bottom base of most of our economic problems

    21. We had not only hit rock bottom but had started digging

    22. of hitting rock bottom, the feeling of being on top of the world is that

    23. gotten about as low as I could go, rock bottom

    24. He hadn’t hit rock bottom though and after a month or so in Poland HR had

    25. Deals for rock bottom rates at some of the best

    26. it didn’t make me feel as alone as I might have felt if I couldn’t talk to anyone about it, although I was pretty much rock bottom now

    27. As I interact and talk with other married couples, I notice that very often the turning point in a marriage is when a couple hits rock bottom

    28. Morale hit rock bottom

    29. Morale had hit rock bottom when my chief risked his life early one morning—by that I mean he entered my room and shook me awake

    30. But what I’m coming to is that it was then, when it seemed as if we’d hit rock bottom, that Levin rang

    31. The pain of hitting rock bottom punctures an alcoholic's denial

    32. When the underlying security moves far from the exercise price but there is still time left to the expiration, the price of the option you sold may fall near its rock bottom and lose value in tiny dribs and drabs

    33. Trading is not just a business; it's a lifestyle! I can remember a time when I hit rock bottom

    34. As described in this chapter, a trailing stop order to buy would be used to buy a security when its price hits absolute rock bottom and then turns upwards

    35. In June 1962, when the stock market was at rock bottom, a big Beverly Hills investor barged into the office of a broker friend of mine and shouted that, at 50 times earnings, Xerox was drastically overpriced

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