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    roman catholic frases de exemplo

    roman catholic

    1. (This is where the Roman Catholic practice of “sprinkling” comes from

    2. In England, and in all Roman catholic countries, the lottery of the

    3. meditation — members of the Roman Catholic Church pray the Rosary, and

    4. They set themselves, therefore, to expose the many errors of that translation, which the Roman catholic clergy were thus put under the necessity of defending or explaining

    5. It was thus that the Roman catholic clergy called upon the civil magistrate to persecute the protestants, and the church of England to persecute the dissenters; and that in general every religious sect, when it has once enjoyed, for a century or two, the security of a legal establishment, has found itself incapable of making any vigorous defence against any new sect which chose to attack its doctrine or discipline

    6. de Voltaire may be applied, I believe, not only to France, but to all other Roman Catholic countries

    7. In England, accordingly, the church is continually draining the universities of all their best and ablest members; and an old college tutor who is known and distinguished in Europe as an eminent man of letters, is as rarely to be found there as in any Roman catholic country, In Geneva, on the contrary, in the protestant cantons of

    8. protestant countries, particularly in all the protestant cantons of Switzerland, the revenue which anciently belonged to the Roman catholic church, the tithes and church lands, has been found a fund sufficient, not only to afford competent salaries to the established clergy, but to defray, with little or no addition, all the other expenses of the state

    9. In some parts of Switzerland, accordingly, where, from the accidental union of a protestant and Roman catholic country, the conversion has not been so complete, both religions are not only tolerated, but established by law

    10. She was flesh and blood like anyone else but the way Rosemary spoke about her, Jack was certain Shelagh was Rosemary's heroine - her saviour; the counter balance to her parents strict Roman Catholic upbringing

    11. The Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church

    12. Canon or ―Ecclesiastical‖ Law is a body of laws derived from biblical and scriptural sources as well as the inspired writings of (private) individuals governing the (organization) of the Roman Catholic Church and its members

    13. Witness the ―re-emergence‖ of the Roman Catholic Church amidst the rubble and ashes of a morally decadent Soviet Regime

    14. Although it isn‘t my place to argue whether or not Roman Catholicism represents the ―one true religion‖, no religious teaching(s), in my opinion, has been systematically railed against over the centuries yet (somehow) managed to land on its own two feet without compromising its principle doctrines

    15. They take this very seriously and Roman Catholics will make the sign of the cross

    16. As a Roman Catholic, I too am oftentimes offended by gratuitous Christian bashing that has become commonplace in the Motion Picture Industry, for example, and among second rate, dysfunctional ―artists‖, (subsidized at tax-payer expense), whose Christian points of view are intentionally designed to (publicly) offend not only their primary target (Christians) but other religiously minded individuals who take religious matters seriously

    17. The disgraceful episodes of child abuse by some clergy – even though most of it has taken place in the Roman Catholic Church – unfortunately has, by association, tainted everyone in the Christian church

    18. The Roman model is certainly not confined to the Roman Catholic Church

    19. Indeed, although the Gospels show that Jesus had brothers and sisters, the Roman Catholic Church suggests that they were the children of Joseph, the putative father of Jesus, by an earlier marriage

    20. Even the Roman Catholic Church has, perhaps unconsciously, realised that God must also be allowed to show a feminine side

    21. It had to do with the difference between the Western (Roman Catholic) and Eastern Orthodox (Byzantine) interpretations of Adam and Eve’s original sin

    22. heart than the Roman Catholics have images and

    23. While it is true the Roman Catholics have gone

    24. equal footage with the Roman Catholics

    25. My useless anal retentive OCD, devout Roman Catholic, boss Bill Mack, who criticized me frequently for banging the female help, double crossed me twice in one weekend

    26. They were practicing Roman Catholics who, for the first 10-15 years of marriage, had been childless

    27. ” Because the younger one was a recovering cokehead, and my not being Roman Catholic anyway, I felt more comfortable talking with the older priest who was also the chaplain at Providence College and had been the same at Georgetown previously

    28. The most obvious and important residuum of the empire is the Roman Catholic Church

    29. The story of the 10 percent of world Jewry (Ashkenazim) requires a brief look at the Roman Catholic Church

    30. Orthodox faith, and permitted the committal of unspeakable atrocities on the Jews and Roman Catholics

    31. The population south of the Danube was also largely Roman Catholic

    32. population on both sides of these river valleys was Roman Catholic (with the exceptions noted above)

    33. Luther, however, questioned Roman Catholic orthodoxy at a time when the prestige of the papacy was at low ebb and the German princes were open to any reason to justify arresting the flow of money to Rome

    34. Simultaneously with the questioning of Roman Catholic orthodoxy, there was a

    35. In 1500, England was officially Roman Catholic

    36. Charles lacked his father’s ability to compromise, and his wife was a French princess, and a devout Roman Catholic

    37. Monasteries in the Roman Catholic Church and in the Eastern Orthodox rite have existed for centuries

    38. In addition, there has always been a religious establishment, such as the Roman Catholic Church in France or the Ulema (Islamic religious council) in the

    39. The other approach, practiced in France, Spain, and the Italian states, was to make Roman Catholicism the only tolerated religion

    40. Saul Padover clearly states how the Emperor viewed the relationship of Church to State: This gives a pretty good idea of what the Roman Catholic clergy could expect from their new ruler

    41. If we had been colonized under a tyrannical Spanish aristocracy and the intolerant Roman Catholic Church of the Inquisition, our liberty would not exist

    42. Born into a Roman Catholic family, she’d always felt that her mother had tried to shove her own beliefs down her throat

    43. infamous for arguing with the Roman Catholic Church about which colours really fulfilled the

    44. Pope, Head of the Roman Catholic Church, to the highest bidder?

    45. I left the Cathedral and headed for another, smaller, Roman Catholic

    46. My only concern was that news of a murder at the Roman Catholic

    47. ‘Despite having commissioned Dürer’s life-size paintings of the Four Apostles, the newly-Protestant Nüremberg City Fathers refused to pay up, because the works were an unwelcome reminder of Roman Catholicism

    48. That is the truth which lies behind the Roman Catholic doctrine of her

    49. In the Roman Catholic tradition the existence of God is demonstrated using natural reason

    50. nations with a school chum who had turned out to be a devout Roman Catholic

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