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    round up frases de exemplo

    round up

    1. Solar Tea: Solar Tea is made by placing the ground up dried leaves of the herb into panty hose tied into a ball (becomes a tea bag) then place into a gallon (or larger) glass container of pure water (not city water, distilled or filtered water is best but stream water is OK)

    2. As they filed into his parade ground up the grandest colonnade of all, there was music beyond music underneath it all, every patriotic theme there had ever been, somehow fused into one subliminal march

    3. Instead of firing the poor girl, the chairman’s wife asked the maid to sew a little bag of the finest silk and fill it with ground up Puy lentils

    4. Then she cut a tiny whole in the bag so that the ground up lentils would leave a trail if she were abducted once again

    5. Adjoining the kitchen garden, to the east of the house, there was still a rough patch of ground upon which stood an ancient oak tree

    6. little bag of the finest silk and fill it with ground up Puy lentils

    7. in the bag so that the ground up lentils would leave a trail if she

    8. patch of ground upon which stood an ancient oak tree

    9. Deprived of their focal point, her eyes dropped to the shingle by her feet, idly scanning the ground up rocks littering the shore

    10. Chiggeed the feast-master was already out in the woods as Afternoonday began, along with two bowmen and a bolt-bearer, hunting a theirops that was rumored to be rummaging around up past Napar

    11. He’d spent every free minute he could find, reconstruction them from the ground up

    12. "I was just looking over who I could have help on the round up

    13. His solution is simple - round up all the butterflies and eradicate them

    14. ” Leaving us with these words of wisdom the CSM pushed off to round up more of the Companies survivors ready for the next stage

    15. “Remember in like Flynn get the guns put out of commission and get out no hanging around, right is everyone ready?” We all acknowledged that we were and then we made a final check of our weapons making sure we had a round up the spout and that our bayonets were attached properly and would not fall off at an embarrassing moment

    16. advantageous application of every inch of ground upon his estate

    17. I ground up the pill and mixed it into gourmet cat food, and after that into a small piece of shredded chicken

    18. detained under legal warrant upon any criminal charge, we are not aware of any ground upon which they can properly be prevented from going on shore and disposing of themselves as they think, and we cannot advise her Majesty’s government to assume or exercise the power of keeping them under any kind of restraint

    19. He gave her a list of supplies to round up and said he would be there in a few minutes

    20. always the other side that has no moral ground upon which to stand

    21. All I knew is there were a lot of real tall buildings and when you looked up towards the sky there was an awful lot of trash floating around up there

    22. He would have to round up Hollowcrest’s minions and do something with them—all before Hollowcrest figured out Sespian was off the drug

    23. Anglo-American volunteers worked with the military to round up Natives and remove them to reservations

    24. Izio’s friend, who did not participate in the operation as his job was to round up weapons for the fighters, told us the whole story

    25. In the southwest, Colonel Kit Carson, on the orders of General Carleton, attacked Navajo villages and tried to round up the entire tribe

    26. ground up petals of a mountain lily could cure it

    27. “Nurse Marvin, I aint starving,” Bob said to him after he had stopped head spinning, “I thought I saw white shoes while I was revolving around upside down,” Bob added

    28. And, I don‘t need him around upsetting me emotionally, because that‘s what happens every time

    29. In my research I was unable to find out whether the teeth are ground up together with the bones, or if it is being thrown away with some of the un-ground bones

    30. My actions are the ground upon which I stand

    31. the ground up to the windows, and the windows were covered; 17 To that above the door, even to the inner house, and outside, and by

    32. meet with established clients, round up new ones, and chase down customers who owe

    33. was actually able to walk around up there pretty easily (as he was demonstrating), while the

    34. I took that step, and found I too could walk around up there with ease

    35. Pa built this thing from the ground up

    36. Youssaf, waving a final, rather formal-looking farewell in Moshe’s direction, strode away at their head, leaving Shobal to round up some dockhands to carry all the paraphernalia with which Myserrah had stumbled down that benighted sand dune

    37. “You! Go round up the others! Have them bring their whips, but tell them to keep them out of sight! Just come in and stay close to us! Here,” he added as he dismounted, trying to keep things as simple as possible, “Give me your whip and tell them to just follow my lead!”

    38. “The rest of you,” he continued in the loud voice of command, “round up the horses and collect all the weapons

    39. No use in having several heads bobbing around up here for the Egyptians to see, Yigal thought

    40. leaving Shobal to round up some dockhands to carry all the paraphernalia with which

    41. this Hebrew scum into the keep, and round up all those who have come with him while I look

    42. “You! Go round up the

    43. “The rest of you,” he continued in the loud voice of command, “round up the horses and collect

    44. No use in having several heads bobbing around up here for the Egyptians to see, Yigal

    45. In the last two decades, before any gigantic shuttle launch, there’s the round up

    46. millionaires of our industry have built their businesses from the ground up

    47. Previously only known as chicken feed, it was now ground up and turned into lumps of a very hard, yellow loaf-shaped substance which could not be managed easily

    48. your music, you have to go out there and build it from the ground up

    49. Round up a hundred villagers to go on the train," Muller said as he picked up a pen and began to sign papers

    50. Besides all natural sea salt (and lots of it), the five “grains” it is made with are: (one) wheat; (two) finely chopped hemp seed; (three) dehydrated organically grown mushroom stems; (four) termite larva that have been dried and powdered; and (five) fresh, ground up tongues from the South American blue-tongued tree frog

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