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    rove through frases de exemplo

    rove through

    1. Drivers flashed their lights and drove through without a look in the old man’s direction

    2. As they drove through, Tom caught sight of a

    3. We drove through the hills of the Luberon

    4. We drove through miles of not-quite-ready-to-flower

    5. As I drove through the parking lot and

    6. Save for a few, humans tend to improve through high and lows

    7. Irish cattle could never be imported for their use, but must be drove through those very extensive countries, at no small expense and inconveniency, before they could arrive at their proper market

    8. The armoured limousine, its two protection service Mercedes and four Police motorcycles drove through the large gateway from the secure compound

    9. How do you identify the one belief that is the most accurate, with all of these creationist views discounting spontaneous generation of life? How can we identify the truth, if we cannot unequivocally prove through normal experimentation and confirm that the timelines suggested by either Evolution or Creationism are factual? Is there any way in which the scientific method can be applied to this issue to establish with more clarity, which of these views are the most accurate? Where would we begin and what methods would we apply to test our hypotheses? I would like to propose a hypothesis that will assist us in better understanding the subject as we move forward; should we be able to provide some provable facts to support the hypothesis

    10. Now, given the fact that the Bible was written over almost 2 millennia, by about 40 different authors and the fact that we can prove through scientific methods that the Bible contains enormous amounts of evidence of elaborate design

    11. As they drove through Stepney, a

    12. I drove through it a few days ago, and barely recognized anything

    13. Marco and Josie drove through the enormously large entrance gates of Rio Adventures, the company hosting our camp

    14. Most certainly some unpleasantness was asked for and some (apparently for I did not see it) was tied to the bumper of the armoured vehicles and drove through small thorn trees until they saw the error in their ways

    15. As William drove through town, he looked closely at the facades of the wooden buildings he was leaving behind

    16. As William drove through the center of town he could see the time on the town hall clock was half past eight in the morning

    17. The large vehicle drove through the rain storm, which lashed her vehicle, and the road around her as it weaved around the curves and bends of the highland roads

    18. I set the GPS and drove through almost empty streets to Mia"s apartment

    19. She and the driver carried on a running conversation about the city as they drove through battered streets filled with work parties of both men and women clearing the rubble of collapsed and shattered buildings

    20. Quarles was silent until they had left the dock area, but then began pointing out various Stockholm landmarks as they drove through the city’s streets

    21. In less than a minute, Ingrid drove through the van park entrance, opening up into a rainforest area dotted with campervans

    22. He drove through the village and revisited the road where he had encountered Vitarelli, but saw no Signal Corps vehicles

    23. Instinctively I pushed my foot down on the accelerator, as we drove through a small village, which seemed to consist of nothing more than a few cottages, a café and a stone church

    24. I drove through several villages that had been evacuated

    25. wasted and drove through a field he thought was the road

    26. drove through it was immediately concerned with the

    27. Lucy drove through the rest of the complex and

    28. It was already night outside when a car drove through, and the light

    29. The next day they had lunch in the historic town of Gretna Green from which it was only a short distance to the Scottish border; and from there they followed the coastal roads to the west and at three that afternoon, drove through the impressive stone gates of Rick’s estate in the south-western Highlands of Scotland

    30. Batistuta drove through, and entered a dank and

    31. She drove through the red light on Main while doing her sums, but the Sheriff never patrolled in West B during the day—one blat from a trucker was her only penalty

    32. I drove through most of this state until sun down

    33. I drove through that town, which was way bigger than I expected, and stayed no

    34. We drove through the Brooks Range and over the Atigun Pass without any

    35. I drove through, stopped the car

    36. When he drove through the streets in his chariot he thought about the slaves

    37. Back in the car, Michael drove through the lot and parked in

    38. I got back to the car and drove through the exit on the

    39. When they drove through the gate, and she turned to watch it

    40. Duff, whose bowels had regained a measure of self-control, had also arrived at the Youth Hostel and reckoned I should join him on the road before daybreak, because we were both heading for Tripoli in Libya and no one drove through the desert in the heat of the day

    41. spectacular Cliff’s of Moher and then drove through the rocky lunar landscape of the Burren, clad in wild flowers, before heading for County Galway

    42. “Did you ever see a place like this in all your life?” Matthew said to Ellen as they drove through countless miles of heath land that they both agreed was the most sparsely populated landscape they had ever seen

    43. A moment later he drove through the group of men like a bull through the crowd

    44. The whole day we drove through the highlands of Zanjan and the valleys of Chalous

    45. Drove through Grahamstown, by-passed Port Elizabeth, Clarkson and then a few kilometres before Woodlands turned left down a little country road to a small holiday cottage, surrounded by lush tropical foliage, on the beach, which was owned and used by Hu Lyang, when he was not staying at his Cape Town mansion – there were no other cottages in the area – the only other structure being a wooden boathouse which had its own jetty attached…

    46. Gomes drove through the gates and found a parking bay

    47. As they drove through the night, she told him of her life since the divorce, and how she had returned to art, her first love, and had created a thriving business in Vancouver

    48. Bizarre things started happening as we drove through the community

    49. This was a Friday evening and as I drove through Oshawa

    50. And drove through him

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