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    run in frases de exemplo

    run in

    1. You are just innocent bystanders that Ava happened to run into along the way

    2. When dried it will leave a thin film for the cockroaches to run into

    3. doostEr worried that the city fathers had convinced the local news outlets to only say that he had run into the wilds so people would stop worrying

    4. to have run in at our facility

    5. The redsuits would be overrun in seconds and there was nothing he could do

    6. It was a leap of faith, especially when my earlier thoughts had run in completely the opposite direction

    7. Drivers, all polo shirts and chinos, run in and out,

    8. Alan had lived his life on the ship with only the exercise ring to run in, kept at about half the gravity here

    9. When he had run in the exercise ring to the limit of his endurance, training for just such an event as this, he had collapsed in exhaustion after less than a quarter this distance and that was without the pack

    10. summer skies of blue run into the sands

    11. By trade the father was a labourer, although through a combination of ill luck and regular run ins with the genie of the bottle, he rarely engaged in his professional calling

    12. He would have rather run the Desa or Kuthra cherub, but they took five Q each while an infant with most defaults selected can run in less than a G

    13. ‘No – it doesn’t run in families like that

    14. combination of ill luck and regular run ins with the genie of the

    15. “We will wait here for the second lift,” Kai and Tarak had their swords drawn; “it would be wiser to have more men in case we run into any trouble

    16. “You have run into this before,” it was a statement rather than a question

    17. 7 All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full

    18. ‘Seems to run in the family, doesn’t it?’

    19. ’ I muttered, hesitating in the doorway, I hadn’t expected to run into her and am still adjusting to the concept of sleeping with Dave while his parents are in the house

    20. Of course he didn’t really know what genes did what and how they were inherited, but he’d seen many skills run in families

    21. There’s one named Yorthops somewhere in the city for another year or two, but I haven’t run into her

    22. chosen to run in the direction which leads to the causeway and,

    23. He did this because he thought it was more and more likely he was going to run into someone who knew something about Bostok

    24. There was still a great possibility he would run into someone who knew about the desert, but at least he had seen that

    25. “Say Bill, ya ever run into anything out there, in your travels through the

    26. She knew he was talking about his run in with Mike

    27. But wasn't this her mother's genes again? Hadn't she wanted someone steady, along comes someone who could be exclusive, and she's ready to give him one roll in the flowers and then tell him what? 'Oh, if we run into each other again after a few decades I could imagine I might be willing to try a relationship with you'?

    28. “I thought the person you saw in that village was the only teacher around here but now you walk just a little ways into the woods and run into a university professor?”

    29. She knew she could’ve drove to Cedar for the court hearing but felt it was better if she didn't run into her brothers

    30. I think that might've run into the thousands of dollars so very sad ending to a unique and colorful character and I hope he had a great rest of his life as I don't think he missed going to Don Bosco

    31. had that run in at Riomaggiore!’ There was a moment’s

    32. I found after I came about two miles up, that the tide did not flow any higher, and that it was no more than a little brook of running water, very fresh and good; but this being the dry season, there was hardly any water in some parts of it—at least not enough to run in any stream, so as it could be perceived

    33. This disorder is thought to run in families and at this point, it is probably impossible to tell how much of his family’s ‘visions’ were actually visions and what were the result of the disorder

    34. He had the good fortune to run into Sheizenn at that tiny roof-plaz on the Thulingain where you can catch a glimpse of the southern horizon

    35. Whenever he had the misfortune to run into her, which was usually when Nathalia came to visit, the girl would stare at him for the duration

    36. It was like he had run into a wall and the look of surprise on his face was almost comical, had he not been so angry

    37. Whatever, therefore, is poured into it beyond this sum, cannot run into it, but must overflow

    38. I wanted to run into the skene and hide

    39. you’ll run into trouble

    40. savings, which incidentally run into millions, into this gold mine of

    41. Bourdeaux is, in the same manner, the entrepot of the wines which grow upon the banks of the Garronne, and of the rivers which run into it, one of the richest wine countries in the world, and which seems to produce the wine fittest for exportation, or best suited to the taste of foreign nations

    42. He could barely stand, let alone run into the forest

    43. judging after how crowded and rarely they run in

    44. Aunt Melissa noticed my hunching run into the woods

    45. She never heard from or about her friend since the day he left, and she wondered if she might run into him while in the province

    46. As he stood back up, he felt a sudden pressure at his side, as if someone or something had run into him as they passed by

    47. more likely to stick with your business when you run into obstacles that will certainly

    48. What had happened to their radar? They weren't supposed to run into things

    49. Another SA had run into him

    50. Some of the little Italian states which are situated upon the Po, and the rivers which run into it, derive some revenue from duties of this kind, which are paid altogether by foreigners, and which, perhaps, are the only duties that one state can impose upon the subjects of another, without obstruction in any respect, the industry or commerce of its own

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