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    russia frases de exemplo


    1. ‘Yes, there’s the three here in the Med, one somewhere in the Rhone valley in France, four in the north American continent, a handful in Russia, two or three in the Germany/Poland/Austria regions, the three which we have in the British Isles and goodness only knows how many in the Oriental areas … they’ve never admitted to more than two up to now

    2. I've been to Russia, twice

    3. While I was in Russia I got this real interest in those religious icons

    4. If this was a faithful reproduction of the era, the splendor was beyond anything she knew of til Imperial Russia

    5. During that time Talstan had overrun most of Siberia, then China and most of Russia

    6. “So, I suspect that he was there in Russia when the Siberian

    7. Russia, and in Agrea – that’s the part of our world reached through

    8. This landlocked country is near Russia

    9. Russia, have all advanced considerably, both in agriculture and in manufactures

    10. Russia, starting with Ivan the Terrible, as yearly

    11. This species of slavery still subsists in Russia, Poland, Hungary, Bohemia, Moravia, and other parts of Germany

    12. forced rule; but with Russia and China as

    13. Soroker (Russia) and F

    14. First, those colonies, in preparing themselves for their non-importation agreement, drained Great Britain completely of all the commodities which were fit for their market ; secondly, the extra ordinary demand of the Spanish flota has, this year, drained Germany and the north of many commodities, linen in particular, which used to come into competition, even in the British market, with the manufactures of Great Britain; thirdly, the peace between Russia and Turkey has occasioned an extraordinary demand from the Turkey market, which, during the distress of the country, and while a Russian fleet was cruizing in the Archipelago, had been very poorly supplied ; fourthly, the demand of the north of Europe for the manufactures of Great Britain has been increasing from year to year, for some time past; and, fifthly, the late partition, and consequential pacification of Poland, by opening the market of that great country, have, this year, added an extraordinary demand from thence to the increasing demand of the north

    15. The first English embassies to Russia arose altogether from commercial interests

    16. 6, the fine for admission into the Russia company was reduced to five pounds; and by the 25th of Charles II

    17. They reached St Petersberg, Russia in about twelve minutes

    18. There subsists at present a tax of this kind in the empire of Russia

    19. Nation that has been at war on numerous occasions with Turkey in modern times, such that one cannot help wondering whether, if Russia were to attack Turkey from the rear, would Greece help

    20. The land bridge connecting what are now Russia and Alaska existed some twenty thousand years ago, and provided the means for Asians to come to the Americas

    21. Government supporters where apt to point out the fact that if his news channel had existed in an Eastern Alliance country such as Russia or China, anti regime comments would’ve ensured its closure and his arrest

    22. ‘The Chinese government, in a statement to the eastern network, has declared its full cooperation with Russia

    23. General Voltimir had been in conference with the president, outlining the inexplicable recurrence within compound 4569#3, a secret location somewhere in southeast Russia

    24. Not just in Russia where diplomatic relations were known to be a foreign – in every sense of the word – concept to the new president elect, but throughout the United Bloc of nations: a committee, including the non-aligned (neutral) countries such as Japan, Korea (north & south), and India, which had at the heart of its ethos the slogan finding the middle way

    25. The two biggest EA nations – Russia and China – in fact agreed their nuclear capability must be restored to full capacity … and shown to be such

    26. And as a formidable nuclear power they have much to gain from a pact with Russia

    27. And, after a few years I wound up in Russia, of all places

    28. What I didn’t expect was that I’d soon be going to Russia

    29. My trip to Russia involved several circumstances

    30. Russia was by far the largest and wealthiest of the new

    31. everybody in the United States thought that the transformation of Russia was a great thing because the Cold War was over, and we

    32. away present for our trip to Russia

    33. On to Russia, and to the Moscow Country Club

    34. To set an example I ordered a house for myself, and later sold it to the head of General Motors for Russia

    35. He came and flew me out of Russia to Finland

    36. It was such a relief to see them out of Russia that I didn’t really absorb Lisa’s concern about Evan

    37. several years I was in no mood to revisit Russia

    38. Hence it came out that they knew of the murders of the Jews in Russia

    39. Soviet intelligence was especially good at this type of thing and we think of Operation Trust where they ran a pseudo white Russian group in France called the "Monarchist Union of Central Russia

    40. The agreement read that any Polish citizen, who is in Russia, will be permitted to travel anywhere in Russia and settle in any small town but not close to the border

    41. Most Poles decided on settling in the south of Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, which were far from the war front and where the climate was pleasant

    42. I did however learn that Russia was mobilizing all its troops to hold the Germans back who had already arrived within one hundred kilometres of Moscow, and Stalingrad was under very heavy attack

    43. We had no idea how long we would be staying there, as the war was still raging on and Russia was mobilizing its citizens along with Poles who flooded their country en masse

    44. What will happen if Germany conquers Russia and continues to Asia Minor

    45. We listened to the radio: “The joint forces of our army from all over Russia, under the leadership of our revered leader and hero Jossif Stalin, has held out against the aggressors and are currently defeating them and inflicting upon them heavy losses

    46. Mother Russia will prevail

    47. That was when Russia attacked Germany and merged the Polish units into its own army

    48. At Brest, we crossed the original border between Russia and Poland

    49. (Russia and China, for example, were/are military powers but not great nations by any means

    50. I told him that I wanted to return to Russia and bring my family to Poland

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