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    Use "saber" em uma frase

    saber frases de exemplo


    1. He also trained the pilots that flew the starships, Sword and her sister ship, Saber

    2. Alexei was in his quarters when he spotted the Saber heading their way

    3. When they arrived on the Saber, Altera was waiting on the docking bay with two of her guards

    4. Now onboard the Saber, Naria continued his lessons and was amazed at how quickly he picked it up

    5. Naria informed the Captain of the Saber as to what she intended; privately he agreed with her; it would be nice to finally bring good news to their ‘guests’

    6. Naria stepped onto the beaming pad and called the Saber

    7. She could not hold back a playful grin at his mention of a saber cat’s vitality while he rattled off the bottled benefits

    8. “Your friend prefer saber or rapier?”

    9. Maldynado set down his saber and shrugged into a pristine padded vest and grabbed a monogrammed helmet

    10. He lifted his saber in a salute to his opponent and to the judge, then plopped the helmet over his curls

    11. Maldynado skittered aside, but not before Sicarius tapped him on the ribs with his saber

    12. “Why?” Maldynado tapped the emerald-jeweled hilt of his saber, a different weapon than he had worn to the Onyx Lodge—he probably had a sword to match every outfit

    13. This was saber rattling to protect one's self proclaimed turf

    14. (have knowledge of) saber; 2

    15. The swords we used were little more than foils, whereas Ria here is a light saber, but she hefts about the same

    16. The female of one pair was killed by a Concussion as both members of the other team were wounded by Force bolts, then the felled female’s mate slammed into his weakened opponents in mid-air, breaking one’s neck with a kick while stabbing the other in the torso with a slim dagger he wielded like a saber

    17. One held a spiked ball hung from a chain, the other a broad saber

    18. A few of the spider-creatures were slashed severely by the heavy saber, losing legs

    19. From the thundercloud arose the broken line of a blue beam and, with a movement of his hand, directed it to Leonardo, who had drawn sort of a metallic pole very similar to a saber, but without the handle

    20. saber), and he encounters the Dark Invader Of His Life/Mind,

    21. The furniture was almost undistinguishable from his own: tan chenille loveseats with rolled arms and saber legs placed on either side of a zebrawood coffee table

    22. He released her with a startled oath and sprang back, his saber flashing out, as a terrible apparition burst from the reedy jungle sounding an inarticulate cry of hate

    23. There was an instant when the blades flamed and licked, seeming barely to touch each other and leap apart; then the broadsword flashed past the saber and descended terrifically on Shah Amurath's shoulder

    24. The Hyrkanian reeled back, suddenly ashen, blood spurting over the links of his hauberk; his saber slipped from his nerveless fingers

    25. He did not reply, standing motionless and immobile, his fingers closing slowly about the hilt of his saber

    26. Slowly he slid the saber from its sheath

    27. He thrust the saber back in its sheath

    28. Conan tried the portal, and stepped back, drawing his saber, as it swung silently inward

    29. Thrusting the girl off his knee he rose with the quick ease of a panther, drawing his saber, facing the doorway from which the sound had seemed to come

    30. "I'll vanish your head from your shoulders!" snarled the infuriated Cimmerian, his saber gleaming in his hand

    31. "That is why it would be better for you to cut that girl's throat with your saber, before the men of Xuthal waken and catch her

    32. Beside himself with fury he lifted his saber as though to hew through the marble, when a sudden sound brought him about, eyes blazing

    33. A snarl of bloodthirsty gratification hummed in his bull-throat as he leaped, and the first attacker, his short sword overreached by the whistling saber, went down with his brains gushing from his split skull

    34. Conan, bleeding from a cut on the temple, cleared a space for an instant with a devastating sweep of his dripping saber, and cast a quick glance about for an avenue of escape

    35. Half stunned, Conan leaned against the wall an instant, glaring down upon them; then with a defiant shake of his dripping saber, he bounded up the steps

    36. He hit cat-like on his feet and one hand, instinctively retaining his grasp on his saber hilt

    37. It dropped the girl, wheeling toward its attacker, and the maddened Cimmerian's saber, shrilling through the air, sheared clear through the black viscous bulk and rang on the stone floor, showering blue sparks

    38. His madly slashing saber sheared through it again and again, his ripping poniard tore and rent it; he was deluged with a slimy liquid that must have been its sluggish blood

    39. Hilt-deep the saber sank, somewhere below the grisly face, and a convulsive shudder heaved the vast bulk that half enveloped the Cimmerian

    40. Conan went with it, bruised, battered, invincible, hanging on like a bulldog to the hilt of his saber which he could not withdraw, tearing and ripping at the shuddering bulk with the poniard in his left hand, goring it to ribbons

    41. The thing glowed all over now with a weird phosphorous radiance, and this glow was in Conan's eyes, blinding him, as suddenly the heaving billowing mass fell away from beneath him, the saber tearing loose and remaining in his locked hand

    42. When he raised his head there was sanity in his bloodshot eyes and he stretched his massive limbs out on the marble floor as she requested, though he kept his saber in his hand, and his eyes continually roved toward the archways

    43. The sickening ―Wop, wop, wo-op‖ of the saber like tusks hitting the bull‘s tensed abdominal muscles disrupted the pre-dawn stillness like a boulder hitting quiet water

    44. “They’re Light Saber 104’s,” he said

    45. On the coffin they had also placed the saber with tassels of silver and copper, the same one that Colonel Gerineldo Márquez used to hang on the coat rack in order to go into Amaranta’s sewing room unarmed

    46. Ingrid Dows herself took part in the action, finishing off the Japanese officer that had led the sixty or so infiltrators and then picking up the saber and scabbard of the officer as trophies

    47. “The old saber rattling strategy?” Del said with a slight inquisitive inflection in his voice that seemed to indicate subtle amusement with the boldness

    48. That is what we refer to as a LASER SABER

    49. A young officer whose saber was stained with blood, approached at a quick step on hearing the call

    50. attacking with her imaginary saber, slashing through the air at

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    cavalry sword saber sabre