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sacrifice frases de exemplo
1. flesh, in order to offer his body as a sacrifice for us and separate us from this
2. There was no sacrifice on earth the blood of which was not tainted
3. By the sacrifice of Jesus Christ we are saved from everlasting tor-
4. The price is the sacrifice of love
5. It wasn't till they thrust clear of the iceball that Enrico said, "You worry that they are sending us as martyrs don't you? Well we have seed with us, the faith doesn't sacrifice unborn children
6. Just a bit lower he finally said, "to ask for sacrifice
7. God devastated Israel through a famine before sending fire upon Elijah’s sacrifice in 1 Kings 18
8. The God of love gives love but you must sacrifice your hate
9. The priest will then direct you as to how to offer your sacrifice
10. On top of Mount Carmel (up toward the gods), Elijah challenges their entire religion to see if Ba’al can offer his own sacrifice
11. again as a sacrifice to the God of love
12. Many times we read the story and we think, “Oh good for Abraham!” He gets onto the top of the mountain, and builds the altar, and Isaac asks, “Where is the sacrifice?” Abram then says that God will offer the sacrifice
13. What other religion can you think of that describes a God who would require that when you offer your sacrifice that you celebrate because you now know that you have peace with this God? It says in Deuteronomy that the Israelites were to only offer their sacrifices in the city that God shall choose
14. So lets go back to that living sacrifice idea
15. He has washed us, as you would wash a sacrifice, and He has placed us upon that same altar that we should live according to a different mentality
16. What about wisdom is so desirable that it is worth such a sacrifice? Wisdom is what God Himself gives out of His own mind and will in the appropriateness that only He can recognize and answer for a situation that has not previously come and cannot be answered by any past experience but needs the present now understanding of God to resolve
17. Satan’s kingdom is predicated upon self – God’s upon sacrifice
18. That sacrifice is the sacrifice of a broken and contrite spirit
19. He desires mercy more than sacrifice
20. When that people will go to those nations, they will offer the sacrifice of love to be servants and embrace with many tears the very people that were their persecutors
21. I shall ever be in their debt for the sacrifice they made this day
22. The crew had weighed anchor, made the customary ritual sacrifice having prayed to the gods for help and guidance
23. Even though loving someone is a choice of self sacrifice, there are always the times where
24. But I had to make the sacrifice and thought that if I waited for what I expected to be toasts or dedications to begin, perhaps it would be seen, at least, as some sort of respectful gesture on my part
25. He and Emily agreed to name him Jared, in remembrance of the powerful dragon and his sacrifice
26. embodiment of evil, that the satanic sacrifice by Christ with an unbridled hand of
27. It was dawning upon him how much time and effort, planning and sacrifice had been made over the years by his mother and father on behalf of their children and he was emotionally overwhelmed with the enormity of the realization
28. ’ She said with an ingratiating smile, her tone suggesting that this would be a sacrifice but one she would make willingly
29. We had to sacrifice our own energy so that the portal could be manifested on Earth
30. You have to sacrifice the plant to get them, but if you don’t, you sacrifice the garden
31. “But they have to trap him inside The Singularity, and the only way to do that will be for the Heseans to sacrifice themselves; the release of Abel Energy so close to The Singularity will create an unbreakable force-field that can't be opened by any living thing for at least a thousand years!
32. But now, there must be a sacrifice to stop the beast!” Another Hesean said
33. You don't have the courage to sacrifice yourself! You couldn't even kill the girl who killed your parents when you had the chance! You are nothing more than a coward, Matt, and no matter how much you achieve, no matter what you do, you will always be a coward!” Justice said arrogantly
34. “I have to sacrifice myself to stop the beast!” Matt said, his eyes glowing
35. And those who will bring the sacrifice
36. The sacrifice of the wicked is an
37. great sacrifice on the mountains of
38. 11“From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the
39. They prided themselves on the professions they pursued without regret, nor with any feelings of personal sacrifice or loss of womanly opportunity
40. America stands because of our sacrifice
41. Though it goes unnoticed it is a sacrifice
42. The first article was the bronze altar of sacrifice and the last was the Ark of the Covenant
43. The first ministry is the ministry of prophecy and it corresponds to the altar of sacrifice
44. Bronze speaks of purity, the offering on the altar speaks of sacrifice and righteousness, and the fire represents purification
45. Elijah showed the people a God who answers by fire, and when he prayed, fire came down on the altar, burned the sacrifice, the altar, and the ground the altar was on
46. A sacrifice that restored their father to life, and united the entire elven race
47. But in the end, her sacrifice amounted to nothing
48. represent the blood sacrifice and the washing of water
49. back again for another sacrifice, but the washing of water is a
50. called fire from Heaven upon his sacrifice
1. The sacrificed was offered
2. How many of the souls on this ship had sacrificed their mortal lives in martyrdom for Talstan? He looked it up and found it to be thirteen percent of the crew
3. How many times have I heard this passage references, or read this passage in the Bible? How many times have I heard someone say that Jesus’ death on the cross delivers us from sin? How many times have I heard it equated that Jesus is the Messiah because He sacrificed Himself for our sakes? All of these statements, as true as they might be, were shallow clichés that missed entirely the point
4. So she did the next best thing she sacrificed the larger kitchen everyone else had received, and went on the search for the little comforts, Mike clung tightly to in Salt Lake
5. He had previously thought that Li-Na had sacrificed her life for love with an underachiever
6. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols
7. And perhaps, had he toiled hard enough and sacrificed enough of his self his many loved ones would have erected a monument of his very own to stand for all time as an indication of his benevolent existence
8. They are still ephemeral, living only a few decades before they are sacrificed to their God to become electric ghosts in silicon crystals
9. In both regulations, the sacred rights of private property are sacrificed to the supposed interests of public revenue
10. sacrificed as an example and deterrent
11. The “I am that I am” ego of God in the burning bush: A plant’s static brain sacrificed with
12. much this place has cost you but I know you have sacrificed for it
13. They could just as easily have been proven wrong and sacrificed their lives unnecessarily
14. Pride, lust and greed have to be sacrificed in the interests of ecstasy
15. She sacrificed herself saving her crew-mates in the last blast that completely disabled our shields
16. In their exclusive privilege of supplying the colonies with all the goods which they wanted from Europe, and of purchasing all such parts of their surplus produce as could not interfere with any of the trades which they themselves carried on at home, the interest of the colonies was sacrificed to the interest of those merchants
17. In allowing the same drawbacks upon the re-exportation of the greater part of European and East India goods to the colonies, as upon their re-exportation to any independent country, the interest of the mother country was sacrificed to it, even according to the mercantile ideas of that interest
18. Lastly, the Tarist Falinar was a Prophet who sacrificed himself to hold an army of ern away from a settlement on the west bank of Fahl
19. It is unnecessary, I imagine, to observe how contrary such regulations are to the boasted liberty of the subject, of which we affect to be so very jealous ; but which, in this case, is so plainly sacrificed to the futile interests of our merchants and manufacturers
20. But in the mercantile system, the interest of the consumer is almost constantly sacrificed to that of the producer ; and it seems to consider production, and not consumption, as the ultimate end and object of all industry and commerce
21. In the restraints upon the importation of all foreign commodities which can come into competition with those of our own growth or manufacture, the interest of the home consumer is evidently sacrificed to that of the producer
22. But in the system of laws which has been established for the management of our American and West Indian colonies, the interest of the home consumer has been sacrificed to that of the producer, with a more extravagant profusion than in all our other commercial regulations
23. In the mercantile regulations which have been taken notice of in this chapter, the interest of our manufacturers has been most peculiarly attended to; and the interest, not so much of the consumers, as that of some other sets of producers, has been sacrificed to it
24. When the judicial is united to the executive power, it is scarce possible that justice should not frequently be sacrificed to what is vulgarly called politics
25. I heard Captain Melstone say they had been sacrificed like the rest of our troops on the altar of incompetence
26. Through the years, I loved, cared and sacrificed for them
27. In many instances, the closeness was sacrificed
28. On the decease of an important personage, slaves have to be sacrificed, guns and spears snapped, bow strings carefully cut, arrows split, and the odd utensils, such as plates, calabashes, &c, cracked; and thus the spirit of the departed native makes its exit in a manner befitting its rank, attended by the spirits of every needful commodity, from slaves to the deceased's ditty pipe
29. On the death of any great personage, slaves were immediately sacrificed on the threshold
30. One thing is certain: that is, the navy must go into the harbour, and must save the lives of our brave men that will be sacrificed if we assault the enemy in his entrenchments without aid
31. The cots were chiefly filled with sick, and by verified reports the Spanish loss in killed and wounded was very much less than ours, though much greater if the number of Americans needlessly sacrificed before San Juan be deducted from those lost in actual battle
32. Those lives were sacrificed in the name of fighting a supposed Communist threat that did not exist in either East Timor or Indonesia
33. They often sacrificed newborn infants to the gods
34. If times were bad for a tribe and if there seemed to be no end in sight, then they reached a point where the youngest child in the tribe, usually a male, was sacrificed in order to appease the gods
35. Many mothers before her had witnessed their infants being sacrificed to the gods
36. On this day yet another infant would be sacrificed
37. This ancient tribe sacrificed an infant as a way to appease the gods and to bring the rains back
38. I had a plan, a plan to have all the things Gramma had sacrificed so much for
39. Their whole extended family scrimped and saved and sacrificed, and found the money to put him in a formula car, one with a two-litre internal combustion engine
40. She broke away from his stare, and felt that he now knew without much doubt why she had sacrificed herself to him
41. It did not escape Man’s notice that the animals that he domesticated unknowingly sacrificed their young toward the benefit of his existence
42. "Something is sacrificed to diction
43. In the original Jewish Temple, the Passover lambs were sacrificed in commemoration of the Hebrew God having saved his people in Egypt
44. And you did not deny My faith…But I have a few things against you, because you have…put a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols…you also have those who hold to the doctrine of the Nicolaitans [a sect given over to idolatrous practices and impurity of life], which I hate
45. I had surely mourned for all my fallen comrades as each had been sacrificed for carrying the Word to the very end of their life
46. And what have I sacrificed except my freedom to continue to carry that Word as they had done?
47. 13 And it was so, that when those who bore the Ark of the Lord had gone six paces, he sacrificed oxen and fatlings
48. 3 And Solomon loved the Lord, walking in the statutes of David his father, only he sacrificed and burnt incense in high places
49. 8 And likewise did he for all his strange wives, which burnt incense and sacrificed to their gods
50. 3 But the high places were not taken away, the people still sacrificed and burnt incense in the high places
1. sacrifices was sprinkled on the people as well as on the
2. and with our sacrifices, and with our peace offerings; that
3. It was in these sacrifices that he made the differences between Man and Woman
4. and lambs as sacrifices so that diseases and weaknesses would not destroy
5. The blood of the sacrifices only covered over the sins in the
6. He would teach the children how to navigate the gods so that if there are problems in life you can offer the correct sacrifices to the correct gods
7. Do you see the implications in the culture? The altar and the sacrifices have been symbols of oppression and anxiety
8. Wait a second… we can draw near to God? He isn’t distant? We can have relation with Him? We don’t have to continue to give these offerings and sacrifices without hearing whether or not He accepts them?
9. What other religion can you think of that describes a God who would require that when you offer your sacrifice that you celebrate because you now know that you have peace with this God? It says in Deuteronomy that the Israelites were to only offer their sacrifices in the city that God shall choose
10. During certain feasts that would require offerings and sacrifices, the whole land of Israel would gather toward Jerusalem
11. What does it mean that we are living sacrifices? Paul supercharges the idea of the altar
12. How can God bless all nations of the earth through them without this detail? To be a priest is to offer sacrifices on behalf of
13. Temples were built, and prayers and sacrifices were offered to the god on earth: Augustus
14. All the sacrifices will be seen, as with you little
15. Israel will go out to the nations as priests so that they might minister sacrifices unto God
16. sacrifices on their behalf
17. Those were, first: to make good the faith my parents put in me to broaden my horizons and repay their sacrifices on that account
18. The altar was made of bronze, was used for the burnt offerings and sacrifices, and had a fire continually burning on it
19. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on My altar; For My house shall be
20. their religious sacrifices did not save them; neither will our
21. Sacrifices must be made, meaning that one has to renounce to some things in order to be allowed to enjoy others
22. they had to bring them sacrifices
23. Kali would have taken the place of each sacrifice, she would have been immersed in the soul that offered those sacrifices, and would have endured every scar the Cross family inflicted on Savannah
24. put in and the sacrifices you make
25. forever? Were any of the sacrifices tortured forever? No, the sacrifices were
26. To dream that you are holding a lamb in your arms refers to the sacrifices in your life
27. The question is, do you know the sacrifices involved in taking such a bold step? This is not just a temporary thing; it will impact on the rest of your life
28. Such sacrifices, though they might frequently be agreeable to the interest, are always mortifying to the pride of every nation; and, what is perhaps of still greater consequence, they are always contrary to the private interest of the governing part of it, who would thereby be deprived of the disposal of many places of trust and profit, of many opportunities of acquiring wealth and distinction, which the possession of the most turbulent, and, to the great body of the people, the most unprofitable province, seldom fails to afford
29. sacrifices for the greater good of the cause
30. Fetish sacrifices were conducted separately in the sacred quarter known as Bantama, employing the celebrated execution bowl, a large brass basin some five feet in diameter, ornamented with four small lions around its rim and a space for the victim's neck to rest on the edge
31. Beneath the shade of this tree, human fetish sacrifices took place on regular festivals, slaves being barbarously executed as offerings to the manes of departed kings
32. When the King or any of the royal family of Kumassi died, enormous sacrifices took place, and on the death of the King's aunt, 400 slaves were tortured and executed for the supreme joy and edification of the people
33. When Prempeh ascended the throne enormous sacrifices also took place to celebrate the event
34. Human sacrifices were offered to avert threatening calamities, and even as the troops invested the capital, two young slave girls had their throats quietly cut in the confines of the palace, their blood being poured out as a libation to the gods to act against the invading white man
35. Nobody had been hurt yet, but how long could her luck hold? Did she have the right to risk these men’s lives? Even if their sacrifices might save Sespian? And if luck favored her, and the counterfeiting succeeded, could she actually bluff Hollowcrest and Larocka Myll into succumbing to her demands with these bills?
36. In America thousands, saddened by the news of the two days' battle and its sacrifices, were praying for their army in the field
37. No one will thank us for our sacrifices, and we will always be looked at with scepticism if not outright hate
38. The constant giving with no strings attached provoked childlike expectations among an overindulged generation of children whose detachment and immaturity caused many to incorrectly estimate or value the sacrifices made by their parents
39. Although Character isn‘t for sale, it can be conditioned by individuals willing to make uncertain sacrifices
40. Very moved and emotional, I made some commentaries, among them one that thanked City Hall because the homage rendered to me, also served to give tribute to the mothers of El Bierzo, who in the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s had made heroic sacrifices for their children… and I am a product of that generation and of those sacrifices
41. Those who have made the great sacrifices and fulfilled
42. Only much later would he be able to present those additional fruit, vegetable, and grain sacrifices
43. He, among others, was so effective that in three hundred short years they were well on the way to overcoming the mighty Roman Empire that had tried to smother their movement with the hundreds of thousands of sacrifices that they’d had to endure during this time
44. So many of his friends had given themselves up to the most extreme of sacrifices, but it seemed his fate only to endure in miserable isolation
45. The change will occur without there are social sacrifices, without there to be monetary prison of the indebtedness and without economic recession or pay squeeze
46. Therefore, it causes more problems and endless sacrifices for population with intention of supplanting so many other generated damages for the collateral result of its palliative measure
47. Every process occurs without there to be socioeconomic sacrifices and without anybody loses any thing; besides it liberates the country of the high cost of the money, of the losses with coins exchange maintenance and of all disorders of the current financial and economic system
48. 22 And Samuel said, has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Note, to obey
49. Besides, nobody will pay nothing to implant the new Computational Monetary System, because it is an irrecusable gift that is given by the investor’s altruism or sponsor of the XUSING Project to those countries to apply the new System and to obtain the immediate and definitive solution of its great internal problems, inclusive the solution of the payment of the national debt and foreign debt, without sacrifices or recessions
50. Therefore, it has the economic and monetary power to terminate with the social drama that it makes it victim of the social process, without needing of wars or sacrifices, without nobody has losses or lose its investments
1. keep sacrificing our time and bringing offerings…so that we could stay
2. Then: ‘You expect me to believe that? Roidon Chanley sacrificing himself for a woman – out of love?’ The voice reeked with cynicism, and the presumption clearly intended to be antagonising
3. But it would mean sacrificing your memory
4. “I’m afraid your right mate we have definitely drawn the short straw on this one and I will tell you one thing fuck all the Staff bastards for sacrificing us for nothing
5. I believe in helping others, even if it means sacrificing yourself
6. “Yes you are! That’s the whole point! I wanted to save you, and if saving you meant sacrificing myself, then I was willing to do that
7. Oddly enough, they usually held off sacrificing a child until most disasters would have ended naturally anyway
8. It was a look she preferred: professional without sacrificing sensuality
9. These were the guys who were later credited with, ‘cheerfully,’ sacrificing their lives for the upper-class establishment
10. Sacrificing himself, he saved the Chinese entourage and the other dignitaries trapped in the basement
11. They were advancing slowly but steadily, sacrificing speed for protection and the ability to withstand almost any attack against them with impunity
12. If in truth, some of the stonework of the Temple was incorporated into the Colosseum, might not Nero’s successors have felt, in some slightly deranged mental equivalency, that they were sacrificing the all too successful successors of the hated Hebrew rebels in order to save their pagan people?
13. 5 And King Solomon, and all the congregation of Israel, that were assembled to him, were with him before the Ark, sacrificing sheep
14. So did he in Bethel, sacrificing to the calves that he had made, and he placed in Bethel the priests of the high
15. And that he will do anything to protect his faction, even if it means sacrificing the Divergent
16. “Or sacrificing the Dauntless
17. This was the first encounter by terrorists with American civilians determined to take them out, even if it meant sacrificing their own lives (Flight 93)
18. If a new convert had been sacrificing meat to an idol, and then eating the meat, this
19. sacrificing $2 of your $6 profit for the opportunity to continue
20. By Saturday, Roger came to realize that the Christ he believed in did not reside in grammatical constructions and spellings of words, as much as in the lives of those men talking to him about their relation with God and in the lives of the cooks who were sacrificing their week-end just to make his own meaningful and worth-while
21. The rest of our races have been of both alignments, sometimes committing horrendous acts of evil, sometimes sacrificing all for the greater good, and as individuals containing the potential for either morality
22. The second option relating to sacrificing profit for resources is through e-zine ads
23. Only by sacrificing most of my own defenses could I breach his, and so it was a short and gory struggle indeed
24. very least I could do was die without sacrificing every one of my
25. The method of sacrificing the basilisk was unique—enough to cause fits of madness in animal lovers and vegetarians
26. He wants us to be living flames of fire, consumed with the fire of His holiness, setting ablaze all that are around us, and causing the world to be confronted by the realities of God’s love! I see way too many of my brothers and sisters in the Lord sacrificing spending time with God to do things that have very little to no eternal value
27. Sacrificing pieces when he had to
28. The biggest 'crime' is not sacrificing your life's efforts to a bunch of looting beggars you'll never have the misfortune to meet
29. her feel bad all this time? I thought I had been too self sacrificing!” I put my shoes on
30. I can love you without sacrificing my love for Suzanne
31. are notorious for sacrificing all other considerations to the search for pleasure
32. Since he was taking care of the people like a father figure, sacrificing his own comforts and self interests, and willing to go to jail for them; people started calling him 'Bapu' (father)
33. “it is well worth sacrificing precious life for the sake of India’s unity and her social integrity
34. thereby sacrificing their spot in line, had nearly forced a series of collisions with ships that were
35. He did not mind sacrificing a
36. Sacrificing goats, I think it was
37. ‘Building regulations; proscribed behaviours; rules about where you may do things and where not; permits to do almost everything; dependence on strangers for life’s basic necessities; accepting the pollution of earth, water and air; constant noise; sacrificing half your earnings to the rulers…’
38. “We have so much love to give…” Joseph was lying and his mother knew that her son was sacrificing his life for the love of his country and there was nothing she could do to stop him, nothing
39. You would be sacrificing your loyal subjects uselessly
40. But do you realize the futility of sacrificing your subjects in a vain attempt to regain your crown?'
41. True, the Master did lay down his life in the flesh on this day, the day of the preparation for the Jewish Passover, and at about the time of the sacrificing of the Passover lambs in the temple
42. Although you don’t want to purchase cheaper tools and seeds, since it may lead to sacrificing quality, there are also other things that you can do to save some money
43. Since the others did not have saddles, they rode bareback with rope halters Timmy made by sacrificing his good calf roping rope
44. “This is called sacrificing the small to save the great
45. sacrificing a young virgin they
46. -Why is their love so important to you that you would sacrifice yourself, consequently sacrificing your self-love so destroying any love they might have for yourself
47. As stated earlier, these people had to survive by killing and sacrificing the animals to survive the harsher climates
48. Jesus thought that by sacrificing himself for the people, he would avoid causing the deaths of many of the people he loved
49. Sacrificing cannot be love, it is stupidity,
50. In my humble opinion, leaving those 4,000 soldiers ashore would be tantamount to sacrificing them for no good purpose