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    Use "sadly" em uma frase

    sadly frases de exemplo


    1. I can confirm to you that, subject to formal ABC accreditation, it easily fits in the category of [0 – 10] copies [and sadly I do mean easily!]

    2. Enoch shakes his head sadly

    3. She shakes her head sadly, pushes away

    4. ten saints of the island, and then, sadly, he showed them to a table tucked away at the

    5. Sadly for every moment of harmony,

    6. although sadly a combination of injury and a tendency towards dilettantism meant that

    7. John looks over his shoulder in the direction of the firing, takes off his wedding ring slowly, studies it sadly for a moment, digs out a small hole in the ground with his hand, buries it, puts a rock on top

    8. sadly before shouting for the guard

    9. ’ He said sadly, ‘What’s worse; she’s started going on about us getting engaged

    10. Sadly, some congregations are more concerned about entertaining the

    11. Sadly, Paulus feels mostly confused and empty

    12. His main claim to fame in these still relatively tender years had been a youth appearance for Scotland, although sadly a combination of injury and a tendency towards dilettantism meant that such early promise remained as yet unfulfilled

    13. “If the setting of the cosmic vortex finds you here, there will be no turning back for you,” announced Arion sadly, while we were standing by the shore of a shimmering turquoise pool

    14. Sadly today, 50 years later, OAAU

    15. He smiled sadly before shouting for the guard

    16. Sadly, he drove me through a door I preferred to keep closed

    17. ’ He said sadly, ‘You are the only person who can retrieve the Elements either from this side of the point or from Earth

    18. Sadly, their condition by then was not very good due to damage from candle soot and expectedly, some areas had succumbed to damp, but I was amazed at the depth of the ochre, the rusts and the blues, all given life by the sunbeams streaming in through the apsidal windows

    19. one loves to the point of receiving verbal, emotional, and, sadly, physical abuse

    20. “It’s true”, said Annie sadly

    21. I’m not in the habit of drinking quite as much as this at a sitting; I’m sadly out of practice!’

    22. We try to assess their capacity for fitting in with the others, as you may imagine - the dynamics of the group changes from month to month - and their drive to use the time fruitfully – sadly, we do have applicants who are too damaged by their history to cope with that

    23. ’ Ann said sadly

    24. because sadly there are lots of marketers on the internet that only care

    25. The boarman nodded sadly, ‘Yes

    26. shook his head sadly

    27. Filbert shook his head sadly, and watched as Grinly

    28. on the road,” Fred suggested sadly, “Just bad luck

    29. feelin’ ye’ll be in need of it,’ then he shook his head sadly, entered his single-roomed shack, and closed

    30. ‘I believe my younger brother sadly met his end in that place

    31. ’ Joshua Mganga said sadly

    32. ’ Jarvis commented sadly

    33. Bram shook his head sadly

    34. The latter shook his head sadly

    35. ’ He said sadly

    36. sadly the scars on his back—a permanent gift from Ed Pentoch

    37. He shook his head sadly

    38. It worked, but sadly the imp did manage to tear off some of poor Lucy’s hair

    39. court,' said de Plassan, shaking his head sadly

    40. they were sadly disappointed

    41. We all lost ones we loved that day,” Julia said sadly

    42. He looked around sadly, and thought back to all the experiences he'd had with Eve

    43. that, sadly, the corpses were raw and still several hours

    44. sadly on what might have been, she led the way back to

    45. Sadly, three of their Lords fell before it was defeated

    46. the young girl by the shoulders and shook her head sadly

    47. Sadly, many believers give up at this place in

    48. Jean shook his head sadly

    49. ’ He shook his head sadly

    50. But the maiden absolutely wanted to become the next queen and her father went sadly to the palace to tell the Sultan that the following evening he would bring him Scheherazade

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    Sinônimos para "sadly"

    sadly unhappily deplorably lamentably woefully