Use "scat" em uma frase
scat frases de exemplo
1. And just because a feline seems lazy doesn’t mean it can’t up and scat in a moment’s notice, with someone saying, “Holy cow, what was that?” Answer, of course: “Princess again, I think
2. Stewart sang pop, scat, secular music, soul and rock and roll
3. No scat, no footprint, nothing
4. I slipped on bird scat and hit the flagstones
5. The cliffs were scattered sparsely with yew and slick with surf and the scat of seabirds, and I had to be careful not to slip
6. “Is that not a perfect irony? From the scat of the conqueror rises the next meal, and perfectly willing to be taken at that!?”
7. He was the stool, the scat, the dung squeezed from the lowest organism
8. A cry of "Scat! you devil!" and the crash of an empty bottle against the back of his aunt's woodshed brought him wide awake, and a single minute later he was dressed and out of the window and creeping along the roof of the "ell" on all fours
9. ] also that I ricked some one’s neck, and came to the conclusion that I should never have done such a thing if I had not been drunk; also that we had some supper and another kind of liquor, and that I then went to the door to get some fresh air; also that my head seemed suddenly to grow chill, and that I noticed, as I drove away, that the scat of the vehicle was so sharply aslant and slippery that for me to retain my position behind Kuzma was impossible; also that he seemed to have turned all flabby, and to be waving about like a dish clout
10. It always hurt me and made me feel uncomfortable when he came up to my room and seated himself in silence beside me, much as a doctor might scat himself by the bedside of an awkward patient
11. Hazel and Marion and Rosamond encouraged only a moderate number of beaux, and them only until they naturally paired off with the right ones and could scat the rest off
1. were empty I did notice scats therein
2. And the scats didn’t
1. Our BONES are scatted at the grave’s mouth, not our ASHES!