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scenario frases de exemplo
1. out of the same scenario with a blessing
2. That’s not the kind of, you’re more important than they are scenario that I’m talking about here
3. In such a scenario, there's a definite need to cover for unforeseen medical expenses during the individual's working years
4. How serious? Consider this scenario: one of your students starts running around the classroom with his pants on his head, yelling profanities about the education system
5. ’ Stephen said tightly, blatantly visualising the horrific scenario
6. This was a dream state, a nightmare scenario, where I was falling through space, watching the ground draw closer, and yet I knew that I would never actually splinter on the dead earth
7. The scenario in my head always ends the same, her yelling at me for involving Solomon
8. The actual scenario stems back to the garden of Gethsemane
9. But, if she’s going to accuse me of being ‘the other woman’ surely she wouldn’t choose to do it over lunch? I try to imagine the scenario and fail miserably
10. Carrying a glass of water because I’ve read a little about the risk of dehydration in this sort of scenario, I grab the newspaper and stuff it under my arm before picking up my mobile phone, and going off to my bedroom
11. From the time to returning to her seat and the time the wheels hit the ground, she had decided to accept the worst case scenario
12. The Sergeant stood looking at the scenario, uncharacteristically at a loss as to what he should do next
13. The younger man was still trying to wrap his mind around the vastness of the scenario presented and the myriad implications which were rising like froth in his thoughts
14. This was the best possible scenario for a blackjack player
15. Andrew briefly explained the scenario to his younger brother
16. really need it? Was death truly the worst scenario, or was
17. No doubt she knew where he meant this to lead and was considering the whole scenario and was making her choice now
18. Sort of like the Realty Shows, but in this television scenario the humans turn into monkeys over time instead of the other way around
19. Reflect on the following scenario a moment if you would
20. (By the way, many millions of people are actually living this scenario right now, and many, many millions—a billion or more?—of others around the planet would view the above as paradisiacal conditions in comparison with what they currently have!)
21. “In the simplest scenario, there was an accident in the main ship that caused a chain-reaction through the little fleet
22. The third scenario, even more troubling, is that there is some one or some people capable of so manipulating the minds of the Naud that they destroyed their own vessels out of blind obedience to powerful suggestion
23. ” They had been coached on this scenario over the recent days, but the twist the Elf included now was inspired
26. scenario would be the wisest move as the
27. The only possible comfort was in knowing that if all control was lost airbags should inflate all around the chassis, and in a worse case scenario the interior would fill with foam
28. The worst case scenario played out
29. If we compare the same information in Isaiah 53 to other scriptures, prophecies and to the events as they unfolded during Jesus’ crucifixion from a Christian point of view (also taking into account the information provided in the New Testament and the fact that Jesus himself declared that the Jews would be blinded to not recognise who He was) it fits the scenario described in here even better
30. If we think about this carefully, what scenario, as far as periods of time are concerned, would allow for plants to be created in one period of time and survive long enough without the essential source of photosynthesis that is needed to maintain them, until a source for photosynthesis becomes available? The only logical answer in this case would be a relative short period of time such as a single day as the Bible describes
31. Continuing on our quest to rebuild a pre-flood scenario: In verse 7 of Genesis Chapter 1, God created the firmament to divide the waters into 2 partitions
32. Now to recreate a scenario where we have a substantial body or layer of water that would be suspended in the stratosphere or above the Earth’s atmosphere, we would obviously have some forces working on it
33. The sequence of events portrayed in such a scenario, although all the mechanics and the physical cause of such a catastrophe may not be 100% accurate, comes a lot closer to matching the evidence around us in the world today, while it utilises the information as portrayed in the Bible as a foundation
34. Because of this little scenario that we have come up with, we need to then create kind of a name squeeze page
35. In your case, we talked about this scenario, about how we
36. On your one-time-offer scenario that we’ve come up with,
37. No culture reaches this level of sophistication without making provisions for a worst case scenario
38. Without a boss, but with the knowledge that the recipients must be kept in a total immersion AR scenario, the only option was the storm protocol
39. The theory being that one scenario could apply to the entire population, and at the same time provide sufficient distraction for the recipients, rather than allowing a compounding number of implausible occurrences
40. This scenario was the least expected
41. ) And if you shot someone at too close a range it would leave powder marks on his clothing and/or body, leading to the courtroom scenario: “Please explain to the court why you executed the poor serial killer whose human rights you have cruelly abused in doing so
42. Without slowing, he took in the scenario, sprinted through the basement, and leapt for the rope dangling over the pit
43. I am not certain that Iraq would be able, at least in the short term, to manage its newfound freedom(s) should such an opportunity present itself if and when Saddam Hussein has been forcefully removed from power, replaced by Who or What? Such a scenario is reminiscent of Imperial Japan, a nation lacking historical democratic traditions
44. Of all things, for her to be planning an attack on Serenor! Only a few days ago it would have seemed the most unlikely scenario she could possibly imagine
45. Worst case scenario what if the terrorist succeeds in another 9/11? Will it bring you your knees? No
46. A rarer scenario is where thing are really bad (like in Siera Leone and Somalia a few years ago) and your Military arrived with overwhelming force which is the only way
47. I wanted so badly for it not to be this scenario
48. It is a highly unlikely scenario but theoretically possible and I know of quite a few submarine commanders who swore they took pictures of your carriers (fat juicy targets in their language) without being detected and one showed it to me when I challenged him
49. The shooting down of a civilian airliner is a nightmare scenario in the War on Terrorism and these weapons are certainly able to bring modern aircraft down
50. This scenario should be especially troubling to (otherwise) law-abiding citizens expected to operate under the rules and guidelines that these individuals casually ignore