Use "scum" em uma frase
scum frases de exemplo
1. I was scared, choked, but I would die of fear before I offered up my child to scum like this
2. Less than twenty four hours in Ireland and he was here, ready to harass the most evil and vile scum on the island
3. "I don't have any business to discuss with scum like you Gino
4. “This is what happens to Jew scum, Marwan
5. clearly and irrevocably that teenage boys were the scum of the
6. Josey Wales had a cold heart when it came to dealing with scum
7. wasn’t a hint of mildew or scum anywhere
8. She’d allowed the scum of all the seas to rape her on the Thallia
9. I felt sorry for the lads at the back of the queue as even early on the water had a film of scum on it that was as hard as a pie crust and was nearly black in colour
10. They especially didn’t ordinarily serve motorbike scum couriers
11. They’re the worst sort of scum
12. He would be redeemed with the bosses, particularly when the fingerprint ID came in confirming his identity as a wanted murderer but undoubtedly, Edgar would be shuffled back to obscurity, listening to scum inform on scum, while being locked out of even those inglorious arrests
13. But men had been known to completely vanish before; men that had attracted the ire and viciousness of the ruling scum that still chose to wear the facade of divinely appointed men of honor
14. This scum had one
15. The Castigator had informed him then that sadly enough the Arch-minister had been found dead, assassinated by the rebel scum, the henchmen of the unholy demon that posed as their Patriarch
16. The Castigator, with tears in his eyes had insisted that there was no better way to avenge the Arch-minister’s memory other than to bring those heathen scum that had infiltrated their society to their knees, grind them into oblivion and spread their ashes in the oceans
17. scum created by the processing of Mako energy; an irony in
18. you think scum like me feel when they’re forced into positions
19. anticipated in the knee-deep scum, the flow of water travelling in
20. hot, and may burn, and that the filthiness of it may be molten in it, that the scum of it may be consumed
21. with lies, and her great scum went not out out of her: her scum shall be in the fire
22. Elena: It is true, without a soul in it, the Prison shall disappear and we shall not have anywhere to contain the scum of the Earth in
23. This is necessary as there is generally a little tough scum on the liquid
24. The rabble then chants, "Ho hum, ho hum, kill the Christian scum! Hum ho, hum ho, the priest's head must go! Ho hum, ho hum, kill the Christian scum! Hum ho, hum ho, the priest's head must go!"
25. And all this they did in the name of their greedy white-male God! In the name of Christianity, in the name of their white-male religion, and in the name of white-male capitalism, these rich Christian pigs tried to obliterate every other race, every other culture, every other religion, every other living creature! These rich greedy Christian fascist Nazi-scum pigs tried to exploit and subjugate everyone and everything! Death to all Christian rapists! Death to all Christian fascists! Death to all Christian mass murderers! Death to all Christian Nazi scum! Death to all rich greedy Christian capitalist exploiters!"
26. “little gal” – nothing but scum as far as the author can tell?
27. These are the scum that no other countries would tolerate
28. Let the Kennedys and Clintons share the scum also
29. Spiders, wasps, and mice floated on top, and scum clogged the skimmer
30. “No talking, scum!” growled a guard, who came running back to where the sound of voices drew him
31. “Don’t be afraid of an old man, you scum!” the captain screamed at his soldiers
32. this Hebrew scum into the keep, and round up all those who have come with him while I look
33. The captain bellowed, “Silence scum!” then added in an exaggeratedly mild tone and a
34. “Don't be afraid of an old man, you scum!” the captain screamed at his soldiers
35. and now you tell me that the Hebrew scum are not where they ought to be?”
36. Prepare to strike camp; we move out soon, I’ll get the Tanarian scum myself
37. All I require is the Council’s agreement that we can meet in battle and our troops will send the Aristrian scum back over the borders in one swift strike
38. K C Cole, a scientist, asks us to imagine our 3d universe as ‘the scum that forms on the surface of a pond
39. However, another, deeper dimension would lie beneath the surface, like the water underneath the scum
40. One day master Bellack had summed up the acolytes’ position to him clearly, ‘Kerric, you should all have the sense to know that you are nothing more than just plain scum, should you eventually grow in power – you will just be a larger pile of shite
41. Mahavir said that the subtle atoms of these actions cling to you as the scum
42. ” She said this as though it was the worst possible thing he could’ve done, as if this made him the scum of Larin and not worth anything but her hate
43. It was scathing and furious and it made him feel as if he was the scum of the Peninsula, as if he didn’t deserve to be alive
44. The young school-kids would be safe again and the sick scum that spread the disease for profit, would hopefully be out of business or locked up!
45. Beck grinned, “Absolutely, what other way can this scum be dealt with?”
46. "How could you? You're scum," screamed his mother
47. The scum of the earth rot here
48. scum? A harsh and stereotypical of the upper classes I
49. "The gold is where you'll never find it, you scum," Nadya said bitterly
50. They are all scum
1. Shivering into the scummed reflection, she looked frailer with each ripple of conversation and more diaphanous with every searching
2. He typed: “A pool scummed with Azolla