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    sea voyage frases de exemplo

    sea voyage

    1. The ancient Egyptians had a superstitious aversion to the sea; and as the Gentoo religion does not permit its followers to light a fire, nor consequently to dress any victuals, upon the water, it, in effect, prohibits them from all distant sea voyages

    2. The General Pike was the twenty-forth ship captured by the Shenandoah since it began its sea voyage

    3. before the Milo would arrive back in New Bedford, but Jonathan planned that this would his final voyage as a whaling master and Jessie’s final sea voyage as well

    4. When the Milo returned to New Bedford after her long sea voyage, Addie was eleven years old and Fred, six

    5. The final contracts needed to be signed and cargo delivered to the ship’s dock, where it could loaded and secured for the bumping and rolling that typically accompanied a sea voyage

    6. Hope he thinks yer able for the sea voyage; otherwise you’ll meet his knife

    7. The former stable boy Mike sent with them as interpreter had only a limited knowledge of the Port of Limon and its tempo, from the days when he’d accompanied horses on sea voyages, but he knew someone who understood it better than anybody: the old man who had sailed with him as deck hand

    8. Due south, by short sea voyage, lie the fertile coasts of northern Africa

    9. Alberto vaguely remembers the long sea voyage but Ricardo was only three at the time and had no memories of the trip

    10. Siri had intended to search for a means of crossing the Mediterranean at the first point of contact with the coast but, now that he had the bike, he considered it might be worth reducing the length of the sea voyage by travelling further south into Spain; maybe even try for a crossing at the Atlantropa Dam across the entrance to the Mediterranean

    11. Rheus winced, as he continued, �As I was saying, there�s no way they could maintain the explosives for the duration of even a short sea voyage

    12. I don’t think I gave you enough time to recuperate from your accident before we went ahead with our wedding and the sea voyage

    13. We’re to be married in 2 years, after he finishes his latest sea voyage

    14. involvement in the forthcoming sea voyage from what Rory had told her and had been

    15. And the art of payment has the special function of giving pay: but we do not confuse this with other arts, any more than the art of the pilot is to be confused with the art of medicine, because the health of the pilot may be improved by a sea voyage

    16. All that is made such a flourish of in the old South Sea Voyages, those things were but the life-time commonplaces of our heroic Nantucketers

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