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    Use "second-class" em uma frase

    second-class frases de exemplo


    1. Maybe after weeks of experiencing the curious physicality of being human and, by dint of that, a second-class citizen, he'd doubtless become frustrated at his lack of influence on events

    2. The combination of drugs had taken its toll on Caroline and there she was, caught in his knowing gaze, mentally piecing together the entire picture: an image of Mike as a second-class errand-boy for this ‘wop’ he and his friend both spoke of

    3. However, I've found that without a credit card, one feels like a second-class citizen

    4. The next one, to La Barca brought them to the westbound highway where they boarded the second-class bus, got off at La Entrada and waited what seemed an eternity under the broiling sun, inhaling fumes, until at three forty-five the tourist bus to the Mayan Ruins of Copan delivered them to the pueblo of Santa Rita

    5. Here I was adamant: no second-class music

    6. I am of second-class rank

    7. His only penalty is a temporary (15-month) reduction in rank to second-class

    8. Those tolerated non-Muslims (Christians and Jews) had a form of second-class citizenship, or

    9. The denigration I suffered within the company I could live with, even being kept in the position of a second-class citizen

    10. Wherever you go, you’ll be treated as a second-class citizen

    11. Its members believed in stoning women that committed adultery, amputation of the limbs of thieves, death of apostates, and second-class citizen status for Christians and Jews

    12. second-class post is necessary

    13. Would you want to risk your life in Africa to earn whites’ respect only to be treated as a second-class citizen upon your return? Can you feel the demobilizing weight of hidden problems in uplift missions ideology? Obviously, unbiblical ideas about culture-evolution created this flawed missions ideology so uplift failed to mobilize African Americans extensively

    14. All throughout history, women have been denigrated as second-class citizens

    15. However, fairness and equality still wasn’t to be expected in a slave-holding society that treated women and non-citizens like second-class people

    16. In other cases, those conquered in war are sold into slavery, exiled, or treated as dhimmis, who are tolerated as second-class subjects as long they pay a regular tribute

    17. His first act was to make Christians and Jews second-class citizens

    18. They give Aaron second-class status because of this estrangement and his failure to relate to them

    19. For example, all of those who, both in the East and the West, invented vows of chastity and have affirmed that living as monks is a life as perfection, whereas instead being married is a second-class lifestyle that keeps one from reaching perfection, are opposed to it

    20. The legacy of the unexperienced-undigested past can be seen all around the globe: whether it is the legacy of second-class citizenship and lack of self-esteem due to the history of slavery that still haunts African-Americans, or the legacy of racism which still permeates white American society, or the legacy of a stratified caste society that still grips India, or the legacy of elder worship in countless cultures that makes any kind of cultural change painfully slow and difficult

    21. I was too well dressed for a slow, second-class, red-eye to the north

    22. Boy, you see some strange people in second-class, all-night rail travel

    23. The woman in Arabia is a second-class being

    24. Now they are second-class nations; with a population of third-class, or third world billions of impoverished ignorant starving, powerless people

    25. They were the second-class citizens of their country and it was evident that they could not have missed the racism, contempt and tolerant, good-humored disdain of the Egyptian-born foreigners

    26. They were killed as second-class things that did not deserve to be killed by an actual metal sword

    27. The more frustrated that they become with a system not designed for their learning styles, the more they begin to believe they are second-class citizens

    28. I was getting so sick of being treated like a second-class citizen

    29. Never again would I subject myself to her manipulation and half-truths, and be treated like a second-class citizen

    30. “All these years that I’ve struggled not to view myself as some sort of second-class citizen and I have the gall to tell her it’s wrong to feel different about herself!”

    31. He had failed in business in a licensed house in the city because his financial condition had constrained him to tie himself to second-class distillers

    32. At the first stop he moved into the second-class and made the acquaintance of the volunteers

    33. The luggage was in, and his bag was in the seat he had taken in a second-class carriage

    34. She was running by the side of the railway, though the first-class carriage had long passed her, and the second-class carriages were gliding by faster, and at last the third-class carriages still faster

    35. The first-class car was far ahead of her, and while she was running the second-class cars passed her, then came with greater speed those of the third class

    36. Entered at the Post-office at Boston as second-class matter

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