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    Use "self-controlled" em uma frase

    self-controlled frases de exemplo


    1. But it is a great good to control the mind; a mind self-controlled is a source of great joy

    2. Probably in his late thirties or early forties, the man chosen to organize a security team struck Jesse as a self-controlled man, a man who would prove to be fearsome in battle

    3. And anyone who comes to know him can say that he is strong, self-controlled, wise, kind, patient, considerate, thoughtful and royal

    4. They were also healthy, level-headed, well mannered, confident, self-controlled and sensibly dressed in skirts and blouses, low-heeled shoes, no makeup, and hair styled so it would need only a quick brush in the mornings

    5. 11 "You do well to be meek before God and self-controlled before men, but let your meekness be of spiritual origin and not the self-deceptive display of a self-conscious sense of self-righteous superiority

    6. Still self-absorbed in anger, Mitchell watched Nathan look calm, self-controlled

    7. Our perp was clearly a discerning and self-controlled animal who knew how to put the fear of God into his victims and then make it stick

    8. When it was realized that we might all be presently in the sea with nothing but our life-belts to support us until we were picked up by passing steamers, it was extraordinary how calm everyone was and how completely self-controlled

    9. The warmth, which surprised Nekhludoff, evinced by the usually self-controlled Selenin, was due to his knowledge of the director’s shabbiness in money matters, and the fact, which had accidentally come to his cars, that Wolf had been to a swell dinner party at the swindler’s house only a few days before

    10. As a peasant he had been industrious, observant, clever at his work, and naturally self-controlled, polite without any effort, and attentive not only to the wishes but also the opinions of others

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