Use "separately" em uma frase
separately frases de exemplo
1. It is economical for all families as the integrated costs are considerably less than the addition of individual households when living separately
2. Before sleep they both prayed separately and differently just for me to sleep through the night for now
3. We’d bickered for some minutes about whether we should take both cars or not but as we are going our separate ways this evening, it makes sense to travel separately
4. The suite was such that both travelers were able to attend to their own grooming and hygienic concerns separately, and at the same time
5. search each individual school separately
6. Two days later Harold and Chloe separately contacted Harry through telegram of their pure delight at the proposed Honeymoon destination
7. As the price or exchangeable value of every particular commodity, taken separately, resolves itself into some one or other, or all of those three parts ; so that of all the commodities which compose the whole annual produce of the labour of every country, taken complexly, must resolve itself into the same three parts, and be parcelled out among different inhabitants of the country, either as the wages of their labour, the profits of their stock, or the rent of their land
8. separately from the main body of the party, they were
9. Since this is the case, it has been observed, with regard to every particular commodity, taken separately, it must be so with regard to all the commodities which compose the whole annual produce of the land and labour of
10. hard to him to sel them separately
11. “To we Hebrews, bathing is a very private affair – the menfolk bathe separately from the womenfolk
12. They could, therefore, be sold with it, but not separately
13. not mean that it exists separately from the whole
14. Elizabeth turned scooped up some potatoes that had been frying separately, along with some strips of thin meat slices, and placed them on plates
15. In the republics of ancient Greece and Rome, each citizen, as long as he remained at home, seems to have practised his exercises, either separately and
16. But this skill and dexterity in the use of their arms could be acquired only, in the same manner as fencing is at present, by practising, not in great bodies, but each man separately, in a particular school, under a particular master, or with his own particular equals and companions
17. A few private traders, whose subscriptions amounted only to seven thousand two hundred pounds, insisted upon the privilege of trading separately upon their own stocks, and at their own risks
18. ears of yellow and white maize and lived separately
19. Greaseball fit in? Were they working separately, or were they following Felicity for some reason? I got off at my stop, looked around and found a liquor store that had a newsstand associated with it
20. Fetish sacrifices were conducted separately in the sacred quarter known as Bantama, employing the celebrated execution bowl, a large brass basin some five feet in diameter, ornamented with four small lions around its rim and a space for the victim's neck to rest on the edge
21. The enemy, neglecting to attack either force separately, held a position on a plateau where the trail and road converged
22. An MVP candidate should be properly considered in relation to his or her supporting cast or (incremental) value whose overall value marginally exceeds all other values considered separately and whose (own) remarkable value (or contribution) is otherwise conspicuous by its presence or absence
23. Whatever we (as a society) once were, in relation to what we are now and what we hope to become, should not be considered separately
24. At the same time, and this is forgotten, a classic counter-terrorism war was going on inside South Africa which we will discuss separately from the COIN operations
25. Whenever laws are considered separately rather than collectively, however, each individual would be a law unto themselves
26. Benek, Staszek and Adas each testified separately that they knew me and my aunt Eugenia and of our relationship to the property owners
27. Understood in this manner, diversity does not seek to diminish the collective value of other cultures considered separately, however as a whole
28. When flying try to avoid wearing a belt with a buckle because you will have to take it off at security! Also shoes will be taken off and scanned separately
29. This configuration gives a much higher common-emitter current gain than each transistor taken separately
30. They returned separately to their wicker chairs, first Truman who busied himself with a freshly prepared drink, rattling ice cubes in his glass
31. Each log was lifted separately onto the bed of a truck, transported to a far side of the yard then carefully stacked among the mountains of other logs
32. The two Germans were questioned separately, one after the other
33. Soon Johnson’s wife and daughter would arrive separately home
34. He had wanted to renew their physical relationship on the Orion Belle, but she continued to resist his attentions out of her expressed fear of pregnancy, and they had slept separately in their bunks on the ship
35. “The best way to do it is to walk out separately, and the odds of anyone recognizing a face are quite slim after a week
36. “They probably walked separately to the hit, four men going alone in different directions
37. But, you can offer each of them separately a deal: if you confess and your buddy doesn’t, you will only get a couple of months for your cooperation, while he will get five years
38. And this, out of the bits and pieces discovered separately and seemingly haphazardly, then painstakingly pieced together by the same construct that has made serendipity appear to approximate the miraculous
39. Its monetary power is fragmented in million of organizations that act separately, same when they are grouped in confederations
40. As there are billion of those familiar units that act separately, the people end up being easy victims of the economic system that offers them leftovers on behalf of the economic or social production stabilization, condemning them to the eternal state of dependence of the help that not even it arrives on time of saving them
41. The Letter of Aristeas presents as historical fact an old version according to which, at the direction of Ptolemy II Philadelphus (284-246 BC), Greek ruler of Egypt, 72 Jewish sages sent by the High Priest of Jerusalem worked separately in the translation of the sacred texts of the Jewish people
42. Note: When two vowels that could possibly form a dipthong are to be pronounced separately, an accent mark is placed on the weak vowel
43. “You’ll have to deal with him separately,” he says
44. sponsorship separately to cover the costs and initial expenses
45. Were this break with Mother England to fail, they would hang together rather than separately, as suggested by Franklin
46. Pierre and Audrey drive their cars down separately
47. In this method, the experts are called and explained the requirements and related contexts, and they are asked to provide their estimation separately without any discussion with others
48. Documents should be created, reviewed, approved and changes are controlled, communicated and available for use, versioning and naming conventions to be followed, archive the obsolete documents and track the customer given/third party documents separately
49. PAPER ~ Try to keep paper that requires an action on your part stored separately from items that you are keeping just for reference purposes
50. Separately, they may not seem like