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    Use "septic" em uma frase

    septic frases de exemplo


    1. “It turned septic and I got some blood poisoning they had to cut the infected bits out

    2. “It is a fungus that will help to stop your wounds growing septic

    3. He pronounced that it wasn’t fatal, but still would require a doctor’s care—and soon—or else it could go septic

    4. The Wal ers had to cal the septic company to come and

    5. Then he went out and looked in the septic

    6. was an honour only preserved for the mightiest of nobles, he was a mere septic wound healer of the lowest order and he shouldn’t

    7. had concealed that the Choate’s septic tank was full to the brim, and

    8. was tell her to call a septic service and a carpet cleaner, and I would

    9. Then he told us to take the septic tank off of

    10. My septic foot burst into flame, my stomach wrenched and I hurled curses to the heavens

    11. The cuts turned septic and it was touch and go for a while!"

    12. Everything turned septic

    13. will pay for the water purity testing, water flow test, and septic

    14. The septic is exceptionally amazing

    15. Most large abscesses require incision (cut into the abscess) and drainage to release the pus collected to prevent infection spreading further and causing septic shock

    16. let that didn’t require a septic tank

    17.  With septic arthritis, if patient is less than 40 years of age, the likely causative agent is

    18. Even though this patient has 2 points, this patient may require ICU admission because the patient may be septic

    19. When a patient presents with acute pain located in one joint, you should consider gout, pseudogout, septic arthritis, or trauma

    20. fit, but it had all the modern conveniences: septic tank,

    21. ” Live in a modern-day home with heating, air conditioning, electricity, hot and cold running water, not to mention a toilet that didn’t require a septic tank

    22. Using the ground water for themselves only once: then poisoning that water irretrievably with their civilized waste products and pouring back into the sacred acre of earth… to leach slowly into the streams and watersheds and rivers until the entire earth’s oceans have become septic, toxically poisoned by the chemicals these acres of poisoned land seep into the waters of the earth

    23. Whether it was over-fertilized crops, confined animal feedlot operations, neglected industrial discharges, failing septic systems, inadequately treated municipal effluent, poor range management, development-exacerbated soil erosion, or a pernicious stew of all of these chronic contributors combined with that ubiquitous toxic residue they called “nonpoint source pollution” didn’t really matter

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    Sinônimos para "septic"

    infected septic noxious putrid toxic unsanitary rotten decaying