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    Use "shambles" em uma frase

    shambles frases de exemplo


    1. He tried to make something out of the shambles of the pack

    2. By now the expedition could well be in a shambles

    3. Without Debra, everything was in a shambles

    4. The whole forest seemed a shambles of dead and broken limbs

    5. The whole escapade was turning into a shambles the Turks were ambushing some of our lads and then falling back and the terrain in front of us was terrible and because of this the straight sweeping line we had started out with was now a disjointed mess

    6. “The main thing is because of the shambles that has been happening in the bush and gullies we can expect no reinforcements at all and the chances of us holding this sector against a full scale enemy counter attack are nonexistent

    7. ” He looked us over and I am sure he must have seen the horror registered on our mugs as we all remembered the last assault and the shambles it turned into

    8. By noon the whole frontal attack had stalled once more and with no ground taken hardly the whole thing like the past two days was an absolute shambles a cock up of massive proportions

    9. Then I wrote what would be my last ever letter to my beloved Helen I wrote how much I loved her and what she meant to me I told her the charges were trumped up and that someone had to pay for the shambles that had happened and I was one of the scapegoats

    10. They’re still going on at Belsen, but they’re not as publicised as at Salverford because it’s a shambles

    11. Saldon studied at the shambles of organisation

    12. upstairs, James’ door was open, the room was a shambles, and he was not there

    13. She surveyed the shambles of the road ahead

    14. He seemed to be a positive shambles of a man

    15. With civil rights of Blacks in shambles, some questioned why they would fight on America’s behalf

    16. “Faith Tabernacle is in shambles,” he said, darting a worried look around the room

    17. I have two daughters whose lives are in shambles

    18. The sparsely furnished one-room cabin was a shambles

    19. they failed to do, however, is discuss why primary care is in such a shambles and

    20. Hamburg was in complete shambles

    21. So you would rather have success before your life turns to shambles?

    22. "My God, what a shambles

    23. He had a hissy fit and now he was standing alone, wondering if he’d overreacted: If the house wasn’t in such shambles, would I have reacted this way? If she didn’t also have a Zoloft addiction problem, could I have forgiven her for going behind our backs and finding out the sex of the baby?

    24. No man has seen that camel since that night, but a black brutish manlike shape shambles to Natohk's tent and gibbers to him in the blackness before dawn

    25. The wild Kushites rushed into the shambles, spearing the wounded, bursting the helmets of the knights with stones and iron hammers

    26. The fighting-madness of his race was upon him, and with a red mist of unreasoning fury wavering before his blazing eyes, he cleft skulls, smashed breasts, severed limbs, ripped out entrails, and littered the deck like a shambles with a ghastly harvest of brains and blood

    27. The gate was a shambles before the survivors broke through and scattered, each for himself

    28. He found Europe to be a complete shambles with perhaps only Spain and Portugal offering anything close to normality

    29. Behind them the guards were yelling as they stumbled over the shambles in the mud, and they came pelting vengefully down the alley, seeing the vague dark mass moving between them and the light of the distant street

    30. In a tense stillness the two faced each other, amid that shambles, with the carven mummies staring down upon them

    31. the tunnels were probably in shambles after the past few years of no use

    32. As he steps out of the elevator, he notices the hall is in total shambles, blood, bullet shells, and bodies cover the floor while blood, bullet holes, and body chunks cover the walls

    33. They talked to him for a while, explaining that it was obvious his life was in shambles because of his compulsive and addictive drinking

    34. “The next thing you know your family is in shambles and you are getting molested for a job you never thought you would have

    35. This world is in shambles, wars, civil wars, acts of

    36. The poor kid was in shambles

    37. After six months the project was in a complete shambles and irrecoverable

    38. The money side gets into a shambles, jobs are late and/or lose

    39. ‘’Unfortunately, I’m afraid that this airfield is now a complete shambles

    40. ’ All agreed and agreed to roars of more laughter that a Greek empire would be a great shambles

    41. ‘’General Sokolin told me that he has only a handful of planes left, all outclassed by the American planes, while his airfields are a shambles

    42. The Americans‘ government would be in shambles

    43. After half an hour of searching, with the house now a shambles, a captain reported to his superior

    44. It was a shambles

    45. Even more, massive bomber raids on the German airbases in Sardinia and Corsica in the last days had left those airfields in utter shambles, with no German plane left in flying state there

    46. shambles and the VA wont even send somebody out to help

    47. You have been running your life over all of these years and now your life is in a state of total shambles as result of trying to do everything out of your own intelligence levels and out of your own flesh

    48. “This is a bloody shambles, and simply not up to the standard I expect,” was the message

    49. The room was in shambles, and the remnants of the party remained

    50. The place was a shambles, and I got frightened being

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