Use "shares" em uma frase
shares frases de exemplo
1. d) Capital gains from the sale of shares
2. Investment in shares has been a fascination for many due to publicity given to unbelievable profit earned by a few speculators
3. For those who are still interested in trading of shares, it is necessary to understand certain fundamental terms related to companies whose shares are available for buying or selling
4. While the above advantages are bound to result in better average performance of the investments, it must be clearly understood that this can neither compete with abnormal appreciation of a few shares nor escape the effect of a bearish market when share prices are lower than their purchase price
5. shares of stock in Microsoft and
6. AA very reasonably large company have recently bought 50,000 shares wholly through a leading stockbroker
7. God is the one who reigns, and He shares His throne with no one
8. This is Gonzar, she shares his cabin but isn't employed by the ship
9. I want to go back and re-examine that impactor to see if it shares this new phenomenon
10. Regular substantial amounts going into the savings account … what do they represent? They look quarterly … yes, that’s right … what sort of payments are paid like that? Interest? Dividends? Would her father have had shares in something? He must have made a fair bit when he sold the shop … what did he do with it? Did he buy shares with some of it? Ann might know
11. as a going concern? What did they do with the money? I'm pretty sure those are dividend payments going into the savings account so that would suggest shares in something or other
12. She’s the secretary who shares my office
13. Sometimes I get tired of lying down, I do some shares of his things and tidy up his flat and he does appreciate it very much
14. My sorrows, heartaches, He willingly shares
16. He shares in the produce of their labour, or in the value which it adds to the materials upon which it is bestowed; and in this share consists his profit
17. The one enjoys the whole produce of his own industry, the other shares it with his master
18. tickets ; and others, small shares in a still greater number
19. Well I got so clever at this that I went onto shares but I found to my horror that all the changing of the time had to be completed within the twelve hour limit
20. "I still ask one condition of any man who shares my bed
21. I am fully aware that not everyone shares my opinion on this topic
22. In his book, entitled “I Ain’t Much Baby – But I’m All I’ve Got”8, he shares
23. Though Euredon, Andrastus, and I took half shares at our one meal of the day, and Mother none at all, the little ones still cried themselves to sleep with hunger
24. When a man of fortune spends his revenue chiefly in hospitality, he shares the greater part of it with his friends and companions; but when he employs it in purchasing such durable commodities, he often spends the whole upon his own person, and gives nothing to any body without an equivalent
25. “No, from what I hear, she shares in the fun
26. No landlord shares with him in its produce, and, the share of the sovereign is commonly but a trifle
27. In reality, the roles we play are not as important as how we play them! Lorna Byrne, a lady author who has the ability to see angels or beings of light shares the same perspective about the life paths of people in general
28. Ashley lets Willie sleep in her bed while she shares an air mattress with Jen
29. The first mate had the largest number of shares after the captain, so it was incumbent upon the first
30. It shares these attributes with legislation: Although you may enjoy the final product, you do not want to see how it was made
31. Investors bought shares of mutual funds rather than stocks in individual companies and trusted in savvy managers to buy into companies whose stock would go up
32. increase in the value of the mutual fund shares to more than cover the commissions
33. mutual fund of the era, to sell shares of Dreyfus to Americans
34. in both groups who were willing to buy Dreyfus Fund shares on
35. Everybody figured that sales of Dreyfus Fund shares would rise along with the stock market and more than offset the commissions
36. shares, buying them from Dreyfus and reselling them
37. IOS-owned mutual funds sold shares in their funds to the Fund of
38. Funds, and another when the Fund of Funds sold its shares to its
39. He’d give the guy a job and some shares of IOS, which wasn’t
40. be his baby, just like it was in the late fifties when he was selling Dreyfus Fund shares
41. serious, he was buying IOS shares, and Bernie’s reputation was
42. Now all the big hotel chains are into timesharing, although it’s more often called fractional sharing or fraction shares
43. This happens where the shareholders contract does not provide the right of first buying of shares to the original shareholders
44. Why? Simply because I got bitten when I was younger when my clients' business partner (fellow shareholder) decided to leave after a few months and offered his shares at a ridiculous price to him! He either had to buy it or end up with a shareholder he disliked even more
45. Listed company's tend to be the owners of nothing except their name and shares which may or may not be bulls-t when (not if) the fan hits (you know what)
46. Socialism (without the brutal trappings) shares a number of characteristics common to Autocratic Rule including an inherent contempt for mainstream conventions
47. In this manner, an occasional (market) quirk or (uncertain) political event would seem to ―justify‖ bailing out; in turn spooking unsophisticated investors into selling off their own shares in order to cut their losses before their portfolios hit rock bottom thereby setting the table for savvier investors to acquire them on the cheap
48. It would seem that compassion is not some feeling ―acquired‖ outside an individual but rather an impression internalized within that individual who, having endured his or her own (private) hardships, is likely to display a more benign, sympathetic attitude toward other individuals who he or she shares or has shared a trying experience; although suffering (in kind) is not a necessary requirement for individuals who would naturally express sympathy for other people because it falls within their ―nature‖ to do so
49. Why? Simply because I got bitten when I was younger when my client's business partner (fellow shareholder) decided to leave after a few months and offered his shares at a ridiculous price to him! He either had to buy it or end up with a shareholder he disliked even more
50. Yet one who shares in My cup, weeping heavily The hard of heart have no knowledge, even all revelation is hidden upon My chest, has touched the heart of God