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    sick person frases de exemplo

    sick person

    1. It benefits all, it preserves the vested rights and it attends the necessities in quality and sufficiency of resources in a definitive way, without excluding absolutely anybody (seniors, children, adults, people with physical deficiencies, sick persons and others)

    2. I said to meet someone and asked why a sick person would go there

    3. of the Lord were done among a limited number of spectators, and at certain times only with the sick person

    4. His second trip out side of the palace gates, he saw a very sick person

    5. This could have been the reason why physicians didn’t always tell a sick person all she knew

    6. I’m sure you’ve heard of a surgeon amputating the wrong leg of a patient or removing the appendix from the sick person in bed A rather than bed B

    7. When a sick person recovers from his illness, the radiation of the magnetic form of vital energy slowly begins and the lines of the “Health Aura” are brought back into order

    8. It required deliverance, so if there's a spirit of infirmity, praying for the sick person won't set them free

    9. In fact, the Bible says that Jesus resurrected the dead and that it was enough for a sick person just to touch His clothes to recover

    10. Everyone tells a story, but a sick person tells about his pills,” Eugene remarked mockingly

    11. Laying on of hands was an important part of their culture, but would rabbis have ever touched a sick person? No, but did they lay hands on them? Yes

    12. “A very sick person,” muttered Casey, but her mind was already miles away, picturing squeezing her parents tight and telling them everything would be okay

    13. But the kiss had been administered very ceremoniously; it had been quite cooling; such a one as even a bishop might feel justified in applying to the brow of a sick person or a young child

    14. 22, _Is there no physician there?_ preached yearly on one of the later Sundays in Trinity when the cold, continuous rains of autumn were finding out the weak spots in the parish's grandparents, and the peasants, having observed that once one called in a doctor the sick person got better and one had to pay the doctor into the bargain, evaded calling him in if they possibly could, inquiring of each other gloomily how one was to live if death were put a stop to

    15. She wanted to listen, she wanted to listen, why would these people interrupt her--the same words over and over again, faintly throbbing in a rhythm like the rhythm of the wheels of the train that had brought her through the night long ago across Europe to her German home, only very distant, tiny, muffled--"From battle and murder"--yes, she had caught that--"from all women labouring with child"--yes--"from all sick persons"--yes--"and young children"--yes, go on--"Good Lord deliver us"--oh, yes--please

    16. This is of course very good and we do this always but we give very little thought on the verse 16 where it says the sick person as well as the elders should confess their sins together and pray for one another ‘s weaknesses so that the sick will be healed

    17. When you live in future moment at the cost of the moment of Now, you become a looser, a sick person

    18. Instead of the worst living examples of hierarchical society: instead of commercial advertisements selling young people poisoned black sugar-water and coffee and pizza as their role models on how to live a successful life, they will have intelligent active vegetarians who are much more athletic and able and smart than meat-eaters are and will beat the pizza-eaters every time, until eating pizza and drinking coke or coffee will be the sign not only of a loser, but of a sick person who is addicted to unhealthy foods and beverages and needs to clean up their act

    19. Why see the squire as a fat stupid greedy pig? Why see Livesy as the cold inhuman new wave of ‘scientific’ detached human filth selling more sick ways for humans to die from as a ‘doctor’… by draining the blood of a sick person so they die from lack of blood? The Olde pirate died because he tried to stand up after being bled almost empty of blood… all his blood went into his feet and legs… his heart went empty of blood because Livesy the new cunning evil that has managed to hide evil as live!! Is selling people new poisons that actually kill them faster; than if they never had taken them: the new evil… Modern Medicine: the up and coming new drug Age of legalized drugs… legal drugs are good for you! Illegal drugs are bad for you! Legal greed is good for you! Illegal greed is bad for you! The new-age robber the new rationalizing evil so cold blooded and so stupid: Livesy cannot recognize a 40-year old one-legged pirate with only one eye when he sees one

    20. She had probably been called to attend a sick person in the town

    21. I had not yet guessed what sort of person I had to do with, for they had brought him to the hospital as a bodily sick person, not mentally

    22. Besides, she liked him, and had become accustomed to the thought that he would belong to her, and not she to him, and, with the unconscious but persistent craftiness of heart-sick persons, she gained her end

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