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    Use "sighted" em uma frase

    sighted frases de exemplo


    1. By far sighted me with a sweet look, hoping

    2. Even if they were sighted, the villagers would think that they were

    3. She locked in on that, saw where that must have gone, made sure there was nothing else in the area, and drew an arrow sighted toward that area

    4. One of their fellow students was placed in the tower of the school to alert them when the riders were sighted

    5. A little less than 30 minutes later Rah sighted the lone scout

    6. Or by wondering how far sound went and how far the sky goes, or if animals ever get headaches if they're short sighted

    7. But there was no sign of the authorities and now the Cyclops took its time on the horizon half hidden by the glare - the predator had sighted its quarry

    8. hearing and a little short sighted

    9. ” They sighted along their mother's arm and they began the steady push and pull on the tandem oars, always keeping the craft headed for the two boulders

    10. ” Going backwards they veered this way and that at first, until like they did when piloting the boat, they sighted above the deck in the direction aligned with their destination and gradually began to maintain straighter lines once more

    11. Looking about in desperation, he sighted a horse tethered

    12. Most men would have done so, whether blind or sighted

    13. My rifle had one of the new orthoptic sights fitted to it and I sighted on an olive tree in the distance just to get my eye in

    14. I needed nothing more and steadying my breathing I pulled the rifles butt close into my shoulder and sighted on him

    15. I sighted on his chest and watched the fat rolls move like the coils of a python as I watched him push his gun out it reminded me of Lt Cole so I shot him through the chest

    16. I sighted on the man who had taken over I did not know his rank and it didn’t matter I fired and my shot hit him in the throat and his hands flew to his neck to staunch the flow of blood

    17. I positioned my rifle again and thought to myself that he had probably sighted on the foolish Lieutenant again and I was right

    18. I brought the recticle onto his temple again and sighted in I held my breath and squeezed the trigger the butt gave me a small kick in the shoulder and I watched my bullet strike home

    19. were launched whenever a whale was sighted

    20. Once whales were sighted and the captain gave

    21. On June 22, the Shenandoah, while still sailing close to Cape Thaddeus, sighted two ships and steamed after the nearest, which was working on a captured whale

    22. What a combination, a sleuth that had pudding for a nose, and a near sighted

    23. Saldon and Halon had their gags and bonds checked every half hour and they were allowed a mouthful of water only once, when Aramell was sighted

    24. As morning turned into afternoon and into early evening, they finally sighted the lights of Water-Down, where they would find food, beds, and the best doctor in town for Longleaf

    25. But a gunboat, previously a private yacht, had sighted two tramp steamers, and from unexplained reason, taking them for Spaniards, showed a clean pair of heels to Key West with the tidings

    26. The first land sighted was the sandy loam on Cayo Romano, and as the sun set in tropical suddenness, a fire flickered from the summit and was answered by a second flare on the distant heights of Cubitas: a message from the watchful guardia costa to the beleaguered Cuban Government, which has meted isolated justice in spirit rather than in letter, that the day of Cuba's triumph was at hand

    27. She nocked it, sighted it, and let the arrow fly

    28. He is so short sighted (another election to lie to you for a vote) that he places his own interests way before that of his country

    29. Sophomores sighted out there

    30. She sighted a woman, whom she believed to be at least eighty years old, standing with a cane

    31. Looking up new species sighted in the drifts helped fill

    32. This does much to explain my inability to match the locations of distant civilizations I have sighted with those I have detected psionicly

    33. I told him at least fifty different types of UFOs have been sighted

    34. The fact that Onni was the only one to have sighted the

    35. I’d sighted above the floodplains

    36. zone of vegetation that I’d sighted when I encountered the

    37. sighted it at first, and began to hop playfully among the rocks as

    38. sighted the meadow through the trees ahead of me, terrified

    39. “Form up, form up!! Standard Formation Three!! The hssswwx have been sighted, and we have to get ready

    40. “Enemy sighted!!! Thataway!!!” The blind man pointed behind and to his right at what he had seen

    41. higher energy bodies are usually not sighted because of their much higher

    42. Dusk hazily descended as we sighted the meadow through the trees

    43. that his marines have sighted another strange plant formation in the vicinity of Galilee

    44. The last time they were sighted, some weeks ago, the plants had not

    45. I sighted down the scope of the rifle and squeezed the trigger

    46. As time passed they became anxious and told their parents they had not sighted him for some time

    47. Michael was also aware that those who were sighted by the Devil’s gaze were doomed unless one could run faster than the creatures of hellfire could row

    48. Norm stated that this would be a test, just like any other and called them all short sighted

    49. But when he sighted her stepping out of his father’s parnasala, as his fears resurfaced, his heart sank

    50. They sighted the coast of Shem—long rolling meadowlands with the white crowns of the towers of cities in the distance, and horsemen with blue-black beards and hooked noses, who sat their steeds along the shore and eyed the galley with suspicion

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