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    Use "ski" em uma frase

    ski frases de exemplo




    1. The car sat up and seemed to skim across the surface water like a steroidal jet ski, and still he pushed and pulled at the wheel, desperate for more speed

    2. She said the winters were very cold up there so he looked for some long johns, and some ski clothes, gloves, thermal socks, and ski boots

    3. ‘Can I go on the ski trip, Aunt Sally? I’d love to if I can

    4. To see or ride a ski lift in your dream indicates that you are achieving new heights and overcoming your fears

    5. “We might be standing in the future location on this planet’s first ski resort

    6. desperate feeling of setting off on the black slope and seeing after a hundred yards why the ski

    7. leapt from the Bimah, arms and legs not exactly in a ski jump position but not far off it, to try to sort out Bubbala, knocking over some of the chiffon and hatted lady folk, who had recovered from their frozen state and were also trying to contain the barmy lady

    8. Getting there was a nightmare, because that slope was like a ski slope, used as punishment for any cadet who had angered our sergeant

    9. It snows there in winter and has the longest ski slope in the Southern Hemisphere

    10. It was painted in psychedelic colours reminiscent of rich people on a ski slope

    11. Their first destination was the Mt Hutt ski area, where LP wanted to have another photo taken after thirty-six years

    12. Arriving at what LP remembered as a small ski resort town, they found something quite different

    13. Winding their way past ski slopes that were closed for summer, they drove for nearly three hours before being stopped by road works

    14. The first thought that came to mind was that it was like the foyer of a mountain lodge ski resort

    15. LP pushed his jet ski from the shallow water and climbed on, with Brownie following

    16. LP slowed to six knots as he beached his ski

    17. LP was still pulling his jet ski further onto dry sand, with his back turned

    18. They headed back down to camp, and with a turning tide LP drove his jet ski as far up the sand as possible

    19. He reversed his forby and put his ski onto a weather-beaten trailer, ready for the run back over the blow, down the beach and back to their house

    20. In the windows, ski masks weaved

    21. Henrietta had a thin nose, but her nose had a little dent in it where she said a man who was departing the funicular to ski had drawn back his gloved hand quickly to jump out of the funicular had hit her nose and he had not stopped to apologize

    22. “Yes, I’ve been taking him up to the ski slopes on the weekends and teaching

    23. He wants to win the school ski race

    24. “Do you think there’s a chance the men with the ski masks could show up at the club?" Jeannine asked

    25. He had spent his winter weekends skiing at the many ski resorts around Mount

    26. “Before I left to come over here, Detective Shamansky called the 7/Eleven to find out if they have a surveillance system, and guess what? They got robbed three times last year so they put cameras on the parking lot to record the faces of robbers before they put on their ski masks,” I said

    27. Two Elk Lodge at the top of the Vail, Colorado ski area was a beautiful and environmentally harmonious structure

    28. One bright winter day a local schoolboy and a vacationing online columnist happened to be paired up on a chairlift at Teton Village ski resort in Jackson Hole, Wyoming

    29. ” The visitor suggested to the boy that if mother nature hadn’t been messed with a bit he wouldn’t be on that ski lift

    30. And was he looking forward to lunch by a warm fire in the Mountain House? As their chair neared the top of the lift the lad found it necessary to spend the remaining moments adjusting his elegant spacesuit ski attire and had no time for further conversation

    31. ” And the kid on the ski lift is pretty much the sort of passive, limp, indulgent automaton his classroom teachers seek to produce as future citizens, using such material as cited above

    32. Her assailant stood over her with an emotionless smile, holding a hatchet that had, previously been concealed in the black ski jacket

    33. “Where’s your family?” I asked as we went into the great room, “They went away to a ski resort for the weekend

    34. Besides, we ski and study”, prompted Mary Eley

    35. son of a teacher who is the owner of a motor-ski company and of Dolley’s Museum, does not hesitate to assert in very strong terms that he likes Ketchikan in winter because he can ski and … study

    36. Doc pulled the Ski Cat up next to the tractor and shut it off

    37. home, and decided he could ski until we got to this beached area,

    38. She undid the loose tie of the bit of ski rope she

    39. and they took ski trips and went hiking, and did things

    40. This little thing is what is called a ski mask

    41. Josh quickly changed, put on his shoes and pulled the ski

    42. Josh removed his own ski mask and focused Brent’s

    43. In the winter, ski resorts and snow activity operators require large influxes of staff

    44. They cruised along well for a couple of years—rarely seeing his family even though they lived within a half hour's drive—rarely seeing hers because they lived seven hundred miles away and vacationed at ski sites during the holidays, in the Southwest in late winter, and hit Europe during the summer—when did such globetrotters have time to visit or be visited?

    45. He slid on a ski mask, put the crow bar in the center console, and stuck Chuck’s gun in his waistband

    46. I opened my eyes and saw that they were dressed in all black with a ski mask and

    47. We'd arrived on the outskirts of a little ski town nestled in the mountains

    48. You could pretty much see everything from there: a school, a bunch of tourist stores and cafes, some ski cabins, and a grocery store

    49. “No one wears ski masks

    50. “Ok no one around here wears ski masks

    1. The Fjordane army skied across plains of old ice, pulling heavy sleds and carrying wooden poles with iron hooks for pulling men from cracks

    2. The army skied in a long single line in the middle-part of the glacier

    3. As the battle approached, and the Fjordane army skied through dim forest, Venn thought of Torvald and wondered how his parents had reacted to the news

    4. They skied as fast as they could down to Vail Village, where a limousine filled with hot chocolate was waiting for them

    5. They walked up a steep grass incline overlooking the grey skied

    6. We had skied in our

    7. A choir of laughter skied their eyes to the horizon of their imagination

    8. they spread a blanket that we skied down on

    9. He told us he skied here

    10. But he still skied here through it all,

    11. You know, he has skied here his last time---

    12. We Skied The Big One

    13. I've always skied free, I never could see me

    14. I Skied This Way Alone

    15. But, when I skied down this evenin',

    16. And the steepest lines she'd ever skied

    17. We skied the lines

    18. And I've always skied as good

    19. snow that he's kissed," "kissed" being like "skied," refers to

    20. the honor of the millions of turns he ain't skied;

    21. skiing, we have the sneaky suspicion he skied only with hard-core

    22. I knew it was a mismatch, but I skied

    23. party about April 21, with the lifts running, and I skied in my

    24. never skied with me

    25. are something almost no one enjoys, but they can be skied with

    26. The only real skiers who've ever skied there

    27. not to be skied per-se, but they can "stick their big toe in it" and

    28. skied with and hung out with quite a few real extreme skiers, in-

    29. Bud Ridenour, skied with me most of the day

    30. Well, she skied so low that I couldn't say no;

    31. He skied with Balance in Motion,

    32. one can tell in his fresh tracks where no man has skied

    33. Yes, Ahmed and I skied together

    34. "Well," insisted Elisha, "you have skied with the

    35. gather, has only skied with the best, as it is his way and

    36. they spread a blanket that we skied

    37. ment from the ski business as we know it, and I skied

    38. "I am reminded of a family I once skied with for a

    39. While the other two got lazy and skied

    40. skied comfortable all day long in the knowledge that

    41. ing him his money's worth--so again he skied in des-

    42. last we heard was: he skied out of bounds in a perpet-

    43. tell me where he's gone? He skied with a lot of people--you

    44. hardly ever skied a day in his life

    45. life and they've skied with much greater skiers more

    46. have skied with thousands more students

    47. ple; heck, some PSIA examiners haven't skied with

    48. The last day I skied with him, he

    49. check it out?' He skied straight to it and, with a perfect

    50. “I was flying when I skied over that big jump yesterday,” said Max

    1. Even if you’ve been an avid golfer, a fiend for tennis, loved playing hockey or zooming downhill on skis, you can’t assume you’ve retained your sense of balance

    2. quite a few summers on water skis

    3. Nor, the visitor persisted, would he have those elegant Rossignol skis on his feet, or top of the line Technica boots to hold them on

    4. The full service sports shop carries skis and

    5. As she turned to go, the person on the skis hit the water

    6. His skis hit that cement and he just flew out of

    7. “There was a pair of skis and poles that we figured Markhan had been working on with your brother Steb

    8. They sometimes stopped to pull strips of fur onto their skis for shuffling uphill

    9. Ted found skis and boots for all of us

    10. My skis were wooden, with black boots that buckled tightly up my ankle

    11. I plowed into the line waiting to go up the mountain, one of my skis went flying off over the cars in the parking lot, the other was with me

    12. In winter, the crisp mountain air echoes with the swish of skis and the laughter of happy people

    13. skis in silence, not discussing the miraculous truth that we had drawn

    14. we started down slowly, sliding on the skis, advancing with the

    15. skis, prompted the poles to secure the equipment, then went to the

    16. The Beach was opened, jet skis were lowered into the water and the grills were fired up on the rear of the boat by the transom doors

    17. Turn! she told herself, jabbing her ski pole into the mat, slightly in front and to the side, and pushing the tips of her skis round the pole

    18. Losing some speed by skidding the tails of the skis, she lost the rhythm and her turns ended up four mats wide

    19. Simon still hadn't got his skis clipped on, and Debbie was just getting off the lift, so he motioned to Ben

    20. She looked back up at the top of the slope, where Mike was motioning Simon out on his skis

    21. Sliding out and into his short turns, Simon proved that although he didn't have quite the same panache as on the board, he was perfectly competent on skis, controlling the tight turns all the way to the bottom

    22. He unclipped his skis and walked over to Jude, who was leaning on the fence at the top of the ski tow

    23. Boards and skis don’t come equipped with seat belts and

    24. “But I haven’t got any skis, either

    25. Miller had been impressed by Lloyd’s skill on skis, so he had no concerns about his ability to cope

    26. He lowered his binoculars, fastened his skis, and took the Kalashnikov from his back-pack

    27. Thank the Lord he was not wearing cross-country skis

    28. They swept down the slope, showering powdery snow from their skis in their wake

    29. The front snow skis of this particular machine were twisted and mangled, metal pieces scattered beyond the tree with larger pieces rammed against it, and it didn’t take long for Kimi to figure out what had happened

    30. Then a man came into view driving a golf buggy - it was Mario with two suitcases one on his lap and one in the boot of the golf buggy, which had some skis in the roof rack

    31. Yakov fitted the skis across the front seat, then

    32. They took my skis in Snow Basin,

    33. think about it, but it crosses my skis too!"

    34. they placed his skis upon his door

    35. She just got on her skis, with a confident style,

    36. fers to have students with him when he skis, though PSIA

    37. pert skis the blues in his own melancholy way

    38. the skis become for high-speed carving, the mountain will always

    39. in the winter riding long-n-lively skis

    40. Gary skis with a pur-

    41. of a pair of skis in the snow above the victim, making an X to block

    42. students, with your skis, with the mountain and its snow

    43. snow much more interesting, and our skis much more responsive

    44. our skis, even a few punctuation marks, and this has everything to

    45. more than your skis; nowadays (even 1990 and the '80s and before,

    46. but especially in 2000 and 2010) the skis are practically designed to

    47. turn for you---there's a big reverse in skis and boots from then (the

    48. tions---by the way, the longer skis for an expert's routine higher

    49. cate with your skis, whereas free-heel skiing, cross-country and

    50. Again, whereas skis are heavy and cumbersome to

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