The young woman had her brains bashed in, chunks of her skull cracked and pulled outward like it was done with a crowbar or the back of a hammer
Your eyes boil out of your skull and the fire climbs into your mouth as you scream
You've got a thick skull there
Peter screamed as the rabbit sunk his teeth into his skull
Her skull had one hell of a whack, Mum
It felt as though Smiler was going to push the gun barrel right through my skull
It had taken them some time to pick all the bits of gravel out of her skin … thankfully, there was no damage to her skull, though that was probably more luck than anything else
He and his colleagues were on a boat, coming home, and he fell and hit his head … smashed his skull
Cut marks on the skull and
One of the seamen dived in after him and dragged him out, but his skull was caved in where he hit it
Coming from them, the news finally penetrated his thick skull, and he realized fully that he was going to be a father
I take two and lie down again, every muscle in my head, neck and shoulders tensed against the pounding pain in my skull
Ish looked oddly out of place with his skull
Helen Roach rapidly became a recluse, a shambolic, unkempt creature living a half-life of darkness in her bedroom, where she filled her ears with cotton wool buds when sober enough to remember that the worm was turning in her poor, throbbing skull
The woman in the photo has what I can only describe as a delicate skull cap made up of tiny flowers and leaves which she wears over her perfectly straight hair
he wasn't wearing his skull cap
The forefront of style among those that could afford it was the advanced surgical procedure that separated the skull into three sections, lifted it away, and put in a net that made all your thoughts available as your user interface to the network
her poor, throbbing skull
‘He’s cracked his fucking skull
The words that fled from him as he stood by the door are now crowding into his skull, jostling for position, desperate to gain access to the thin atmosphere that Billy is breathing
She was big, with a bigger skull than even Enjteen had, and she appeared to be a very pronounced grey, at least from what she could see in this light, with thick wrinkled skin, what she could see of it
It broke his skull
‘His skull was fractured and he died instantly
He swims in darkness as his pupils flick up into his skull
The back of his skull was lying two
He reared and kicked at the barriers of his prison, and in the process crushed in the chest and skull of the faithful liveryman pinned to the railing by the mare
His father’s skull was stapled back together with what looked like
She pulled a gun out of the dead man’s pocket and pointed it to her skull
of his skull and into the sand
crack your skull wherever you are – in the street, at his
I started to squeeze I knew he was dead when his eyeballs popped out of his skull
What happened? he wondered, rubbing the back of his skull while his jadestone eyes took in his surroundings
An eye pushed into its skull
The spike he landed on entered the back of his skull and stuck through where his
He patted one of his smaller kin on the back, nearly toppling him over as he sought to pull his pickaxe from the skull of an undead corpse
" And then away she flew, and Kay sat quite alone in the empty halls of ice that were miles long, and looked at the blocks of ice, and thought and thought till his skull was almost cracked
His eyes were brown, though difficult to detect beneath the shadow of his brow, which was a cliff jutting out of his skull
The skull was of enormous capacity, but the body of the man was small and frail, twisted in the shoulders and back
A scruffy black wig sat lopsided atop her bald skull
His skin was translucent and stretched over his skull so severely that Emily believed a single cut on his cheek would be enough to split open his entire face
" The voice of Nathalia was somewhat softer on his ears, but the memories it stirred sent cracks running through his skull
Her hair was blond and short, hanging slightly past the tops of her ears and lying flat against the contours of her skull
With a simple tap, the dwarf could crush a human's skull
Nestled in the foul padding, an eyeless doll stared outward, her silk stuffing oozing down her face like maggots from a corpse's skull
Leaning over, Alec pointed his bow at the creature's skull and fired, turning the dwarf's head into silver-fire and dust
The man pulled the trigger and the compacted shotgun pellets hit Axel in the side of his head, tearing out his eye and ripping at his flesh and skull
His fingertips moved to pierce the elf’s skull
Her eyes were empty sockets, as if they had ruptured in her skull
He screamed as Mila bent down and bit into his skull
Kendal’s fist landed squarely on Mila’s head, collapsing half her skull, snapping her neck and folding her head back behind her shoulders
I was tempted to hurl it into the back of his skull, but I resisted
Weeks later, they threw Euredon’s skull onto a dung heap
You see, he’s got these tremendous claws called talons that are so incredibly sharp and strong that many times with a swift grasping and clamping he can not only crush the skull of his victim (ouch!) but also knead its body (ouch again!), thereby giving it a first-round knockout blow (with no ten-count) and simultaneously preparing it for a soon-to-be scrumptious munching down (yum!)
In the furthest corner lay the remains of a skeleton: the skull, the rib cage and one arm
To dream that a skull is trying to swallow you indicates that you are literally being consumed by some danger
She made impact with the leader's skull
A protruding edge of the rock had caved in most of the back of Kevin’s skull
Studying it now I could see that half of this side had been blown away leaving a ragged wound that had exploded out taking blood brains and skull with it
“There was a small mark appeared dead centre of his forehead and then I watched as half his skull and brains flew out the back of his head and he fell backwards dead
highlighted the shape of his skull and the
suggested they could supplement the skull and
The hill in the shape of a skull
of hair, by the perfection of her skull
Her skin was like parchment and the yellow sheen made it look worse the hair that had been a lustrous blonde was now thin dull and lifeless she held her arms out to me and they were like twigs and her face looked like a skull
Then as soon as his feet touched the floor, and he tried to stand, his stomach heaved and his head exploded with a thousand hammers inside the echo chamber of his skull
central tunnel, passing under the leering skull, I noticed that the walls, ceiling and floor of the cavern
The impact broke his neck immediately and shredded his face, leaving skull exposed
“His face is only a skull
clawed black fists and a skull like a ram with twisted black horns
As I looked down into the small shell scrape I saw Tommy Smith led there he had twisted when he fell and I could see the big hole in the back of his head where the skull had been punched out spreading brain matter and blood down the back of his jacket
It removes them for a time, though tonight even Healing isn’t enough to stop this pain in my skull
His jaw felt as though it had been torn from his skull, and as he hit the floor, he put his hand up to his mouth to check his jaw was still attached
He released and the arrow launched into the skull of the vampire, blue sparks flying as his hair caught fire
The arrow struck the man’s forehead and his skull exploded like a ripe melon under a sledge hammer
What occurs to the live baby as the surgical probe has penetrated its skull in order to vacuum out its brain in the supposed mother-saving (whether physical or emotional) exercise
He pressed his palms to his ears, hoping to muffle the noise, but it just seemed to trap the sound behind his eyes, amplifying it as it reverberated around his skull
He could physically feel the guilt, a tangible pain inside his head, pressing on his skull
It felt as if there was a balloon inside his head; air was being pumped between his brain and skull
They were still in their infancy at that time, and it is rumoured that a skyjacker survived two of these dum dum bullets to the head because they broke up against his skull
The ground was littered with sharp shards of rock which would slice open her skull as easily as a sword swung through spring mud
One of the more notorious cases was a Japanese skull sent home by a Marine to his fiancee, where she posed with it for the cover of Life magazine
I awoke to the beat of some demented rock band doing its best to hammer its way into my skull
She shrieked in revulsion, only to receive a stunning blow to the back of her skull
Slammed backwards against the wall, Karla’s skull bounced off the wood panelling with a bang that made her head ring
But this headache seemed worse than usual, a dull pounding in the base of her skull that was echoed in her chest, in her bones
“Can’t you get it through your skull that women are not ‘cunts or broads or bitches’” she screamed
Horns are part of the goat’s skull so only a
He tilted his skull in a characteristic flounce, and gazed intently into my inquiring stare
Philo’s skull was throbbing and enormous veins jutted from his head which seemed ready to burst apart, his scalp beginning to turn red hot
44 to the center of the man’s skull and sliding the safety forward
“Oh, Amonas, that thick skull of yours
Brendan stretched his memory, literally pounding himself on the skull to try to bring it back
The pain pushed harder within my skull and her warm body was with me again, and the taste of her tears, but I could not see her face
His skull caved at some point, splattering brains and blood onto the floor
Blood splattered from the Pole’s fractured skull, and his eyes clouded, there was a spasm in his legs that lifted his feet off the ground momentarily, then he was still, staring blankly at the gray sky above the trees
His thoughts where cut short when he suddenly heard a shout from one of Yuembe’s men and then saw bloodied pieces of skull bounce off a door, the rest of the bandit’s body slumping against it a flick of an eye later, when the gunshot was heard
Its head was dominated by two green eyes, and Russell wondered where the brain was hidden in such a small skull
From within the basin a hundred needle-sharp thorns pierced his scalp and drove on through his skull to penetrate his soft brain