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    small hours frases de exemplo

    small hours

    1. ‘I held her head over the loo while she chucked up in the wee small hours

    2. He comes in for coffee … only it turns into a bottle of red wine and some bread and cheese … we sit and talk until the wee small hours … he makes me laugh a lot with his impressions of some of the teachers at his school

    3. Around the third night of my captivity in the apartment, late into the small hours, I heard a faint tapping coming from the pipe that connected the radiator in my room to the circuit of pipes that ran through the apartment

    4. Later that same night, in the small hours of Christmas Day, I lay on my mattress, nursing the mother of all headaches and feeling every breath burn through my clogged and battered nose and ribs

    5. of consumption from the rumble of small hours traffic

    6. in the small hours of dark recovery

    7. The knocking at my door ceased in the small hours

    8. I heard the clock chime the hour, the small hours,

    9. Instead they went back to the pub, via a local car park, and didn't come home until the wee small hours

    10. Then late into the small hours of another disturbed night Kirk

    11. small hours of the morning in consultation with

    12. window, until the small hours of the morning finally

    13. small hours of the night, before returning shakily to their

    14. In the small hours of the night, he awoke and motioned me to move closer

    15. The warmth of the night earlier had given its place to a fresh, wet breeze that helped him stay awake despite the small hours

    16. She and Bridget would often talk into the small hours of the morning about their past and childhood

    17. Dancing into the small hours at the Irish venues often followed the sessions in the pubs

    18. That year was also marked by the loud knocking on the door in the small hours of an early winter morning

    19. Another night later also in the small hours, someone smashed the front window of the shop, stealing what could be reached through it and the police called again

    20. Christmas day was spent in restaurants and New Years Eve was a noisy Fiesta with fireworks and dancing into the small hours

    21. the small hours poring over some text or other on some aspect of book produc-

    22. The party that night in the quickly converted maintenance hangar went into the small hours of the morning

    23. During the small hours of their second night on-board, as they were passing near a small Gehenna of an island called Lampedusa, the officer on watch had failed to spot two small craft delivering armed boarders to the stern of the ship

    24. Posted in the small hours of the morning, 12:30

    25. A clap of thunder shook him awake in the small hours of the night

    26. She would make her escape in the wee small hours when the guards were dozing

    27. I was out partying with a group of hotel guests, up well into the small hours

    28. It will be remembered that the Princess ran away on a Monday, arrived at Baker's in the small hours of Wednesday morning, and had now spent both Wednesday and Thursday in Symford

    29. Surely they would sit down to smoke a cigarette in the small hours, when it wasn’t so likely anymore that their boss would turn up to see what they were doing!

    30. They went to Les Halles in the small hours of the morning and had onion soup at Pied de Cochon

    31. practiced until the small hours of the morning before I felt sure of

    32. The city was his, there in the small hours, the period between bars closing at four and the early risers at six, that was his golden time

    33. We ate, drank, and laughed to the small hours, meeting at

    34. We talked; or rather I listened into the small hours of the morning

    35. openly into the small hours of the morning about world history and its chequered

    36. On the minor gambling houses your worship may exercise your power, and it is they that do most harm and shelter the most barefaced practices; for in the houses of lords and gentlemen of quality the notorious sharpers dare not attempt to play their tricks; and as the vice of gambling has become common, it is better that men should play in houses of repute than in some tradesman's, where they catch an unlucky fellow in the small hours of the morning and skin him alive

    37. has been telling some yankee interviewer that you came to him in the small hours of the morning to ask him about planes of consciousness

    38. However, the plague was only one of the hazards to a sixteen-year-old girl running away from home, and Merthin ’s fertile imagination tortured him, in the small hours of the night, with thoughts of what might have happened to her

    39. I was decanted at Crewe in the small hours and had

    40. At that moment General Woundwort, out on the open grass below the bank, was facing Thistle and Ragwort in the checkered yellow moonlight of the small hours

    41. Calling him in my sleepless small hours had become something of a habit

    42. And then, every ten days or so, there was drunk Lily, or worse (I was never sure), who would hammer on my door in the small hours, ignoring my protests about time and lost sleep, stumble past me with mascara-smudged cheeks and missing shoes and pass out on the little camp bed, refusing to wake when I left in the morning

    43. Especially since it had enabled him to get Natalie Foss up to his hotel room in the small hours

    44. She developed a passionate interest in savant syndrome, and when Charles was staying at the hotel they often sat up after August had gone to bed and talked into the small hours about her son’s abilities, and about everything else too

    45. The peculiar dreamlike state that suffuses the small hours

    46. London teemed with life into the small hours

    47. As a companion he acquires more importance than he ever had as a sort of minor genius in his way—as an original Italian sailor whom I allowed to come in in the small hours and talk familiarly to the editor of the Porvenir while the paper was going through the press

    48. In the small hours of the morning, our son, Matthew, was born

    49. In the small hours of April 2, we took the stage at Great Gildersleeves, a dive in the Bowery that made CBGB’s look quite fancy, but another address where the semi-hemi-demimonde hung out next to the Hells Angels

    50. I spent nights deep in The Wee Small Hours of the Morning, No One Cares, and Only the Lonely, that incredible run of intense ballad albums that Sinatra had cut for Capitol with Nelson Riddle; Where Are You? arranged by Gordon Jenkins, and Close to You and More, recorded with the Hollywood String Quartet

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