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    small part frases de exemplo

    small part

    1. This book is just a small part of what I want to share with you about

    2. ‘It’s a pity you’ve got such a small part

    3. Finally, a small part of flirting does go to what is said

    4. The small party left the Queens Office and went their different ways

    5. ” Harry was very glad that he was in some small part, helping in the security of his family

    6. and Jean was only attracting a small part of his attention

    7. was to insist that he leave – but a small part of her was

    8. A small part of this high price, therefore, is sufficient to pay the wages of the extraordinary labour bestowed upon their cultivation, and the profits of the extraordinary stock which puts that labour into motion

    9. small party of pilgrims approaching

    10. Portugal, however, is but a very small part of Europe, and the declension of Spain is not, perhaps, so great as is commonly imagined

    11. The farmer, by making it into fresh butter, stores a small part of it for a week ; by making it into salt butter, for a year ; and by making it into cheese, he stores a much greater part of it for several years

    12. But when the division of labour has once been thoroughly introduced, the produce of a man's own labour can supply but a very small part of his occasional wants

    13. The demand of idle people, therefore, for foreign goods, being the same, or very nearly the same as before, a very small part of the money which, being forced abroad by those operations of banking, is employed in purchasing foreign goods for home consumption, is likely to be employed in purchasing those for their use

    14. But how small soever the proportion which the circulating money may bear to the whole value of the annual produce, as but a part, and frequently but a small part, of that produce, is ever destined for the maintenance of industry, it must always bear a very considerable proportion to that part

    15. It seems to have constituted almost the whole circulation of that country; for though the circulation of the Bank of Scotland, which had then no rival, was considerable, it seems to have made but a very small part of the whole

    16. Each of those countries, perhaps, taken singly, could afford it but a small part, either of its subsistence or of its employment ; but all of them taken together, could afford it both a great subsistence and a great employment

    17. Dodging and ducking were skills she had long since acquired and finessed, owing in no small part to her petite size

    18. procrastination is to divide the project into small parts

    19. But it is but a very small part of the annual produce of the land and lahour of a country, which can ever be destined for purchasing gold and silver from their neighbours

    20. With a small part of the profits, she’d build the shrine that she’d long promised her family

    21. At present they are supposed to constitute but a very small part of it

    22. With a small part of this money, Nerissa secured passage for all of them on a coastal

    23. It is not a small part it’s the only part

    24. It is but a very small part of this importation which, it can be supposed, is employed as an annual addition, either to the plate or to the coin of the kingdom

    25. The rebellion’s leader, an ex-Legionnaire himself, had become violently disillusioned and lead in no small part by his pride to carry on a crusade

    26. On account of the frequency of the returns, a part, and probably but a small part, perhaps not above a third or a fourth of the capital which at present carries on this great round-about trade, might have been sufficient to carry on all those small direct ones; might have kept inconstant employment an equal quantity of British industry ; and have equally supported the annual produce of the land and labour of Great Britain

    27. Spain and Portugal furnish but a small part of it

    28. A trading and manufacturing country, therefore, naturally purchases, with a small part of its manufactured produce, a great part of the rude produce of other countries; while, on the contrary, a country without trade and manufactures is generally obliged to purchase, at the expense of a great part of its rude produce, a very small part of the manufactured produce of other countries

    29. A part, though indeed but a small part of the salary of the judges of the court of session in Scotland, arises from the interest of a sum of money

    30. “I"ve only seen a small part of the city

    31. In some universities, the salary makes but a part, and frequently but a small part, of the emoluments of the teacher, of which the greater part arises from the honoraries or fees of his pupils

    32. By means of them, the whole body of the people was completely instructed in the use of arms ; whereas it is but a very small part of them who can ever be so instructed by the regulations of any modern militia, except, perhaps, that of Switzerland

    33. This is only a small part of the complexity that is contained within this piece of scripture

    34. The servants of the most careless private person are, perhaps, more under the eye of their master than those of the most careful prince; and a public revenue, which was paid in kind, would suffer so much from the mismanagement of the collectors, that a very small part of what was levied upon the people would ever arrive at the treasury of the prince

    35. It is in general, however, but a small part of the public revenue, which, in a great empire, has ever been drawn from such taxes ; and the greatest sum which they have ever afforded, might always have been found in some other way much more convenient to the people

    36. Fourthly and lastly, some part even of the rent of land belongs to the same rank ; a considerable part to those who are somewhat below the middling rank, and a small part even to the lowest rank ; common labourers sometimes possessing in property an acre or two of land

    37. But in rich and great families, where country hospitality is much practised, the malt liqours consumed by the members of the family make but a small part of the consmnption of the house

    38. In that respect, the raid is reminiscent of the 1968 Vietcong Tet Offensive in South Vietnam which, while a devastating setback militarily, was a huge psychological win for the Vietcong/North Vietnamese, due in no small part that after the offensive became public knowledge, Walter Cronkite (the most trusted man in America) declared the Vietnam War lost to the United States

    39. While awaiting the arrival of Governor Maxwell I joined a small party of press-men on a somewhat tentative exploration of the town

    40. Perhaps she could do some small part in helping Reese to find her

    41. A small party had then been sent forward to scout the land

    42. She smiled a soft, secretive smile and touched her swollen belly lightly, aware that now, no matter where her love went, there would always be a small part of him with her

    43. It is but a small part and though important it is only fought in exceptional circumstances

    44. Claims that the media is mostly liberal are based on poorly done studies that only survey small parts of the media, such as the press corps that covers the White House

    45. Only a small part will remain in the land

    46. And the open land, only a small part of which they had ranged through, he now saw in a somehow larger sense

    47. A small part though was still focused on matters that had to be dealt there and then, such as receiving reports and issuing the right orders

    48. It was the truth although just a small part of it

    49. A small part of it seemed to give me the feeling of a very ancient past, but it was hard to tell, my mind was so full of everything

    50. All of history revealed that there have been many names, many attributes, many understandings, with the latter seeming to borrow some small part from the former

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